The Strange and Curious Case of “Politicianitis” (aka, “Mouth-farting”)

horiz-long grey


 By Gary Steven Corseri

 “The soundtrack to daily life is a very specific tone of voice that is heard across all news outlets and entertainment channels. The voice of the generic talking head as he or she mouths platitudes and empty repetitive cliches….” –John Steppling

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] wish it were not so, but it was, and is, so,…and so it goes….

It is difficult to say when precisely it started, but because it was first recorded at a Commencement Ceremony at a very small and unimportant “Liberal Arts” college in the embarrassing “fly-over” part of the country, and somewhat deftly reported by a sophomore reporter for the college newspaper, it was at first entitled “The Commencement Phenomenon.” Later, in less polite society, owing to the slight spasm of embarrassed laughter that accompanied the eruption, some wag termed it, “The Gaseous Gyro.” Then, some group complained that this was no matter for “political correctness,” and another group complained about those complaints, and windows were about to be broken until the enterprising student-body president got up a petition entitled, “Let’s Just Call a Fart a Fart!” And then it was known as the “Farting Phenomenon,” and, for a time, “Mouth-Farting,” and it became a matter of common usage, as in: “Oh, that Republican,” or “that Democrat” or—fill in the blank—is just “mouth-farting again!” But, soon enough an enterprising New York Times reporter got hold of the story, and decided that “all the news that’s fit to print” required an escalation of language, and, since the visible and olfactory aspects always involved politicians, the odious and odorous ailment came to be known as “Politicianitis.”

After it was re-named such, the general public weighed in and assertions were tweeted and emoji’d proudly around that the earliest case had been observed (and whiffed) in Sheboygan, or Jersey City, or Los Angeles—or some such place noted for noxious gases or gasbag celebrity personalities. But no one ever offered tenable (more than vaporous) proof!

It happened this way: a politician would begin a speech with the usual spinning of words like drunken ballerinas—words accoutered in tutus and tights—and everything would go well (in terms of stupefying the audience, putting them to sleep, rousing them to violence, or whatever was the intention or inattention of the moment) and then, as the labored ending neared, there would be an unintentional fart! Right out of the politician’s mouth! Left or Right, Republican, Democrat, Socialist, Libertarian, Fascist, Antifa, Black or White, Hispanic, Asian, Middle Easterner, Christian, Jew, Muslim, et. al.—it made no difference. As soon as he or she or Trans or Straight or LGBTQ or QTBGL began to say something political, there was a guttural rumbling and the air became fetid….

Investigations were demanded, and Mr. Ambiguity himself—former FBI director Comey--came out of his self-absorbed retirement to see what role the Russians were playing. Intermittently—like, every few hours—the public was assured that “The Investigation” was going well, results were imminently forthcoming, but there were always “unforeseen circumstances,”—lost emails, hurricanes, Global Warming, and a slew of events “beyond our poor powers to add or detract” (as Lincoln had said.)

The public might have learned to put up with these “anomalies”—they had already suffered much at the hands of lying politicians, and only half of “we the people” bothered to trot out to vote in the greatest Empire the world had yet imagined—but, sadly, inevitably, the contagion spread.

Fans of the Fox channel tried to ignore the reality when one of the attractive ladies on the thigh-high set let go with one of those “slight paroxysms of embarrassed laughter,” and her cohorts discreetly moved down the couch. When one of the white-bearded “elder statesmen” at CNN evinced the same paroxysm in the midst of a vis a vis interview—with a general, no less!—the public understood the full dimensions of the problem.

But, things only got worse!

University students began to complain that their classes were impossible to sit through. How could they possibly learn about Adam Smith, Karl Marx, or Bakunin when their professors were stomping about in mad efforts to diffuse the evidence of their transgressions, transmissions and emissions?

But, things got worse again!

Sports had long replaced Religion as the digestible “faith” of the declared and decreed “Republic.” Sports was where the herd went to forget their subjugation—the whirring knives of Time inexorably approaching. Sports was vicariousness raised to the nth degree—a quasi-mystical land of super-heroes and buxom cheerleaders; or, in the admittedly pseudo-world of wrestling--freakish good guys and villains, and spilling-over mamary glands parading about the ring.

But now it was all changed. For, with every tackle, with every toss on the mat, there was grunting, and with grunting came the paroxysms and soon the stadium or the arena was evacuated because of the “fire hazard” caused by the surfeit of gas.

From politicians to media, to academicians to sports figures and figurines, the phenomenon spread from group to group, and then, to the general public. And it was clear that there was a pandemic—comparable, some wrote, (but would not say!) to the Plague of the Middle Ages. But others demurred and wrote, “No, it is much worse!”

“When can we hold our true love in our arms again?” the poets wondered, “and whisper tenderly to him/her/it, ‘I love you,” and kiss him/her/it--without encountering a ghastly, but understandable, expression of reproach and rebuff?”

And so, speech died. The “citizens” of the “Greatest Country that ever was” retreated to their “devices.” Robotics stocks soared. “A.I. is better than H.I.” became the catch-phrase of the era. And, soon enough, people forgot the spontaneous sound of the spoken word or the sung word, and nobody dared to remember…. 

About the Author
 Gary Steven Corseri has published two novels, two collections of poetry, and a literary anthology (edited) with work by President Jimmy Carter and others. He has published/posted articles, fiction and poems at The Greanville Post, The Seattle Star, UncommonThoughtJournal, DissidentVoice, VeteransNewsNow, The New York Times, CounterPunch, TranscendMediaService, Redbook Magazine, Countercurrents, Village Voice, Common Dreams, and hundreds of other global sites and publications. He has taught in US public schools and prisons, and in universities in the US and Japan. His plays have been produced on PBS-Atlanta and he has performed his work at the Carter Presidential Library. (Contact:

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GARY CORSERI—Fans of the Fox channel tried to ignore the reality when one of the attractive ladies on the thigh-high set let go with one of those “slight paroxysms of embarrassed laughter,” and her cohorts discreetly moved down the couch. When one of the white-bearded “elder statesmen” at CNN evinced the same paroxysm in the midst of a vis a vis interview—with a general, no less!—the public understood the full dimensions of the problem. But, things only got worse!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 
