The Syria withdrawal backlash: Media shows again who they whore for

Actually there is no need to imagine. It's happening already.

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s dedicated internauts we often come across excellent opinion on the topics of the day. This section was created to highlight our audience's comments, but in the current crisis we are opening the space to voices that come from other places on the web who share our political vision. The examples below, taken from, accompanying their piece on Trump's announced Syria withdrawal speak for themselves.






Ed Bergonzi

The Democrats are "shaken" because they, and their anti-Russian war-mongering, are exposed. What now ... palace coup? Have the so-called "lefts" Ocasio-Cortez, Talib and others opened their mouths? Trump's posturing as the "anti-war" President is absurd, but he is desperate to hold on to a "constituency" that he senses is moving on a different political direction than his own.


Demented, unstable, babbling psychopaths the lot of them. Vomiting lie after lie in projectile waves on the pages of their imperial bullhorns, the Times and the Post have sailed past Orwell’s ministry of truth. Is there a single truthful word uttered by these frothing sycophants that isn’t immediately attributed to a falsification or misdirected finger point? You’d be lucky to even get a truthful word out let alone one that wasn’t immediately used to make some glaringly obvious false claim. It’s their trade secrets to lie using quotes and only use true statements to bolster some lie or another.

It’s really getting out of hand. I wonder if some latent purpose of these types of reports isn’t a PsyOp to gauge if the masses are willing to call them out on the most blatant and obvious of pure imperialist propaganda... so far very few are willing to take up this mantle (other than WSWS and similar). Luckily, the working class is largely not paying attention to this excrement... though this is unfortunately due to their increasingly difficult financial situations. I guess I’m just tired of seeing the ranting of these imperialist lapdogs in MSM.


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