Cuba Responds to Trump’s Affront


Playing to his neocon base, along with south Florida anti-Cuban extremists, Trump slammed the door on improved US relations with the island state - the latest administration embarrassment.  On Friday evening, Cuba’s leadership responded as follows:

The Cuban Government denounces the new measures to tighten the blockade, which are doomed to fail as has been shown repeatedly in the past, and which will not achieve its purpose to weaken the Revolution or to defeat the Cuban people, whose resistance to the aggressions of Any type and origin has been proven over almost six decades.” 

Looking ahead, it’s hard being optimistic after being betrayed so many times before - Trump like all the others infesting Washington, part of a corrupted system too debauched to fix.

“The Government of Cuba also reiterates its willingness to continue respectful dialogue and cooperation on issues of mutual interest, as well as the negotiation of pending bilateral issues with the United States Government.”

“The United States is not in a position to give us lessons. We have serious concerns about the respect and guarantees of human rights in that country, where there are numerous cases of murders, brutality and police abuses, particularly against the African American population.”


“The right to life is violated as a result of gun deaths. Child labor is being exploited, and there are serious manifestations of racial discrimination. Threatening to impose more restrictions on health services, would leave (at least) 23 million (more) people without health insurance...There is a wage inequality between men and women. Migrants and refugees are marginalized, particularly those from Islamic countries. Its intention to erect walls will denigrate neighbors and abandon international commitments to preserve the environment and address climate change.”
Trump’s Presidential Policy Directive is scheduled to take effect in 90 days. Maybe he’ll take further steps to prevent improved relations with Cuba. In a few short months in office, he broke every responsible policy pledged. Instead of draining the swamp, he filled it with hawkish generals, billionaires and neocons. He delegated economic and financial policy to Goldman Sachs.
He kept power in Washington instead of “giving it back to you, the people.”
“(C)hanges starting right here and right now” never happened.
“The forgotten men and women of our country” continue being ignored.
“The American carnage (didn’t stop) right here and right now.”
“The oath of office (he took was) an oath of allegiance” to America’s privileged class, not “all Americans,” as promised.
Instead of “unit(ing) the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism,” he supports it in multiple US war theaters. Instead of making America proud, prosperous and great again, he made it more of a pariah state in a few short months in office. Looking ahead, it’s hard being optimistic after being betrayed so many times before - Trump like all the others infesting Washington, part of a corrupted system too debauched to fix. 


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STEPHEN LENDMAN lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."  ( ) Visit his blog site at

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uza2-zombienationTrump’s Presidential Policy Directive is scheduled to take effect in 90 days. Maybe he’ll take further steps to prevent improved relations with Cuba. In a few short months in office, he broke every responsible policy pledged. Instead of draining the swamp, he filled it with hawkish generals, billionaires and neocons. He delegated economic and financial policy to Goldman Sachs.

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