From Skripal to Chemical Attack: What Accusation Is Next?


PCR is absolutely right. The Russians should heed what he is saying. There is no point in discussing the value of truth with those knowingly murdering it every day. The US is only interested in the short-term effect of the Big Lie, used to advance its agenda, inch by inch. Nothing else. Here's some of his recent commentary on this topic.

Does Putin, for all its intelligence, really understand the kind of people he's dealing with?

Dateline: April 9, 2018

Einstein said that the definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing and expect different results. Isn’t this what the Russian government is doing when it continues to respond to false accusations and expects facts to have any bearing on the matter?

As soon as the British orchestration of the “Skripal poisoning” was exposed as part of the ongoing plan to demonize Russia, the next false flag event was staged. Again Syria is accused of a chemical attack against civilians. As the Syrian army is fighting successfully against Washington’s mercenaries euphemistically called “rebels” even by Russian media, the accusation of a chemical attack against civilians makes no sense. It is well known that the “White Helmets” are a Washington propaganda organization whose mission is to foster fake news about staged events.

Nevertheless, the Russians again rose to the bait. General Yury Yevtushenko said that as soon as Douma is liberated Russia will send specialists to collect data that will expose the accusation as a fabrication.

As if Washington will care. Washington has already declared that Russia is responsible no matter who did it.

As long as Russia keeps responding to false charges, Washington’s strategy of keeping Russia on the defensive responding to accusations will continue to work.

Insouciant Russians?


I have often wondered if the Russian media shields Russians from the insulting and derogatory things that American elites say about Russia and President Putin.

For example, here is Harvard University Professor Graham Allison:
“However demonic, however destructive, however devious, however deserving of being strangled Russia is, the brute fact is that we cannot kill this bastard without committing suicide.”

Here is Bloomberg News:
Interpol “should be issuing more international arrest warrants for Russian officials implicated in assassinations abroad. Ideally, Russia would find itself in the same position as outlaw states like Iran. . . . This should include designating Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.”

Here is a collection of insulting and demonizing statements about Russia assembled by Professor Stephen Cohen:

Hillary Clinton called President Putin “the new Hitler.”

Despite the ongoing demonization of Russia and her president and the crazed Nikki Haley’s recent statement to the UN that Russia will “never be America’s friend” and that America will “slap them when we need to,” extraordinary delusion still shows itself in Russian media organizations. Even RT, whose Washington broadcasts were recently closed down by Washington, thinks “there could be signs of improvement on the horizon” and reports that “President Putin, as well as several Russian officials, has continuously signaled Moscow’s readiness to improve ties with the US and the West, based on trust and respect.”

What respect? What trust?

After the long and ongoing list of false accusations—Skripal poisoning, Malaysian airliner shotdown, invasion of Ukraine, planned invasion of the Baltics, a dozen or more alleged assassinations in the UK, sanctioning Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons, coverup of Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons, etc., topped off with gratuitous sanctions piled upon sanctions, and seizure of Russian property, etc.—how can Russia possibly trust Washington or any Western government?

I wonder if Putin understands that Washington is doing everything in its power to have him assassinated.

PCR with feline children.

About the Author
  Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. Roberts’ How the Economy Was Lost is now available from CounterPunch in electronic format. His latest book is The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.



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