The Real News Network on AMLO’s victory in Mexico; Michael Isikoff’s exposed as a charlatan (Video)

Spoiler title

The election of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador as president of Mexico: will it give many headaches to the empire, or will he quickly get neutralised by the assets put in place? 



In this episode, TRNN's Aaron Maté's tackles an interview with the uber slimy Michael Isikoff, one of the deans of imperial "journalism" these days, and White Knight (via lies and innuendo) of the Russiagate crowd and legions of neocons pushing for permanent hostility with Russia.  Give this scumbag, Isikoff (posing as virtuous defender of the republic's virtue), credit for having the audacity to even question Maté's logical doubts about the credibility of the system's accusations of Russia.

At its core, Isikoff—in a splendid case of convenient historical naivete and circular reasoning— tries to browbeat Maté into accepting the Russiagate narrative using that old bludgeon, "because everyone is saying so." He claims that since "all the US intelligence agencies, Congress, media, and so on" supposedly "saw" the evidence incriminating the Russians, to question such mediated "truth" is to indulge in conspiracy thinking.

Obviously, many people, already brainwashed by the Democrat noise machine are ready to believe Isikoff's elaborate but tedious tissue of lies. Yet those who refuse to stop thinking for themselves easily realise that to accept Isikoff's (and his partner in lies, David Corn) position would require us to believe the US government, the US media and other routine purveyors of disinformation have suddenly and uncharacteristically gone virtuous! .Only shameless apologists for the imperial status quo like Michael Isikoff, what Paul Craig Roberts justly calls presstitutes, can weave insidious narratives like these in support of the Deep State's policies of constant war and hegemonism, and claim to be doing nationally beneficent journalism.

It's gratifying to see that many commenters on YouTube are eloquent on this episode. Granted, this is not a normal sample of the US population since it is comprised chiefly of people who watch and support The Real News Network, a progressive channel.At all events, some people surely have strong opinions on this episode. The ones below mirror our own:
Why don't cockroaches like Isikoff put as much effort to expose the massive corruption within the American oligarchy rather than this nonsense??? People are dying every day because they don't have health care or being shot by the cops due to massive corruption in the system. Where is Isikoff on these incredibly important issues?  
Thank you for trying to keep this guy honest about the lack of PROOF on his assumptions
Marko Kraguljac
Hungry people wont butter his bread. Its a subtle thing and most of them (like Isikoff) are not even aware how biased, myopic servants to the powerful they are.
Stranger Happened
Isikoff has willfully chosen to become the oligarchy's propaganda tool when he was used by the USA-backed Nazi-esque Ukrainian regime for the leaks against Trump. Notice that in all other times Isikoff poses as "liberal" that is against far-right.
Isikoff is visibly ticked off by each question that exposes his lack of concrete evidence for his central claims. When the validation of allegations is based predominantly on the never ending stream of deferring to authority, how is it ultimately different from the case of WMDs? P.S. Milking (and manufacturing) enmity to "the Russians" for the purpose of making a buck (selling books in Michael's case) is not a far fetched conclusion, but, of course, one has to be a bad person to question such an "authoritative" figure... 
