Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Kyiv – Apostasy and Possible Holy War in Europe


[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n its surface, the debacle gripping the Orthodox Christian world between the Patriarchate in Constantinople and the Moscow Patriarchate in Russia seems to be a territorial dispute over who has control over the Orthodox faithful in Ukraine.

Now, this apostate church wants to control the religious life of the same people it condemned to torture, starvation, and murder. Let that sink in and consider the facts.

The Orthodox Church (Prava Slava) traces its lineage through bishops back through at least one of the original 12 Apostles to Jesus Christ. Any church claiming the Orthodox faith must be able to do the same to have fellowship in the faith.

The Ukrainian nationalists which fathered the Ukrainian nationalist Orthodoxy saw religion as the perfect political vehicle to manipulate the masses. They took religious absolutism and channeled it into politics.

The religions of Ukrainian nationalism are real Christian religions recast as nationalist politics. These changes remade good into evil. Faithfulness and patriotism to your country become unquestioning robotic murder under nationalism. Concepts like love are turned into degeneracy because you are expected to spy on the people you love and turn them over to the state when they disagree. 

A Brief History of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church- Kyiv

The Ukrainian Greek Orthodox and Greek Catholic Churches were founded with only three things in mind. The first was destroying Czarist Russia which then became the Soviet Union. The second was setting up a single Ukrainian nation out of the murkiness of border politics dependent on a victorious Austro-Hungarian empire in WWI and afterwards the 3rd Reich in WWII.

The third was to make Ukrainian nationalism the only ideal worth dying for. For Ukrainian nationalists, they did that in spades.

Stepan Bandera

Their great contribution to world history is two-tier nationalisms. Nazi (nationalist) ideologies and political religion go with all their former holdings today in Central and Eastern Europe.

Each citizen’s identity had to wrap around the exceptionalism as defined by the leaders of their country. Each citizen was first and foremost entirely devoted to the nation, demonstrated by national sacrifice or heroism. To be entirely devoted to nation involved an almost cultic devotion to the Emperor and the Empire that the nation was part of and belonged to and Galician Ukraine became the Austro-Hungarian Empire’s poster child.“- Ukraine | Why Bandera Have the Largest Geo-Political Voice in EU

The one clear point is the Ukrainian Orthodox and Greek Catholic churches existed to supply Ukrainian political parties with sacrificial bodies to develop a single country they would call Ukraine.

This was a developing political religion based on an ideology.

The Birth of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC-Kiev)

What is clear is the Ukrainian Orthodox church- Kyiv never developed on Ukrainian soil and remains heretical today.

The harm in this is that both of these Ukrainian political churches teach their children to idolize the monsters of WWII.

On October 16,2011, members of the 54th branch of CYM “Khersones” in Stamford, CT attended a mass and requiem service in honor of the great Ukrainian hero and freedom fighter, Stepan Bandera. It was the first time since its’ inception that the branches’ members took part in an organized activity together with the greater Ukrainian community of Stamford.

Divisions within the Ukrainian-American Community: When Nazi Hands Rock American Cradles

No matter what your religious affiliation is or lack thereof, does the world need to live through the precursors that set up WWI and II again? Is this what we want children taught from our religious institutions? If yes, this is the prayer of their political religion.

The prayer of the Ukrainian nationalist

Ukraine, Mother of Heroes, go down to my heart, Come Caucasian storm wind, noise Carpathian surety, glorious battles Conqueror Father hop tukom guns and triumph of the Revolution, joyful hum Sophia bell. May I be reborn in You, I will glow with Your glory, for You are my whole life, for You are all my happiness.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Churches which in North America were not accepted into communion with Orthodox Churches until recently because is it is still a political church devoted to Nazi belief.

This is the religion the Ecumenical Patriarch (EP) Bartholomew I is trying to force on the people of Ukraine.

What is the reasoning behind trying to break the UOC away from the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) oversight? It is strictly political.

Today the ROC oversees 12,300 Ukrainian Orthodox church parishes across Ukraine. The UOC-Kiev has 5000 apostate (broke communion with their mother church) church parishes in Ukraine. If Bartholomew I grants the UOC-Kiev canonization and fellowship, the break will destroy the existing churches by making them strictly political, instead of spiritual entities.

This time we arrived in Ukraine with an extraordinary mission,” Constantinople exarchs Archbishop Daniel of Pamphilon and Bishop Ilarion of Edmonton told Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko yesterday during a meeting in Kiev.

We personally represent Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and at the same time the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in order to continue working on the fait accompli that the beginning of the process of granting autocephaly (independence, canonization, and fellowship) to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church(-Kiev) has begun. We are on a straight line heading for the finish line,” Bp. Daniel added.

Who is Filaret the Apostate?

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate would never return to the Moscow Patriarchate .



The Ukrainian Orthodox Churches in Ukraine that are in communion today are rightfully terrified. Who could have conceived a Bishop of their church giving over a community of millions of churchgoers to an apostate?

If Bartholomew I tries to push this through, many of the churches are vowing to protect their churches and parishioners even if it means shedding blood. Going along with it peacefully would mean their religion, life, and the lives of their families today and those that fought the OUN Bandera in WWII and afterward was worthless.

 It would mean their families are criminals for not supporting Adolf Hitler. The millions of the men, women, and children that suffered under OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists) hands in the concentration camps were criminals. The millions more that are suffering and will suffer today are criminals.

 It means they were right, there was a Holocaust, so what?

Giving the Orthodox people of Ukraine that are consecrated to God over to the Ukrainian nationalist politicians and Filaret is a heresy that risks beginning a Holy War in Europe which will to dwarf any conflict since WWII. 

We are talking about the lives and religious beliefs of tens of millions of people that will be forced to defend themselves and their children from nationalism disease.

<strong>GH Eliason</strong>
Mr. Eliason lives in Ukraine. He writes content and optimizes web based businesses across the globe for organic search results, technical issues, and design strategies. He is also a large project construction specialist. When Fukushima happened it became known that he was a locked high rad specialist with a penchant for climbing. He was paid to climb a reactor at a sister plant to Fukushima 3 because of a "million dollar mistake". His now works in  project safety.