U.S. doesn’t Intend to ‘Give’ Deir Ezzor to Syrian Army

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A Dispatch By Anna Jaunger

Major General Rupert Jones—a British officer—is the face of UK's collaboration with the Americans and other parties in the assault on Syria. Britain's murderous meddling in the Middle East goes back over a century. Now the corrupt British ruling elites are happy to play second imperialist fiddle to the Big Bully, hence their presence in Syria and other flashpoints around the world where Washington is causing its usual chaos. That the British people are unable or unwilling to stop this longstanding criminal complicity says a great deal about the state of democracy and information in the Anglo-American world.

Last week the Syrian Army (SAA) backed by allied forces broke the years-long ISIS siege at Deir Ezzor. Residents of the city warmly greeted the liberators of the city. According to many experts, the SAA's success is an important step towards total the eventual complete elimination of ISIS.

This, of course, can be considered as a defeat for the West and its 'partners', who had worked with the Syrian armed opposition and radical groups including ISIS hoping to oust Assad.

The real prospect of the SAA retaking control over the oil-rich territories in this region has prompted the U.S.-led Coalition to launch a new military operation in Deir Ezzor. Apparently, the White House, as could be expected from their direct participation in enabling these terrorists, makes every effort to prevent the SAA from liberating the city from the same murderous fanatics and mercenaries.

The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced on Saturday the launching of Jazeera storm campaign in Syria's Deir Ezzor, which was aimed at capturing areas in the northern and eastern countryside and advancing towards the Euphrates River.

The U.S. intention is to prevent the SAA from assuming control of the region, which by any international convention respecting sovereignty of nations, is entirely entitled to do. This was confirmed by Major General Rupert Jones, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the US-led Coalition. On Sunday, Jones threatened to strike any units of the SAA if it crossed the Euphrates River.

At the same time, the U.S. took another step to prevent Pres. Assad to re-establish control over the country. On September 22, 2017, the Kurdish-led administration in northern Syria—bolstered by the Americans and their allies— will hold elections for local councils and a regional assembly. In January, 2018, Kurds will hold the elections for the region as a whole. This, undoubtedly, won't be coordinated with the Syrian government.

Obviously, such kinds of promises were made only by the United States. That's why the SDF forces fight on so selflessly to support U.S. designs.

Despite these threats, the Syrian government is maintaining a firm position. In response to the unprecedented actions of the U.S.-led Coalition, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Mekdad said the presence of any foreign forces in Syria would be unacceptable. According to Mekdad, the United States forces had better leave Syrian territory on their own, otherwise, they will be treated as "occupying forces."

At present, the SAA is planning to cross the Euphrates River in Deir Ezzor Governorate after liberating several areas along the western bank of the river and liberating more oil-rich territory.

It is obvious that for the SAA Deir Ezzor will become the decisive battlefield not only against ISIS terrorists, but also against the hypocritical ambitions of the West, led by the United States. 

About the Author
 Anna Jaunger is a freelance journalist from Inside Syria Media Center. 

ANNA JAUNGER — Despite the threats, the Syrian government maintains a firm position. In response to the unprecedented actions of the U.S.-led Coalition, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Mekdad said the presence of any foreign forces in Syria would be unacceptable. According to Mekdad, the United States forces had better leave Syrian territory on their own, otherwise, they will be treated as “occupying forces.”

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