Masters of Duplicity: The Alternative That Never Was


There's not a dime's worth of difference between the two wings of the criminal duopoly, but the Democrats also block the path to genuine remedial politics, suggests Roland Vincent, and we concur.

By Patrice Greanville

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]n interesting and (IMHO) quite accurate and crisp statement by Roland Vincent this morning. Vincent is that rarity in US culture, a radical political and a/r activist. As befits a position advancing so many unpopular ideas and philosophies, he often catches a great deal of invective from status quo-supporting mainstreamers and from those who deride the animal liberation movement as some form of crazy bourgeois dilettantism. Many of his critics are genuine radicals uncomfortable with the idea of alloting precious energies to what they insist on regarding as a marginal issue. This is clearly wrongheaded, but more importantly it hides a great deal of simple attachment to the dictates of the palate—"burgerism"—itself a shameful manifestation of a widely held and virtually unexamined speciesism: the world is ours to do as we please. Our whims and needs and wants come first, second, and last.

Such people, who can often be extremely dedicated to noble causes concerning humans—hence the painful contradiction—(including the environment, which is inseparable from the animal cause), remain stubbornly blind to the positive implications of the animal liberation movement for everyone, since it's impossible to ignore the cost (besides moral) of destroying the planet and all that lives in it—including our own species—by persisting in our rapacious and destructive ways, from robotic consumerism to constant wars and a capitalist system inexorably set on a collision course with nature. At this eleventh hour, people simply have to learn to expand the gauge of their activism, and start projecting it beyond the normal parameters of race, gender or even class. The struggle for ecoanimal liberation is fundamental. Some causes, like the fight to stop nuclear war can match it in importance and urgency, but nothing can supersede it. Without an habitable planet, bathed in a  new moral ethic, advances or victories in any of the other great causes are close to menaningless. It's important to keep in mind that it is an amoral industrialism, spearheaded by  capitalism, that finally brought this planet to its current predicament. We have wounded the biosphere and now there's hell to pay, even as the global misleaders (and their media) continue to pretend there are more urgent matters at hand.

Execrable Democrats


[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n his latest salvos, posted on his provocatively named (and written) ARMORY OF The REVOLUTION, Vincent punches a huge hole in the Democrats' pretensions to be seen as the "kinder" party. (He is clear the Republicans are no better, only less succssful at dissimulation). The "Blue Wave" resistance, indicates Vincent, is a cruel joke, for they claim to represent salvation from Trump, while denying their own involvement in the fetid swamp that made the Trump creature inevitable.

The main job of Democrats is to co-opt and defuse the progressive impulse in American politics.

Vincent is particularly caustic on California Democrat Dianne Feinstein, legendary for her treachery and hypocrisy (a party specialty) and a classic Deep Stater, not to mention a multimillionaire many times over with her bloodsoaked claws in oil, real estate, agribusiness, and many other industries. In Vincent's eyes the California pol is an unqualified enemy of the people, and he is right.

In her latest incarnation, Feinstein, as odious as it gets in politics, has been a battering ram for the Dems' Russiagate hoax, but her most important nefarious contribution is her committed participation in the establishment's effort to suffocate dissident speech, by claiming that people like us are essentially Russian bots interested in causing "divisiveness" in our wonderful non-existent democracy. The scare tool utilised by Feinstein and fellow Democrats like the equally scummy Adam Schiff is to cry "Fake News!" in the face of any material deviating from the official government line.

Well, that's my intro. Now, as Mr Dooley would say, without further eloquence, I give you what Vincent says about this woman and her abject party:

"Politically Incorrect: Dianne Feinstein wrote the Animal Enterprises Terrorism Act which makes animal liberationists terrorists. / Roland Vincent / 1 day ago

US Senator Dianne Feinstein co-authored the Animal Enterprises Terrorism Act with right wing lunatic [and fullfledged corporate whore] James Inhofe of Oklahoma.

AETA makes animal liberationists terrorists.

She supports war, the military, Big Ag and Big Pharma. She voted for the Patriot Act, supports NSA spying, and opposes universal healthcare.

Democrat Kevin de Leon is running against Feinstein. He is considerably left of her.

There is no Republican in the race, or any third party candidates, as California has the top two primary candidates face each other in November, regardless of party.

Regarding the "Blue Wave Resistance, Vincent says Clintonites would be even worse than Trump, although he does not recommend a vote for Trump, of course, but hard dedicated work to turn the tide of manure engulfing this nation and the world. Here's his argument summed up in these straightforward paragraphs:

"Politically Incorrect: The alternative to a Trump presidency offered by Clinton Democrats is something to the right of Obama. / Roland Vincent / 22 hours ago

An alternative I see as completely unacceptable, as I found Obama to be completely unacceptable.

Obama served Wall Street, arms manufacturers, and Big Oil, all the while appearing to be both personable and reasonable.

But he governed to the right of Reagan.

Democrats in their current iteration are the more evil party, as they embrace fascism while bringing women, minorities, and the poor, into the fascist tent.

"The Democrat alternative is complete unacceptable." Hmm. Vincent, who was once a Democrat party operative, knows damn well whereof he speaks. He confirms what Black Agenda Report editor Glen Ford has said many times, "the Democrats are the more effective evil."  Caveat Emptor!

Patrice Greanville is founding editor of The Geanville Post.

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