It’s Official: Any Future Gas Attacks In Syria Are Definite False Flags

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ISIS actors, the much praised in the West "White Helmets" supposedly helping victims of Russian planes or that "monster" Bashir al-Assad, all very convenient to be exploited by Western media propaganda. Warning: This photo is staged by Western media manipulators.

The Trump administration has issued statements which confirm beyond a doubt that if there are any chemical weapons attacks on civilians in Syria, they are not being perpetrated by the Syrian government but by some other party trying to provoke and/or manufacture support for NATO aggression against the Assad administration.

The statement released by the White House reads as follows:

“The United States has identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime that would likely result in the mass murder of civilians, including innocent children. The activities are similar to preparations the regime made before its April 4, 2017 chemical weapons attack.

As we have previously stated, the United States is in Syria to eliminate the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. If, however, Mr. Assad conducts another mass murder attack using chemical weapons, he and his military will pay a heavy price.”

Next time this pathetic lying moron begins to wail and shed crocodile tears for children supposedly killed by Pres. Assad in yet another nonsensical "chemical weapons" attack, laugh in his face! (And spit in the eye of the media whores pushing their disgusting lies, too.)

So there you have it. The Trump administration has now threatened the Syrian government so aggressively, specifically and unequivocally that if there is a chemical weapons attack on civilians it can only mean one of two things: either (A) Assad is suffering from some sort of severe and untreated form of schizophrenia which would cause him to deliberately invite the wrath of the most powerful military force in the history of human civilization, or (B) the attack wasn’t perpetrated by Assad at all. Since we can tell from Assad’s intelligent and thoughtful interviews in perfect English that he is mentally competent, we will be able to safely eliminate the first possibility, leaving only the conclusion that it was a false flag of some sort.

It could technically be possible that the White House’s statement was a sincere attempt to save the lives of Syrians and deter the perceived threat of a chemical weapons attack, except that this possibility started looking a lot more remote after UN Ambassador Nikki Haley tweeted that the Trump administration intends to blame both Assad and his allies for any attacks on the civilians of Syria, a nation known to be crawling with ISIS, Al Qaeda and other violent jihadist factions with an extensive history of deliberately attacking civilians.

As TYT’s Michael Tracey rightly notes, incendiary comments from Haley immediately preceded Trump’s deadly missile strike of a Syrian airbase in April.

Here are a few other things you need to know:

  • The United States has a well-documented history of using false flags, lies and propaganda to manufacture support for evil acts of military aggression. From the false flag in the Gulf of Tonkin to justify the Vietnam War, to the false “babies out of incubators” Nayirah testimonyused to justify the Gulf War, to the lies about weapons of mass destruction and the media propaganda campaign which married the unrelated concepts of Saddam Hussein and 9/11 so successfully in the minds of the public that six months after the invasion of Iraq 70 percent of them thought Saddam was personally responsible for the September 11 attacks, to the lies which magically transformed America’s military involvement in Libya from a “humanitarian” effort into a deliberate regime change intervention, you can count on the US power establishment to lie and deceive at every turn to manufacture support for its military power grabs.
  • There are many, many reasons to be intensely skeptical of the notion that Assad has ever used chemical weapons on anyone at all. These include Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh’s brand new reportclaiming that the Trump administration was fully aware that there was no evidence for Assad having used chemical weapons in the Idlib province on April 4 but was bound and determined to carry out the April 6 missile strike anyway, as well as Hersh’s 2013 report “Whose Sarin?” which strongly argued that it was the terrorist group Al-Nusra who used sarin gas on civilians that year, not the Syrian government. There’s also the fact that the UN’s Carla Del Ponte has gone on record stating that evidence seems to implicate the “rebel” forces fighting Assad as the ones who used sarin in 2013. Then there’s MIT professor Theodore A. Postol’s thorough analysis claiming to conclusively disprove the possibility that Assad was behind the Idlib attacks in April. There’s also the self-evident fact that it would have made no sense for Assad to carry out chemical weapons attacks in April, with the White House having just relaxed its stance toward him days earlier and Syrian forces having just scored major victories over the terrorist forces which seemed to indicate immanent victory; the timing was so suspicious it prompted former Congressman Ron Paul to say that there was “zero chance” that Assad was behind the attack. The White House statement made just today is perfect evidence of an escalation in hostility from the west that would have made such an attack an impossibly insane blunder to make. Just to name a few gaping plot holes in the official narrative about Syria.

  • America’s unelected power establishment has been gunning for Syria for a long time now, and there are many reasons for this. In addition to Syria’s important strategic location in the oil and gas resource battle that the US has been largely dominating via its military and economic might, Syria’s border dispute with Israel over the Golan Heights means that Israel has every reason to want to keep Syria in check, not only because the Golan Heights contains oil but because it provides a third of Israel’s water supply. Assad also launched what he called his “Five Seas Vision” in 2004, a strategy to use Syria’s supreme geographic location to become an economic superpower. Needless to say, such a plan wouldn’t sit well with the current king of economic power, the United States, which can only maintain its hegemony by keeping other nations down. And of course, the involvement of Russia and Iran sets the stage for strategic battles with those rival nations as well.

  • The Trump administration has been working to provoke Assad and his allies into a war with gradually increasing intensity and frequency.

  • Everything you hear about Syria in the legacy media is laced with lies and manipulations. It’s impossible to know what kind of a leader Assad really is, because there’s just too much propaganda in the air. When CNN has gone so far as to deliberately stage a fake interview with a seven year-old Syrian girl who can’t speak English reciting scripted anti-Assad war propaganda, you know it’s impossible to tell which way is up. All we can really be sure of is that Syria is a sovereign country and is none of America’s business.

  • That bears repeating: SYRIA IS A SOVEREIGN COUNTRY AND IS NONE OF AMERICA’S BUSINESS. The concept of humanitarian warfare is a very new invention, and actualizing it never helps advance humanitarian interests. Libya is a shredded crater of a nation because of the US and NATO’s last “humanitarian” intervention, and now that it’s been chewed up and spat out you never hear anything about it despite the prevalence of vastly more humanitarian strife than there ever was under Gaddafi. They took him out and they’re bound and determined to take out Assad as well, using the same lines and the same strategies, not for humanitarian reasons but for power and money. They make it about protecting children and civilians because they can’t just be honest and tell the American people that it’s about power and money. Unlike Russia and Iran, America is in Syria without the permission of the Syrian government, and it has no business being there.

If the purpose of these announcements was to signal Syrian terrorist groups to launch a chemical weapons attack so that Assad can be overthrown, or a psy-op laying the groundwork for the media coverage that will follow a false flag chemical weapons attack planned by the US war machine itself, then America’s deep state may have made a major strategic error here. Because I can promise right here and now that the second any chemical weapons attack occurs in that nation I’ll be sharing this article around like mad yelling “See! They’re doing it! They’re doing that evil thing!” And I know many other clear-eyed rebels will be pointing at the same evidence and drawing attention to the evil.

I really hope it doesn’t come to that, but if America’s unelected power establishment is really stupid enough to try and use another gas attack to justify yet another “humanitarian” regime change invasion, it will end them. We will make sure of it.

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About the Author
Caitlin Johnstone
is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician. 

Have a laugh on these two sociopathic hypocrites
They say they will restore America to being a “leading force for good…”

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uza2-zombienationThe United States has a well-documented history of using false flags, lies and propaganda to manufacture support for evil acts of military aggression. From the false flag in the Gulf of Tonkin to justify the Vietnam War, to the false “babies out of incubators” Nayirah testimonyused to justify the Gulf War, to the lies about weapons of mass destruction and the media propaganda campaign which married the unrelated concepts of Saddam Hussein and 9/11 so successfully in the minds of the public that six months after the invasion of Iraq 70 percent of them thought Saddam was personally responsible for the September 11 attacks, to the lies which magically transformed America’s military involvement in Libya from a “humanitarian” effort into a deliberate regime change intervention, you can count on the US power establishment to lie and deceive at every turn to manufacture support for its military power grabs.

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