Thank you for visiting our animal defence section. Before reading our main essay, please join us in a moment of compassion and reflection.
In the "industrialised West" this is one of the best kept secrets. Guess why.
Patrice Greanville
[dropcap]C[/dropcap]onfronting organised human cruelty and exploitation of animals is always shocking. Exposés like this appear to many people as "strident", tedius and tiresome appeals by people who "can't tell the difference" between real urgent priorities (you name the human cause) and the plight of billions of animals, whose mindboggling suffering is automatically relegated to secondary or tertiary levels of importance. That kind of reasoning is grounded in false premises. As we have said elsewhere, being a supporter of animal liberation is today being a consistent ecologist, for no one can think herself or himself a serious environmentalist while munching on steak, eggs and stuffing himself with burgers. It just doesn't add up. For the animal production industry in our modern world is an industry whose effects on our climate are as grave if not more deleterious than all the vehicular emissions in our planet, and other activities connected with the production of "greenhouse gases" starting with the petroleum industry, an industry that should have been retired decades ago, but which today continues to control entire nations. That is a failure of leadership of colossal and criminal proportions, a prime example of short-term thinking, and a gamble on the future of this planet that no one, under any reasoning, has the right to make.
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YOU ASSUME, WRONGLY, THAT THE GREANVILLE POST CENSORED YOU. But t was not us, but Disqus that held your comment ecause who knows you failed some of their many regulations. In any case, we saw it and approved it manually. As for what you say about capitalism, look around this site, what do you see if not the most consistent and outspoken attack on capitalism in all its aspects? Obviously capitalism has a great deal to do with CAFO systems, briefly said, it exacerbates the suffering and the wounds because it automatically puts profit as teh sole and most important… Read more »