Why Are Trump’s Troops Training ISIS Terrorists?


When Donald Trump ran for the US Presidency, his biggest foreign-affairs promise (which he copied from Ted Cruz) was to defeat “radical Islamic terrorism,” but on December 27th, the Russian Government publicly accused Trump’s military of backing ISIS terrorists to fight against Syria’s Government (which is allied with Russia). Russia’s RT international television network headlined "US lets militants train, mount attacks from its Syrian bases – chief of Russian General Staff”, and opened:

The US is hosting training camps for militant groups in Syria, including former ISIS fighters who fled from Raqqa, said the head of Russia’s General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, citing data obtained by aerial surveillance.

The US forces have effectively turned their military base near the town of al-Tanf in southeastern Syria into a terrorists’ training camp, Gerasimov said in an interview to Russia’s Komsomolskaya Pravda daily on Wednesday.

“According to satellite and other surveillance data, terrorist squads are stationed there. They are effectively training there,”Gerasimov said.

One can't understand this, unless one recognizes that during the prior, Obama, US Presidency, the US Government was relying principally upon Al Qaeda in Syria to train and lead the various imported-into-Syria Saudi-paid international fundamentalist-Sunni mercenaries (committed jihadists, but all soldiers need to be paid and trained and fed and armed) who served as America’s proxy boots-on-the-ground in Syria to overthrow and replace Syria’s non-sectarian Ba'athist socialist Government. Furthermore, on 17 September 2016, Obama’s air force bombed Syrian Government troops in Deir Ezzor (or Der Zor) the capital of Syria's oil-producing region, and the surrounding ISIS forces then rushed in to grab that city to take it over, for the US-Saudi side in the Syrian war. The US Government, under Obama, even has honored internationally the White Helmets wing of Al Qaeda in Syria, at the same time as refusing to allow its leader into the US to receive a ‘humanitarian' award, because he was on the US terrorism watch-list.

The Face of Shameless Hypocrisy

The shameless hypocrite Obama whipping up war fever at West Point.

So: though the US Government never publicly supports Islamic terrorists, the US Government often supports them secretly (and far more meaningfully). On 8 November 2016 when Trump was elected, there was “regime change” in Washington about domestic policies, such as about whether America's poor should be treated even worse than they already are (as Trump’s Administration is doing), but there is, as yet, no basic change regarding international policies. Though Trump’s now fulfilling on Bush’s and Obama’s and Clinton’s promises to relocate the Tel Aviv Embassy to Jerusalem is considered by some people to indicate regime-change, there has actually been no US regime-change yet, at all, regarding foreign policies — the US Government is the same dictatorship of lies, as it was before, but the language that it employs is generally more crude than the super-slick liar Obama so skillfully displayed.

Furthermore, in mid-October of 2016, the Governments of US, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, agreed to provide, for ISIS fighters who were fleeing from America’s bombing campaign in Mosul Iraq, safe passage to Deir Ezzor in Syria, so as to enable ISIS to solidify its grip on that key Syrian city; so that, for example, on 1 May 2017, Al Masdar News bannered “Syrian Army tank takes direct hit from ISIS guided missile in Deir Ezzor.” The Turkish Government’s 15 October 2015 “‘Sensitive Operation Plan for Mosul” even had stated “An escape corridor into Syria will be left for Daesh so they can vacate Mosul.” America’s bombing campaign against ISIS in Iraq was thus, in addition, a campaign to assist ISIS in Syria — to reinforce their troops at Deir Ezzor.


The Sixth Kennedy?

So, the reason why Trump’s troops are training ISIS terrorists in Syria is in order to conquer some land in Syria. According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the US has been trying to conquer Syria ever since the CIA was created, and in 1949 an attempted CIA coup there failed. Kennedy informatively titled that article, “Syria: Another Pipeline War”, which is a good summary of the reason why the US aristocracy want to control at least enough of a corridor through Syria so as to enable construction of US oil and gas pipelines from America’s allies — Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and UAE — into the world’s largest energy-market, the EU, so as to displace Russia’s oil and gas there. Most of Russia’s oil and gas has been pipelined through Ukraine, which is a reason why Obama took Ukraine in a coup in 2014.

The aristocracy, in any country, don’t want the public to understand international relations, and why they are doing what they are doing, because, if the public knew, the aristocrats would be in a very dangerous situation. And that’s also a reason why billionaires build and buy all of the major newsmedia, so that the public won’t understand these things. And, of course, no major brand of any product or service will be likely to advertise in any news medium that violates the interests of all of them. Though some are Republicans and others are Democrats, they all are in this particular boat together, and so the two wings of the Establishment share lots of common grounds, even though they try to present the opposite wing of the aristocracy as being either stupid or evil. What they cannot accuse the other side of, however, is what both sides share in common with one-another, against the public-at-large.

About the author


ERIC ZUESSE, Senior Contributing Editor

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity. Besides TGP, his reports and historical analyses are published on many leading current events and political sites, including The Saker, Huffpost, Oped News, and others.

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