“Mysterious Helicopters” Rescuing ISIS And al-Qaeda – A Brief Timeline


By Brandon Turbeville

Washington's hypocrisy, backed up by its gigantic media shield, is simply breathtaking.

Although the United States government routinely denies that it in any way cooperates with ISIS, reports continue to manifest themselves demonstrating exactly the opposite, particularly in Syria. Over the course of the war and ever since the emergence of the terrorist organization on the world scene, there have been a number of “mysterious helicopters” that extract ISIS fighters from battlefields in which they are facing imminent defeat either by the legitimate government of the countries in which they are fighting, pro-government militias, or even ahead of “anti-ISIS” strikes by the alleged “anti-ISIS coalition.”

While not attempting to go in to a detailed explanation or analysis of each incident, below are a number of reports of such “airlifts of evil” that have surfaced over the last two years. The Pentagon, as mentioned above, has repeatedly denied these reports.

November 10-11, 2018 – SANA reported that a US-led aircraft landed in Deir ez-Zour Province, near the outskirts of al-Susah, taking away three ISIS members.

October 7, 2018 – SANA quoted residents of the town al-Shaafah, who reported that American helicopters had evacuated ISIS commanders from Abu Kamal in Deir ez-Zour province. There was no word as to where the fighters were taken.

September 22, 2018 – SANA reported that the US-led coalition carried out an “air landing operation” on the outskirts of al-Mrashde village, which was located in the same area where ISIS militants had spread out. This area is in the southeastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor. The report claimed that the flights transferred a number of ISIS commanders.

August 23, 2018 – TASS reported that Russia had recorded mysterious helicopter flights to ISIS units in Afghanistan which transported weapons to the militants.

“We would like to once again point to the flights of unidentified helicopters in northern Afghanistan, which deliver weapons and ammunition to local ISIL units and Taliban members cooperating with the group. In particular, the Afghan media and local residents say that such helicopters were seen in the Sar-e Pol Province,” Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

March 19, 2018 – SANA cited an anonymous source who claimed that three US military helicopters evacuated suspected ISIS commanders from areas in Northeastern Syria. It was reported that the helicopters landed between al-Jissi and Kalu, 2 km south of the township of Tal Hamis in the Qamlishi District of al-Hasakah Province.

February, 2018 – Syrian state media reported the transportation of ISIS commanders and their family members to Sabah al-Khair by US helicopters. Sabah al-Khair is about 20km south of al-Hasakah, where all signs point to the US operating a terrorist training base there.

December 29, 2017 – SANA reported that US helicopters evacuated ISIS commanders from the Deir ez-Zour province to the al-Hasakah province in northeastern Syria. Sources report that this is the second time that the US evacuated ISIS fighters.

May, 2017 – Anonymous local Syrian sources revealed that US military helicopters had evacuated ISIS commanders from their previous stronghold in Raqqa and taking them to an “undisclosed location.”

May 2017 – Governor of Afghanistan’s northern Sar-e Pol province, Mohammad Zahir Wahdat, claimed that the unmarked military helicopters had touched down briefly in a known militant stronghold area. Because it happened at night, Afghan security forces were unable to take pictures.

January, 2015 – Although the majority of these reports took place in 2018-2017, we cannot forget reports that emerged earlier such as the one in January, 2015 where Iraqi Member of Parliament Majid al-Gharawi stated that all information available “pointed out that US planes are supplying ISIL organization, not only in Salahuddin province, but also other provinces,” according to Iraq TradeLink.

He also stated that the United States is “not serious in fighting against the ISIL organization, because they have the technological power to determine the presence of ISIL gunmen and destroy them in one month [but have not done so].”

Gharawi suggested that the “the US is trying to expand the time of the war against the ISIL to get guarantees from the Iraqi government to have its bases in Mosul and Anbar provinces.”

It is important to mention that, according to FARS News, the Iraqi Parliamentary Security and Defense Commission revealed that a US plane did indeed supply ISIS with arms and ammunition in the Salahuddin province in Iraq, yet that revelation has received little to no coverage in the West.

In late December, 2014, yet another Iraqi lawmaker, Nahlah al-Hababi, questioned the motives and commitment of the US and its anti-ISIL coalition and claimed that the terrorist groups are actually receiving a large amount of aid dropped by unidentified aircraft.

Hababi is quoted by FARS News Agency as stating “The international coalition is not serious about air strikes on ISIL terrorists and is even seeking to take out the popular Basij (voluntary) forces from the battlefield against the Takfiris so that the problem with ISIL remains unsolved in the near future.”

“Basij” is a term that largely means “volunteer” as in volunteer forces.

She also was quoted as saying that “The ISIL terrorists are still receiving aids from unidentified fighter jets in Iraq and Syria.”

FARS also quotes Hababi as pointing out that the airstrikes launched by NATO are only launched in areas where Kurdish Peshmerga forces are fighting, while such strikes launched in other areas are “not so precise.” The suggestion, of course, is that the “coalition” has a vested interest in supporting the Kurdish forces while, at the same time, supporting ISIS in the process of weakening Syria’s Assad, Iraqi nationalism, and presumably, Iranian influence. Clearly, Hababi is not far off from the reality of the situation.

As FARS writes,

In late December, the US-led coalition dropped aids to the Takfiri militants in an area North of Baghdad.

Field sources in Iraq told al-Manar that the international coalition airplanes dropped aids to the terrorist militants in Balad, an area which lies in Salahuddin province North of Baghdad.

In October, a high-ranking Iranian commander also slammed the US for providing aid supplies to ISIL, adding that the US claims that the weapons were mistakenly airdropped to ISIL were untrue.

“The US and the so-called anti-ISIL coalition claim that they have launched a campaign against this terrorist and criminal group – while supplying them with weapons, food and medicine in Jalawla region (a town in Diyala Governorate, Iraq). This explicitly displays the falsity of the coalition’s and the US’ claims,” Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri said.

The US claimed that it had airdropped weapons and medical aid to Kurdish fighters confronting the ISIL in Kobani, near the Turkish border in Northern Syria.

The US Defense Department said that it had airdropped 28 bundles of weapons and supplies, but one of them did not make it into the hands of the Kurdish fighters.

Video footage later showed that some of the weapons that the US airdropped were taken by ISIL militants.

The question of such “convenient accidents” are by no means unique to the Middle Eastern, Iraqi, or Iranian press reports, however. These types of “mistakes” happen on a seemingly regular basis in areas where the United States is allegedly fighting the very terrorist organization it created.

November, 2014 – Iraqi intelligence agents disclosed that the United States was supplying ISIS with weapons and food. Once report from Iranian news agency FARS News stated,

Iraqi intelligence sources disclosed that US military planes have been supplying the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Takfiri terrorists with weapons and foodstuff under the guise of air raids on militants’ positions.

The Iraqi forces have found out that the US aircraft usually airdrop arms and food cargoes for ISIL militants who collect them on the ground, Asia news agency quoted Iraqi army’s intelligence officers as saying.

US led coalition airplanes over Syria: always up to no good. But the worst duplicity is their support for ISIS while pretending to be fighting them all the time.

“The Iraqi intelligence sources reiterated that the US military planes have airdropped several aid cargoes for ISIL terrorists to help them resist the siege laid by the Iraqi army, security and popular forces,” added the report.

On Saturday, Iraqi security sources disclosed that the ISIL terrorist group is using the state-of-the-art weapons which are only manufactured by the US and each of their bullets are worth thousands of dollars.

“What is important is that the US sends these weapons to only those that cooperate with the Pentagon and this indicates that the US plays a role in arming the ISIL,” an Iraqi security source told FNA.

The source noted that the most important advantage of the US-made weapons used by the ISIL is that “these bullets pierce armored vehicles and kill the people inside the vehicle”.

He said each of such bullets is worth $2,000, and added, “These weapons have killed many Iraqi military and volunteer forces so far.”

The crisis in Iraq escalated after the ISIL militants took control of Mosul in a lightning advance on June 10, which was followed by the fall of Tikrit, located 140 kilometers (87 miles) Northwest of the capital, Baghdad.

Soldiers of the Iraqi army, popular forces and Kurdish Pishmarga troops have been engaged in heavy fighting with the militants on different fronts and have so far been able to push them back in several areas.

October, 2014 – “Coalition” forces dropped a number of aid supplies and ammunition allegedly intended for the Iraqi people and anti-Isis forces on the ground into territory controlled by ISIS. The “mistake” was confirmed by Iraqi officials and parliamentarians.

October 2014 – An airdrop of weapons, allegedly dumped accidentally, found itself landing directly into the hands of ISIS in Ayn al-Arab (Kobani).

As SouthFront reports,

The Pentagon has repeatedly denied this reports claiming that it is not cooperating with ISIS in any kind. However, the problem is that the US military also denies that it has reached any kind of deals with ISIS in Manbij and Raqqah, which is an obvious lie. So, as reports about US helicopters evacuating ISIS members or providing supplies to them continue to appear, the concern is growing that Washington is still using ISIS as a tool in its geopolitical standoff with other powers.

In addition, Conflict Armament Research reported years ago that ISIS fighters use “significant quantities” of arms including M16 assault rifles marked “property of the US government.”

It is also well known that ISIS was a product of a massive terrorist organization and training strategy undertaken by the United States, GCC, Jordan, and Turkey.

In June, 2014, Aaron Klein, writing for WorldNetDaily, reported that members of ISIS were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to informed Jordanian officials.

The Syrian military has repeatedly uncovered huge caches of American weapons in territory liberated from ISIS. One such report from November, 2017 (Sputnik International – “Warehouse Full Of US-Made ‘Lethal Weapons’ Found By Syrian Army,), stated,

The Syrian Army has liberated new quarters of Deir ez-Zor from Daesh terrorists. During the operation the army found large warehouses with a huge number of lethal weapons. The Syrian military source told Sputnik Arabic what exactly these warehouses were storing.

According to the Syrian military source there were a lot of US-made weapons and military equipment of Western European and Israeli production. Apart from M-16 automatic rifles there were TOW anti-tank missile systems and 155 mm US field guns.

“There were also Hummers, which were either used to transport people or were stuffed with bombs inside ready to explode. Israeli intelligence reconnaissance aircraft and a modern Israeli protective suit for conducting sapper work have also been found,” the source told Sputnik Arabic.

The source also said that tech for air and ground reconnaissance, satellite communications and bags with C-4 explosives were also discovered inside these warehouses.

There were also boxes with ammunition and weapons stored in the underground shelters, while tanks and cars were covered with a camouflage net to protect against Russian and Syrian airstrikes.

The Inside Syria Media Center website quoted Syrian Brigade General Ali al-Ali as saying that the United States illegally delivered at least 1,500 trucks with weapons and military equipment to terrorists in Syria between June 5 and September 15 of this year.

Although Washington said that these weapons were intended for US allies, they always fell into the hands of terrorists, the general said.

According to the website, the Austrian Glock 19 pistol is the most popular weapon among Daesh militants. Back in 2014, terrorists posted execution videos, in which those pistols were used.

Later it was discovered that these pistols were delivered to Iraqi law enforcement bodies in 2003-2004.

According to the brigade general, the M-16 assault rifles became a symbol of crisis in Syria. The Syrian Army has repeatedly found boxes containing weapons that read “US Property.” Hence statements suggesting that these were Chinese copies are probably incorrect.

Furthermore, the Syrian Army on a number of occasions found the light automatic FN FAL rifle, which is a weapon used by the NATO. This rifle is equipped with a sniper scope and is generally used in urban dwellings.

In addition, Daesh terrorists have also used Heckler & Koch’s MP5 submachine gun, popular with US and European law enforcement agencies.

Such weapons caches have been appearing in a number of liberated areas not only those held by Daesh (ISIS) but also in those held by terrorist organizations like al-Nusra Front/al-Qaeda, an organization that is nothing more than a branch of ISIS.

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Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President, and Resisting The Empire: The Plan To Destroy Syria And How The Future Of The World Depends On The Outcome. Turbeville has published over 1000 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website isBrandonTurbeville.com He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)gmail.com.

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Things to ponder

While our media prostitutes, many Hollywood celebs, and politicians and opinion shapers make so much noise about the still to be demonstrated damage done by the Russkies to our nonexistent democracy, this is what the sanctimonious US government has done overseas just since the close of World War 2. And this is what we know about. Many other misdeeds are yet to be revealed or documented.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

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