US-Supplied MANPADS Downed Russian Aircraft in Syria


Your taxpayers' dollars at work.

Russia intervened in Syria to combat terrorists in support of Syrian sovereignty, territorial integrity and right of its people alone to choose their leadership, free from foreign interference. Syria is Obama’s war, now Trump’s, waged for regime change, wanting pro-Western puppet governance replacing the nation’s sovereign independence, using ISIS and other terrorists as imperial foot soldiers.

There’s no ambiguity about what’s going on. Media scoundrels pretend otherwise, suppressing vital information about Washington’s agenda, reporting disinformation about the war instead, supporting US aggression, not responsibly condemning it.

One of more US-supplied shoulder-launched, man-portable, surface-to-air missiles (MANPADS) were used by terrorist fighters to down a Russian Su-25 aircraft, its pilot murdered on the ground after descending from his disabled plane, takfiris affiliated with the US-supported Free Syrian Army shown gloating over his body in a disturbing video they prepared.

Identified as Major Roman Filippov, Russia’s Defense Ministry said he died “during combat with terrorists.”

Reportedly, Lt. Colonel Sergey Aksenov recommended he be honored for completing combat missions in Syria.

There’s no ambiguity about what’s going on. Media scoundrels pretend otherwise, suppressing vital information about Washington’s agenda, reporting disinformation about the war instead, supporting US aggression, not responsibly condemning it.

A photo showed his Stechkin machine pistol issued to all Russian pilots along with three magazines, one empty, the others half-empty, indicating he valiantly combated terrorists on the ground until killed.

The incident is one of many showing Washington is waging proxy war on Russia in Syria. Obama and now Trump want endless war and regime change, peace and stability rejected as unacceptable.

A Russian Defense Ministry statement said the following:

“On 3 February 2018, a Russian fighter jet Su-25 crashed when flying over the Idlib de-escalation zone. The pilot was able to report ejection from an area controlled by Jabhat al-Nusra militants. The pilot was killed while fighting against terrorists.”

“According to preliminary information, the jet was brought down with a portable anti-aircraft missile system.”

“The Russian center for reconciliation of warring sides in Syria alongside the Turkish side, responsible for the Idlib de-escalation zone, are taking steps to retrieve the Russian pilot’s body.”

In response to the incident, “(a) group strike using precision weapons has been conducted in the area controlled by the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group in Idlib province, from where the missile was launched against the Russian Su-25 airplane.”

“According to radio intercepts, as a result of the strike, more than 30 militants of Jabhat al-Nusra were destroyed.”

SU-25 tactical jet of the type downed by US-supplied terrorists in Syria.

Since intervening to combat US-supported terrorists in September 2015, Russia lost four aircraft and four helicopters.

The Su-25 is designed to destroy small-size mobile and fixed ground objects, as well as low-speed air targets.

Following Saturday’s incident, Russian lower house State Duma Defense Committee chairman Yury Shvytkin called for an investigation, saying what happened was the first time terrorists successfully used Western-supplied MANPADS to down a Russian aircraft.

Clearly, Washington is responsible for the incident. Though Russia won’t retaliate against US forces in Syria, the Su-25’s downing and death of its pilot escalates things toward possible confrontation between both countries.

Their agendas are polar opposite in Syria and elsewhere, their bilateral relations dismal.

An eventual clash between both countries remains a disturbing possibility, maybe inevitable given Washington’s rage for eliminating all sovereign independent governments, wanting control over planet earth, its resources and populations.


Pentagon Lied Claiming Its “Partners” in Syria Not Supplied with MANPADS

by Stephen Lendman ( 

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]fficial US reports lack credibility. Accept none of them at face value. In 2011, Washington launched war on Syria for regime change, using ISIS and other terrorists as imperial foot soldiers, supplying them with heavy weapons – directly or through allied countries.

On Saturday, a US-supported terrorists used US-supplied surface-to-air missiles (MADPAD) to down a Russian Su-25 aircraft, its pilot murdered on the ground – the incident discussed in a same-day article.

Washington bears responsibility for what happened. Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon lied saying:

“Alongside by, with, and through our partners in Syria, the United States remains focused on the fight against ISIS.”

“The US has not equipped any partner forces in Syria with surface-to-air weapons and has no intention to do so in the future.”

“Our operations are geographically focused on ongoing combat operations against ISIS in eastern Syria.”

“We will assess the validity of these claims to ensure the safety of our coalition partners. I refer you to the Russian government for information regarding this incident.”

“Former”” CIA operative Michael Morrrell—was one of the CIA worms that openly proclaimed the Deep State desire to give the Russians a “bloody nose” in Syria. Evil never rests.

AMN news is a reliable source of information on Washington’s war on Syria. On Saturday, it referred to a January report, citing “sources (confirming) that the US had provided the MANPADS to the Kurds earlier in the month under the agreement between Washington and the YPG,” adding:

“(A)n international arms monitor UK-based Conflict Armament Research (CAR) has earlier reported that the US weapons that were covertly provided to Syrian rebel groups were allegedly in the hands of Daesh within two months of their delivery.”

“CAR studied over 40,000 weapons recovered from Daesh since 2014 and found that a majority of them were US arms given or sold to Syrian rebel groups” – aka US-supported terrorists.

“In one case, an arsenal including anti-tank weapons switched hands from the US to Syrian rebels to Daesh in only a two month period.”

“In at least one instance, a US-backed militia is known to have had its weapons seized by Islamic militants. Division 30, Syrian rebels armed and trained by the CIA, were ambushed by the al-Qaeda linked al-Nusra Front in August 2015, the militants seizing their armaments and effectively destroying the group.”

“Some of the US-trained militants are known to have defected to Daesh or al-Nusra, often bringing their weapons with them.”

“However, the study was not able to conclude whether or not the rebels willingly gave the weapons to the Islamic militant group or if Daesh stole or captured them.”

Sputnik News was one of the sources for this information. It surprises no one aware of what’s going on in Syria.

Together with its rogue allies, Washington recruited, armed, funded, trained and directed ISIS and other terrorist fighters throughout years of conflict – wanting Assad toppled, Syria transformed into another US vassal state, Iran isolated ahead of its government targeted the same way.

US aggression continues in Syria with no end of conflict in sight.

The Duran report on this incident. Videos and photos. Click on green button below
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Al-Nusra known to be one of the forces controlling Idlib province; Russians retaliate with precision strike, killing an estimated 30 militants

Originally appeared at

[dropcap]A[/dropcap] Russian Su-25 warplane was shot down over Syria’s Idlib province in northwestern Syria on Saturday. The pilot safely ejected from his plane, but he was killed by militants on the ground.  This report, corroborated by the Russian Defense Ministry and RIA Novosti specifies events this way (translated and edited from Russian):

Over the area controlled by the terrorist group Jebhat an Nusra in the province of Idlib, the launch of a MANPADS missile against a Russian Su-25 was carried out. In response to this incident, a strike accomplished with precision weapons against a group of more than 30 rebels affiliated with the group Djebhat Al-Nusra.

On Saturday evening, militants with the help of MANPADS shot down the Russian Air Force attack aircraft. The pilot of the plane managed to eject, but died in battle with terrorists.

The Russian Center for Reconciliation of Warring Parties in Syria, together with representatives of Turkey responsible for the de-escalation zone of Idlib, is taking measures to return the body of the Russian pilot.

Kurdish self-defense forces Afrina (KSS) expressed condolences in connection with the death of the pilot. ‘I think everyone understands who supports those terrorist groups.The groups in Idlib are besieged and can be supported only from Turkey,’ KSS spokesman Reisan Hedu said.

According to him, the death of the pilot ‘in the hands of the same terrorists’ who are guilty of the death of Kurdish soldiers. ‘We lit candles in memory of the Russian pilot, just as we light candles in memory of the dead Kurds,’ he added.

At the same time, according to the deputy chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee Yury Shvytkin, the incident with the shot down Su-25 ’causes an unconditional need for an investigation.’ He explained that until today there was no case when the terrorists used MANPADS.

Shvytkin suggested that the anti-aircraft missile system terrorists received from representatives of the West.

The Al-Nusra Front is known to be operating in this region, under the alias of the Free Syrian Army.  The technologically advanced use of MANPADS raises questions about the USA’s history of supplying weapons to Al-Nusra, treating them as a “nice” Al-Qaeda group worthy of at least covert support.

The Russians did not sit by without a response.  In quick response a precision strike took place, believed to have killed some 30 terrorists, those believed responsible for the downing of the Su-25 and the killing of its pilot.

The story on this incident is still developing, but it could represent a significant escalation towards greater confrontation between US-supported forces and Russian forces in the region.

It is a very complicated situation with many groups fighting Syria’s legitimate government under Bashir al-Assad, the Kurds, the Turkish, ISIS, each other… the lines go in so many directions it is hard to track, and for this, a lot of blame rests with the United States for trying to use enemy forces as allies for the sake of expedience.

We will follow this story closely to see if the same sort of thing has happened here.


 Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 10.13.00 AMSTEPHEN LENDMAN was born in 1934 in Boston, MA. In 1956, he received a BA from Harvard University. Two years of US Army service followed, then an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1960. After working seven years as a marketing research analyst, he joined the Lendman Group family business in 1967. He remained there until retiring at year end 1999. Writing on major world and national issues began in summer 2005. In early 2007, radio hosting followed. Lendman now hosts the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network three times weekly. Distinguished guests are featured. Listen live or archived. Major world and national issues are discussed. Lendman is a 2008 Project Censored winner and 2011 Mexican Journalists Club international journalism award recipient. His new site is at

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