Politicians —including Sanders—& Media Scoundrels Jump on Phony Indictments of Russian Nationals


A bald-faced repugnant last-minute effort by the Deep State and its minions to cancel the summit with Putin, or block any genuine progress toward peaceful relations. Simple as that. 

Media Scoundrels Jump on Phony Indictments of Russian Nationals

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]hey’re “lovin it,” - with attribution to a US advertising pitch, selling stuff not worth buying. Nor are phony indictments, solely for political reasons, discussed in same day articles. America finds new ways of disgracing itself more than already. Anyone paying attention knows Russia didn’t interfere in Washington’s political process - not in 2016, earlier, or by cooking up something for November midterm elections. Claims otherwise are bald-faced lies, disgracing anyone making or supporting them - embarrassing everyone believing them.

The Russophobic NYT was especially scandalous in its coverage of Friday indictments, headlining in multiple reports:

“US Indicts 12 Russians in 2016 Hacking: Intelligence Officers Charged Ahead of Trump-Putin Visit”

“What Friday Indictments Mean” - turning truth on its head, claiming “(t)he Russian government was unambiguously responsible for the attack on our election.”

“12 Russians Charged: Major Highlights of the Indictment and (deputy AG) Rod Rosenstein’s Statement.” What followed was a litany of lowlights and Big Lies.

“Trump Invited the Russians to Hack Clinton. Were They Listening?” Pretty shocking stuff, what legitimate editors wouldn’t touch.

“As the ‘witch hunt’ finds more witches, the gap between Trump and Justice officials grows stark” - claiming “Rosenstein laid out the most detailed account yet of how the Russian government tried to influence the election that brought Mr. Trump to power,” adding:

“Rosenstein described a Russian influence operation that had to be blessed by the Kremlin, and named the perpetrators who carried it out.”

The above claims are disgraceful bald-faced lies! Not a shred of credible evidence supports them. None exists. Times editors had their say, headlining “How Do You Say ‘Witch Hunt in Russian?” They claimed phony charges are legitimate.

They blasted Trump for intending to hold summit talks with Putin on Monday. They lied saying “the Russian government undertook a coordinated campaign to help swing the election in his favor.”  A litany of further Big Lies followed about what didn’t happen - no Russian interference, no election meddling. Hillary lost because she’s more widely despised than Trump.

Russiagate should be called Hillarygate, a previous article saying with considerable media help, her campaign cooked the books for her to win, losing for failing to cook them enough. She and the DNC hired former MI6 spy Christopher Steele to produce a dodgy dossier on Trump - filled with spurious accusations and allegations, an effort with no credibility. No Russiagate investigation was warranted. No special counsel should have been appointed. The whole ugly business should be terminated with bipartisan consent. Not a chance, of course! Phony Friday indictments breathed new life into Russia and Trump bashing - conveniently timed ahead of Monday’s summit with Putin.  The Washington and scoundrel media swamps got a little deeper - hard truths again losing out.

A Final Comment

The entire scoundrel media establishment jumped on Friday indictments.

The neocon/CIA house organ Washington Post headlined “A timely reminder that Putin is no friend of ours.”

Just the opposite is true. Virtually the entire US political and media establishment is no friend of his or Russia.

The Wall Street Journal said Friday indictments “raise(d) (the) stakes for (the) Trump-Putin Summit.”

The BBC said the “Trump-Putin summit ‘is on’ after the hacking indictment.”

On anything related to Russia, media scoundrels recite from the same script, supporting the official narrative no matter how outrageous, suppressing hard truths able to destroy it.

12 Russians Indicted in US on Phony Charges

CIA's Brennan—mastermind of the Russiagate psyops, and he knows it. As well as most of the presstituted media.

[dropcap]R[/dropcap]ussia bashing persists because of its sovereign independence, its opposition to US imperial wars, its advocacy for mutual cooperation among all nations - benefitting from peaceful coexistence instead of endless destructive conflicts.

It’s because Washington wants the country transformed into another client state, its vast land mass partitioned for easier control, its resources looted, its people exploited. That’s what imperialism is all about.

On July 13, a manipulated District of Columbia grand jury, influenced by falsified claims without evidence, indicted 12 Russians solely for political reasons on the following counts:

Count One: “Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States” - a “conspiracy…to hack into the computer of US persons and entities involved in the 2016 presidential election, steal documents from those computers, and stage releases of the stolen documents to interfere with the 2016 US presidential election” - FALSE!

Counts two to nine falsely claimed indicted individuals “did knowingly transfer, possess, and use, without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person during and in relation to a felony violation” against the US.

Count 10: “Conspiracy to launder money.”

Count 11: “Conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States.”

Signed: Robert S. Mueller III, special counsel US Department of Justice

All of the above are whopping Big Lies, not a shred of credible evidence supports any of them.

The grand jury indictment stemmed from fabricated rubbish fed its members, manipulating them to decide guilt by accusation, credible evidence not supplied them because none exist.

Twelve targeted individuals are never to be tried convenient patsies for being Russians, despite no proof they committed any of the offenses claimed - the indictment conveniently timed several days ahead of Putin/Trump summit talks, an attempt among others to undermine them.

No Russian interference in America’s 2016 presidential election occurred, nothing suggesting the Kremlin favored one US presidential candidate over the other.

Without mentioning WikiLeaks by name, the indictment referred to “Organization 1,” falsely claiming it hacked into and stole “documents…from US persons, entities and the US government.”

WikiLeaks is a media organization, publishing information it’s provided, operating legally, stealing nothing, committing no crimes. Yet it’s unjustly targeted anyway.

Julian Assange explained information WikiLeaks obtained relating to the US 2016 presidential election came internally from a whistleblowing DNC source legally. No evidence proves otherwise.

The CIA under John Brennan bears full responsible for inventing the Russiagate hoax - fabricated accusations of Russian meddling and false claims of Trump team’s improper or illegal dealings with the Kremlin, a scheme to delegitimize him and bash Russia irresponsibly.

No Kremlin interference in the electoral process of America or any other countries occurred - a US specially occurring scores of times worldwide in the post-WW II era.

Carnegie Mellon University’s Institute for Politics and Strategy researcher Dov Levin documented 81 times Washington unlawfully meddled in foreign elections from 1946 - 2000 - since then in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Honduras, Paraguay, Brazil, and elsewhere, unsuccessfully in Venezuela, Ecuador, Iran and Russia.

America is a serial lawbreaker, unaccountable for the highest of high crimes.

Its electoral interference is relatively minor compared to its wars of aggression, homeland repression, and other wrongdoing against ordinary people at home and abroad in deference to privileged ones.

As long as US hegemonic rage continues, world peace and stability will remain unattainable. Humanity’s survival will be threatened.

A Final Comment

Sanders: Shamelessly joining the lynching mob. Some leader this guy is. But he fooled plenty.

Virtually the entire Washington political establishment supports the disgraceful indictments of 12 Russian nationals on phony charges. Not a shred of evidence was presented supporting them in the indictment or at any time throughout many months of House, Senate and special counsel Mueller probes. Charges without credible evidence are groundless. Following Friday’s indictment, Bernie Sanders disgracefully said it “confirm(s) that Russia interfered in our elections to benefit Donald Trump” - a bald-faced lie.

Undemocratic Dems Rep. Ted Lieu, Senators Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, and other congressional members deplorably said Trump should immediately cancel Monday summit talks with Putin.

Like Sanders, Warren lied, tweeting: “DOJ’s criminal charges provide hard evidence that Russian intel agents attacked America to boost their favorite candidates, undermine others, and influence our elections.”


 Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 10.13.00 AMSTEPHEN LENDMAN was born in 1934 in Boston, MA. In 1956, he received a BA from Harvard University. Two years of US Army service followed, then an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1960. After working seven years as a marketing research analyst, he joined the Lendman Group family business in 1967. He remained there until retiring at year end 1999. Writing on major world and national issues began in summer 2005. In early 2007, radio hosting followed. Lendman now hosts the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network three times weekly. Distinguished guests are featured. Listen live or archived. Major world and national issues are discussed. Lendman is a 2008 Project Censored winner and 2011 Mexican Journalists Club international journalism award recipient. His new site is at http://stephenlendman.org

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