Is This the Beginning of the End for John McCain?

horiz-long grey


Is McCain's influence in Washington waning?

The end of John McCain as a political player can't come too soon. Few men can claim such a long and sinister shadow. Son of an admiral and married to a reactionary billionaire, darling of the rabid Neocons, this hateful, ignorant and mentally unstable man has been an unmitigated plague on humanity since the days he donned the US navy uniform to bomb peasants in Vietnam. As US politicians go, of course, he's just par for the course. Scumbags is all the American system elects to high office.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Republicans finally giving up on passing an Obamacare Lite bill (now they're going for full repeal with no immediate replacement) is a signal that big changes are on the horizon.

Trump seems more than happy with this outcome. As he should be, since this is what he originally promised.

But John McCain and the GOP leadership probably didn't appreciate the open insurrection in the Senate.

And you can bet that now the Democrats are running scared. That they remain committed to Russia-Gate tells you just how badly they are positioned for the 2018 midterms.

With donations crashing, Kid Rock declaring to run against Debbie Stabenow in Michigan, and Diane Feinstein retiring there is the potential for a real collapse of seniority for the Democrats at the committee level in the Senate, where all the power is concentrated.And that brings me to John McCain. Because, as I made clear in my last article, John McCain is the lynchpin to Trump getting some semblance of control over Congress. McCain is a powerful senior member of a number of committees. He ran for re-election at 79 years old to retain that seniority for the neoconservatives to enact its nihilistic foreign policy.

Make no mistake, McCain, like the rest of the DNC and GOP leadership, is a member of the “Uniparty.” That’s the one that frog-marches us towards global government, universal suffering and perpetual war.

Which is why Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell announcement that the Senate will vote on a clean repeal of Obamacare without any replacement is so important.

First, it means that John McCain’s health issues are more serious than they have let on to this point. Because McCain is the leading stalking horse for the Democrats within the GOP. If he leads the way, he can keep enough members in line to get a bad bill passed.

Second, it means that the GOP leadership no longer feels it needs Obamacare to wipe the floor with the Democrats in the 2018 mid-terms.

Third, it begins the collapse of the Uniparty opposition within the GOP to Trump’s domestic policy. McConnell wouldn’t have done this if there was a way to salvage Obamacare for its corporate backers – the ones who wrote the bill in the first place. So, like the good cockroach he is, he is acceding to the reality that if they don’t repeal Obamacare now, when it collapses for real it will no longer be the Democrats’ issue.

It’ll be theirs.

But there's more to this saga. It’s likely the end of John McCain as a major political force. Obamacare is the thin edge of the wedge that breaks the wall in front of Trump’s plans for reform. It’s a major campaign promise fulfilled. I told you that Trump needed to deal with McCain to get things moving.

It seems that time and karma may have done the job for him. 

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      No … But led to believe that some like the “father” figure as may portray “wisdom” !


      The Southern and Midwestern states send a higher percentage of the soldiers than the other states.


      Sends …. NO ONE SENDS …

      Draft ended in 1972 … 45 years ago !

      Since 1972 … every Soldier is a VOLUNTEER !


      Maybe economic conscripts if no work or welfare available.


      Wow … another Excuse to add to the List !

      And So All those people in Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, [Iraq], [Syria], Tunisia, Yemen, Afghanistan just to Mention a FEW Country’s Invaded by these “U$ American Economic Conscripts” … who are in the Same Position because “U$ American Economic Conscripts” have destroyed their Means of Support should take up Arms and Attack U$ america / U$ America … And they will not be known as the Enemy, nor Terrorists … But “Economic Conscripts” !

      Funny … No work … however when they return as Hero’s / Patriats from Murdering, Maiming, Raping, Torturing, Stealing, Destroying … they discover there are Jobs if you look !!


      Quite true, see my comment above. Part of it, though, is that they are caught in a vise. Poor, unskilled, no manufacturing base left. And partly decades of ‘USA uber alles’ brainwashing has convinced them that they are helping ‘spread freedom and democracy’. This is of course absurd to anyone with critical thinking skills. But the culture of poor education, glamorization of violence on movies, TV, etc as ‘stupidofied’ them. While meanwhile the peacenik Left has also been largely–though not completely–been coopted, neutralized and brainwashed by the so called Liberal media, which uses a different narrative to come to the same conclusion–invading innocent countries and leaders who are systematically slandered and demonized–is necessary, since they are deluded into thinking that America is the guardian moral force. Crazy but that’s how it is. The country with exception of about 5-10% has gone over to the dark side.

About the Author

Tom Luongo is an independent political and economic analyst. Outspoken and uncompromising, his work can be seen at Seeking Alpha on financial matters, Halsey News on cultural and geopolitical issues and his personal blog & podcast Gold, Goats ‘n Guns. Tom is also the former editor of the Resolute Wealth Letter and a current contributor to Newsmax Media’s Financial Intelligence Report. He lives in North Florida with his wife, daughter, herd of dairy goats and his dogs. Follow him on Twitter @TFL1728


Make no mistake, McCain, like the rest of the DNC and GOP leadership, is a member of the “Uniparty.” That’s the one that frog-marches us towards global government, universal suffering and perpetual war. Which is why Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell announcement that the Senate will vote on a clean repeal of Obamacare without any replacement is so important.

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report