About the Author
Dr. Wendy Wolfson is Assistant Professor of Shelter Medicine and Surgery at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. Ken Levy is Holt B. Harrison Professor of Law at the Paul M. Hebert Law Center, Louisiana State University.
WOLFSON—LEVY—Cruelty to animals is unjust because of the suffering that it causes them, not because of any deprivation that it causes humans. Pain is pain – whether it is experienced by a human or a nonhuman. And lest anybody doubt this intuitively obvious claim, we have ample scientific evidence for it. Through evolution, nonhuman and human animals alike acquired something that plants and trees never did: nervous systems. These nervous systems explain why not only humans but also nonhumans exhibit both fear and pain-avoidance behavior (for example, fleeing and vocalizations such as screaming and groaning).
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NO! This is not why we need to take cruelty to animals seriously. We need to take cruelty to animals seriously because animals are living beings who know fear, terror, joy, contentment. Saying that we need to take cruelty to animals seriously because it will protect humans is secondary. It is the distorted reasoning of dominion, where compassion to animals is conditioned by human need: Genesis 9:1-3 “The fear and dread of you shall rest on every animal of the earth, and on every bird of the air, on everything that creeps on the ground, and on all the fish… Read more »
The author presents two cases: one that animal abuse is a predictor of violence to humans & two that animals are sentient beings, to be treated with kindness. The first is an argument for stopping animal abuse because it has the potential to harm humans…. That is classic dominion: compassion conditioned by human need. The second calls for education to encourage kindness to animals. What the author fails to grasp is that in a dominion based culture, kindness all too often means proper care prior to slaughter. The ideal of dominion is humane slaughter. “It is prohibited to kill an… Read more »