We have seen this before—a puppy is rescued—but compassion never gets old.


Thank you for visiting our animal defence section. Before reading our main essay, please join us in a moment of compassion and reflection.

The wheels of business and human food compulsions are implacable and totally lacking in compassion. This is a downed cow, badly hurt, but still being dragged to slaughter. Click on this image to fully appreciate this horror repeated millions of times every day around the world. With plentiful non-animal meat substitutes that fool the palate, there is no longer reason for this senseless suffering. Meat consumption is a serious ecoanimal crime. The tyranny of the palate must be broken. Please consider changing your habits in this regard.

Injured Stray Puppy Had Lost All Hope, Then These People Gave Him a Reason to Wag His Tail! (VIDEO)

We can’t even describe to you how happy this next rescue makes us! This poor pup was in so much pain and anguish he had literally given up after life on the streets had taken a toll on his body and his spirit. Thankfully, someone made the life-saving call to Animals Aid Unlimited and gave this sweet boy a second chance — he just didn’t know it yet.

Once rescuers arrived at the location, they found the small puppy hiding in a bag. He was scared, tired, and in so much pain that he cried out every time rescuers attempted to move him. They were able to coax him out with a few dog biscuits, and clearly, his hunger outweighed everything else – a sad but helpful fact.

Back at the shelter, he was treated for pain, mange, and a deep gash on his hip. As with most things, time helps heal wounds, and for this little dog named Jumper, that was all he needed. Six weeks after his rescue, you can see just how well his new name fits him (and check out that gorgeous coat of fur)! He now gets to jump and wiggle all over the place, just as all puppies should!

If Jumper’s rescue brought a smile to your face, consider donating to Animals Aid Unlimited to change the life for more abused, neglected, and abandoned street animals in India. Click here to donate today!

Note: TGP has investigated this organisation and they are for real. Read an American vet's experience, below:

My Experience at Animal Aid Unlimited

Originally posted on April 23, 2012

By Kristie Mientka

Kristie and an Animal Aid Unlimited veterinarian treating a donkey.
Kristie Mientka

As a veterinary student at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, I decided to make the most of the summer before starting my second year by volunteering with Animal Aid Unlimited to help ameliorate the devastating animal situation that plagues the streets of India.

Animal Aid Unlimited is a U.S.-based charitable organization that runs a busy animal hospital and shelter in Udaipur, Rajasthan India. Here, ownerless, injured and sick animals are rescued from the street, treated, healed, loved and returned to the neighborhoods from where they were found.

The shelter itself is home and sanctuary for around 50 dogs, 30 cows, 25 donkeys and 5 pigs who cannot be returned to the street due to debilitating injuries. The shelter resident animals have more than 3 acres of land to explore throughout the day. Animals who live here are never made to stay in a kennel or a cage except for short periods of time during treatment, recovery or extreme weather conditions (like rain).

My first day at the hospital was eye opening. I assisted the veterinarian and technicians in the dog ward treating injuries the likes of which I had never seen, from deep penetrating wounds to extensive lacerations. The veterinarian had minimal supplies—only one basket full of medications and bandage material—but somehow she was able to treat the 30 or so dogs that needed attention. Despite the oppressive heat and the relentless flies and ticks that swarmed around, the day flew by and I was excited to come back the next morning.

To my surprise, a lot of my time at the hospital was spent in the large animal ward, treating sick and injured cattle and donkeys. Some of the most common large animal emergency cases included broken legs after being hit by a car, injured legs from falling in a ditch or drain, wounds infested with maggots, illnesses from plastic consumption, and infant bull-calves orphaned on the street. I mainly cleaned wounds and splinted legs as many of the injuries to these animals were due to "hobbles" placed on their legs by owners to keep them from running away.

Kristie with the Animal Aid Unlimited team.
Kristie Mientka

I can honestly say I learned more from this experienced than I had planned. I learned about injuries. I learned how to treat wounds and splint legs. I learned how to be comfortable around large animals. I learned a different kind of medicine and how to work with minimal resources. I gained a new perspective on the world of veterinary medicine and I gained a new perspective on the concept of compassion.

For more information about Animal Aid Unlimited, please visit animalaidunlimited.com.

For more stories from my time in India, visit my blog.

Kristie Mientka is in the class of 2014 at the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine and is currently serving as the Tufts-HSVMA Student Chapter president.