
[dropcap]E[/dropcap]ven critical analysts are at times naive about the plans of the US Power Elite. That might be the result of taking the announcements of such power´s political puppets seriously. If one takes the words of „bringing Democracy to Iraq“ or to Libya in earnest, one can draw the wrong conclusion that the US (Power Elite) many times miscalculates. Wrong! The long term aim of the economically declining US Empire is to lay a „Ring of Fire“, a ring of chaos and destruction around Europe up to Ukraine in order to build a barrier against Eurasian Cooperation, which is the „nightmare_of_the_US_Power_Elite“. And if the announcements don´t come true we shouldn't believe that their hidden designs failed.

Also are there divisions on tactical questions within the Power Elite (like in the case of Iran in previous times), which can even lead to smaller or greater „wars_among_themselves“ within that elite? That too is to be expected.

Changing Priorities

If a design really fails they are at times able „to make the best out of it“ and quickly develop a plan B. That was the case with their concepts for the Near East (see:

Originally Israel wasn't the US project of primary importance, but the aim was to control the region through Saudi Arabia (today Saudi Arabia and Israel are in a very close alliance). Israel was Britain´s and France´s main project for the region to serve as a bridgehead for their neo-colonial aspirations. This was clearly to be seen during the „Suez_Crisis“, when at the height of the Cold War the US and the Soviet Union together stopped GB´s, France´s and Israel´s war against Egypt. Also Kennedy´s opposition against Israel´s nuclear armament was in total accordance with the US Power Elite. The split between Kennedy and the „Deep_State“ of the US occurred over the question of how far to go with the risk of an East/West military confrontation surrounding the „Cuba Crisis“. That led to the assassination of the President.

And that assassination was the turning point! It was most probably MOSSAD´s deep insight into that „Inside Job“ that gave Israel´s Power Elite blackmail capability concerning Near and Middle East policy (which was „refreshed“ by MOSSAD´s insight into the Inside Job on „Nine Eleven). For details see:

USA and Israel, the Helpless Giant and his Mad Dog: are there more dirty secrets?“

Anyway, quickly the US Power Elite adapted to the new situation, made Israel their „Mad Dog“ (modifying the „MadmanTheory“) and also used the questions around the Near East conflict to split anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist movements. At the same time they were forced to integrate strong pro-Zionist forces (being nearer to Israel than to the US) into the „Deep State“.

Trump: A Real Accident for the Neocons

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]ctually in 2016 the old scheme Neocons = Republicans, „Soft Power Faction“ = Democrats was obsolete. Hillary Clinton was indeed the Neocons spearhead in the Democratic Party and had the full Neocon support (which she „earned“ for example by her bloodthirsty help to destroy Libya). Indeed Clinton brought Victoria_Nuland into the Obama Administration. Nuland is the wife of Robert Kagan. He was co-founder of the „Project for the New American Century“, which issued the paper „Rebuilding America´s Defenses“ in September 2000. She had the full support of all those Neocon Think Tank guys (indeed representing_Racism_and_Fascism).

It was absolutely clear: the by then widely dominating Neocon faction of the US Power Elite wanted Hillary_Clinton to be their executor in their fight against their extended nightmares concerning their aim for total World dominance. But then something „terrible“ happened. Large sections of the US public had seen Clinton´s "snake like“ qualities. Moreover Trump – leaving his enormous moral and social deficits aside – made three important points: Detente with Russia, getting away from Regime Change Wars and announcing to fight against the de-industrialization of the US (and there are indications that in those days he meant it!). That did the trick!

The US Neocon Power Elite and their Options in Dealing With Trump

Now they had several options. One was to get him „on the hook“ and get him impeached very soon. That appeared for quite some time pretty risky because of his partly violent following. Then there was always the option of the old presidential helicopter which might „fall from heaven“ one day. Also the option exists to find a „Lone Nut“ to „do the job“. Those options could still bear risks concerning his followers. But the Power Elite (the „Swamp“ which he had announced to fight) was able to channel to the man that those options exist (probably already before inauguration). His „struggle_for_survival“ had begun.

He became clear pretty soon that becoming the „most powerful man on Earth“, he was also in danger of sharing Kennedy´s fate. That might have been the reason why he crawled fully under the Umbrella of Israel´s Power Elite. But by this move he soon found himself totally encircled by the Neocon-Israel alliance.

With „Trump on Track“ a new Option Opened up

There was the chance now for the Power Elite to revive the „Madman Theory“ developed by Kissinger and Nixon, so to speak, using Trump as a personified „Weapon of Mass Destruction“. Let him play the „Bully of the Planet“ under Neocon guidance! They might think: let´s see how far we get in terrorizing Russia, China and not to forget Europe! If the collateral damage outweighs the successes, and US-Americans feel too much of the pinch (including Trump´s followership), we´ll impeach him!

So to speak: Trump has become a „weapons test“, somehow the personalized „Plan B“. And now he is joined by two more bullies, Bolton and Pompeo! The Deep State allowed him to make a step towards North Korea – and celebrate it as his achievement – and then sabotaged it by the present military maneuvers with South Korea. The Trump-Kim meeting has already been dropped (let´s be clear: North_Korea_is_no_danger_at_all). Again, contrary to Trump´s announcements the regime_change_war_against_Syria is going on more fiercely than ever. The smashing of the Iran deal (also affecting the chance for a Korea deal) from the side of the US is one of the decisive tests how far they can go not only with Russia and China but especially with the EU.

Two Options in Plan B

If the concerned EU members will in the end fall on their knees, all good and fine! If not and out of the resistance an "Old-World“ front may be forming with possible economic consequences also for the US, possibly also strengthening the efforts to break_the_Dollar-hegemony, then the moment might have come to finally get rid of Trump in favor of Pence waiting to become the next Neocon puppet!

Preparations are parallelly running to the “bully operations”. Never in history was a President of the US – not even Clinton with his sex affair – under such ongoing fire. So, in case the "Bully Option“, the "Madman Theory“ doesn´t work, he´ll be impeached, and the show would be "sold“ to the World as "a Triumph of US Democracy“ (similar to the „breaking“ of Nixon)!

My articles on the USA: 

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