New York Times filth—shamelessly leading the Russia bashing campaign


Theresa May—She'd be by rights dismissed as the latest British Pinocchio, if her shenanigans were not so dangerous to world peace. (Image by DonkeyHotey)

In what passes for journalism in the US most people working for radio, television and secondary newspapers take their cues from The New York Times, the legendary "Grey Lady",  reputed to provide the gold standard in coverage of important events. But the NYTimes, never as impartial as its numerous sycophants would like us to believe, has always been first and foremost a loyal mouthpiece for the prevailing currents inside the American ruling class, which continues to act as the citadel for the global "Western" capitalist mafia. It's not surprising then that, at a moment of extreme danger for humanity, with the threat of a nuclear war between the superpowers now a pressing probability, instead of journalism the NYTimes editors would serve imperial propaganda based on transparent russophobic lies, the latest instance being their fanning the flames of the Skripal "spy poisoning" case, as obvious a cynical US/UK false flag as they come.

For those who live under a rock, this case is distinguished for its complete violation by the "West" of international norms obtaining between states not technically at war, not to mention the most elementary rules of due process, all of which have been haughtily and self-righteously brushed aside by Theresa May's regime, while applying a long series of tedious "punishments" starting with a massive expulsion of Russian diplomats as a form of public humiliation and harassment. Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov are thankfully men who hardly lose their composure and cool even under such stressful conditions, but we think that Russia should respond more energetically to such affronts than just with a measured "tit-for-tat". The West needs to be shown that Russia, China, and the new emergent independent world, do not need it, and that they, too, can bite.

Meanwhile, the media barons and their hirelings (1) pushing such reckless warmongering would do well to ponder that at Nuremberg their Nazi counterparts were sentenced to death by hanging for such crimes, and they fully deserved it.  Below, the New York Times' headlines in the summary email sent to subscribers on 3.27.18. Observe how what is mere allegation, a tissue of inflammatory fabrications against Russia, is passed on to the news consumer as "fact."  Making the best of a fallen log, and egging the public on to further animosity against Moscow, the Times does not lose an opportunity either to begrudge Trump for "avoiding any public condemnation of Russia's role in an attack in Britain."  So much for the NYTimes as newspaper of record. The Grey Lady should be blushing in embarrassment for such blatant prostitution to the plutocratic interests that control her, but she is not.—PG

Recommended action: If you are a subscriber to the New York Times, or any paper distributing this kind of manure, cancel your subscription at once, and do not forget to tell them why you are doing it.  This is important. These disinformation mafiosi need to hear that there are people out there who are on to their filthy games, and that retribution will follow.

(1) Arthur Sulzberger, Jr, publisher; Dean Baquet, editor.

About the Author
Longtime media critic Patrice Greanville, is TGP's founding editor.

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