CBS Working to Kill any Possible Good Will Dividend for North Korea Stemming from Winter Olympics



Besmirching North Korea

The role of the American media is first and foremost political propaganda to keep the masses pacified and content with the corporate status quo. A second role is to serve as profit centers for a handful of megabillionaires who sell their media plantations to other billionaires so they can promote their products and services.  Let's call that the more "benign" advertising role of the mainstream media. This is all fairly straightforward.  Since capitalism is a beast that never rests, the media never interrupt the fulfillment of this dual purpose. But, against this backdrop, while the goals remain the same, the circumstances keep changing. This requires constant adjustments, something that sounds more difficult than it is, since the events and challenges to be handled have been seen before, often many times, and the empire counts with extremely large and powerful resources to meet any eventuality, not to mention professionals in all areas of mind manipulation.

Despite this awesome panoply of tools to achieve just about any end, the Winter Olympics in Korea and the increasing talk of a warm-up in relations between Seoul and Pyongyang is giving the empire managers shivers, this being so unexpected, so the propaganda and political organs are working double time to maintain the accustomed imperialist order, a setup which benefits absolutely no one, including 99% of the US population, and which severely raises the likelihood of a terminal nuclear war turning the whole planet into a giant heap of radioactive ash. This very real prospect does not deter the imperial managers from their script, since the horrid status quo fits nicely with the US ruling cliques' quest for world supremacy at any cost.

Seen from that perspective, the propaganda goals of the empire in this particular case can be summed up thusly:

Primary Mission: Kill off any possible Good Will dividend toward North Korea stemming from their participation in the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang (South Korea).

Secondary Mission: Keep the enmity between the North and South going by any means or stratagem necessary.

Tertiary mission: Anticipate and block any possible revision of how the American sheeple see North Korea, and communism in general, or our "right" to set the historical course in the peninsula, or anywhere else for that matter. We are the indispensable nation, after all.

These goals are loyally served in this clip from CBS supposedly giving us insights about the situation in Korea.

Let's look now at some long cultivated key assumptions embedded in this short clip:

1. Every human being can only be motivated by crass materialism and selfish pursuits. This is simply human nature. Thus everyone living in a communist nation is being held against his will and is yearning to break "free" to the West, land of plenty and endless consumerism. From this dubious premise we are led to conclude that the population of any communist or socialist nation is comprised of millions of would-be defectors. Those not eagerly interested in defecting to "freedom", or holding higher goals, such as a spirit of unity with the rest of society, or determined not to have their nation be taken to the cleaners by or subjugated by foreign interests, are described as brainwashed, held hostage by threats to self and kin, or "broken spirits" on account of fear and torture. The fact that defectors do exist—mostly economic not political refugees—lends credence to this fable. No society is perfect. If America shut down its borders tomorrow, making it impossible for Americans to go as they please (something that could happen one day at the rate we are going) there would be tens of thousands of "defectors" in short order.  By their own yardsticks, how would most Americans interpret that?

Many defectors are people of relatively low political consciousness—the norm across the globe—who may be fed up with the nation's constant struggles against externally induced scarcities, required sacrifices, and ugly violence and instability generated, again, by the very same external agents working to set an example and overthrow the non-capitalist government. And some defectors are simply seduced by the CIA and other western intel assets, who help them with their project, are there to document or re-enact the "escape" (the more dramatic the better), and pay them outright for their service to Western propaganda. This has been known for generations.

2. The North Korean "regime" is preternaturally evil and oppressive—like all communist regimes— and it will never change its spots. Any expectation of change for the better, or civilised (read Western-pleasing) behaviour must be a ruse. Any contact with communists is dangerous, given their treachery and wiles, hence all contact is strongly discouraged.

3. As explained under #1, in the American propaganda cosmology athletes from communist nations—especially those from a supposedly brutal regime like North Korea— are essentially hostages working under duress, risking their own lives, careers and their families futures lest they perform loyally as expected.

4. Use of made-up reality. In this case, it is clear Williams, who minces no words to badmouth North Korea, describing it as a hellhole of unmitigated backwardness and poverty, has clearly never been to the North or simply, as a card-carrying presstitute for the empire, puts her lucrative career ahead of truth, vital, literally, when it comes to describing the conditions in the peninsula and the US criminal role in forcing a divided nation.

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Is CBS Holly Williams being fair to North Korea?

Not by a long shot. She lies through her teeth.
Yes, she's a pro.
Not sure. New to the topic.
Created with PollMaker


Bonus: Shocking! The two Koreas unfurl a united flag.


About the Author
Patrice Greanville is editor in chief of The Greanville Post. A lifelong interest in media and their manipulation by plutocratic elites to legitimate and propagate their rule, led him to publish the first American radical media review in 1982, Cyrano's Journal.

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