A Battle of Communications We Cannot Afford to Lose

This TGP yearend appeal could be our first and last—unless you step forth to help.


[dropcap]M[/dropcap]ost major progressive websites are constantly asking for support. We normally never ask for money, preferring to absorb the costs out of our own pockets—that is the founding editors’s pockets, and a very small group of close friends. No one in this group has a hefty bank account. In fact the opposite is true. So how do we do it? Through dedication. Our core editors —exactly 3 people—put in about 12 to 16 hours a day. Their average age is 67. (We have now some young people coming in, but the learning curve takes a bit of time.) Most live on pensions and social security, paltry by normal income standards. The result is however an outstanding site with top-notch editing by people of great experience and cultural proficiency. In fact, no site in the English language surpasses TGP in authoritativeness, frankness and comprehensiveness when sorting out today’s political events.

With archives exceeding 20,000 articles (not counting those in our sister site, CHINA RISING) all carefully selected and of lasting interest, The Greanville Post (TGP) is without hyperbole a one-stop information shop for people truly looking for answers in this confusing world, and a peerless asset for those wishing to escape the MATRIX’s pervasive lies. Indeed, no site offers so many specialised sections, from VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY, whose motto “Everything you should have learned in college, but didn’t” is eloquent enough, to departments focusing on China, Russia, the environment, and other crucial  topics of our time, including the MEDIA FRONT, and ARMAGEDDON, whose name says it all, TGP is simply and amazing collection of dependable knowledge under one tent. Above all, our articles analyse, inform and discuss uncompromisingly the question paramount on all intelligent and concerned minds, how to overcome the capitalist/imperialist/hegemonist malignancy embedded in the American state, and its baleful influence on all life on this planet. That, friends, as you can imagine, has its special costs.

Malicious disruptions and hacks throw our small budget off the rails

Today we must appeal to you because in 2018 our site came close to being wiped out.  As we had long anticipated, TGP was hit by numerous incidents of malicious hacking, each attack costing us many hours of work to fix, and many dollars we can ill afford to shield the site from future disruptions. Unfortunately, no fix is permanent on the Internet, and malefactors remain anonymous, so future incidents are likely to happen again, especially for a resource in the cross-hairs of powerful, underhanded foes with bottomless pockets. Let’s call them “the usual suspects”, and let’s take their malicious work as a given. Our work must go on. This is the reality in which truly anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist sites reside now and the choice is clear: we fold and they win, or we continue and try to muddle through the best we can. Furthermore, as many of you know, and again hardly surprising, we have also been stealthily sabotaged by the social media giants, such as Google, Twitter, etc. The upshot is that our circulation has suffered greatly, and so have our rankings. Other genuinely progressive sites have suffered too, pretty much along the same lines, and their circulation, too, has been severely damaged. Despite these exasperating and to some no doubt disheartening developments, we are now (proudly) listed among the world’s top seven “fake news” sites in the anglophone sphere. “Fake” of course by the Orwellian standards of the true main disseminators of fake news, the mainstream media, organs like the Washington Post, the New York Times, the commercial TV networks, PBS, NPR, and similar mouthpieces of the global plutocracy overt and covert.

So that’s where we are at this point in our very personal battle of communications, a battle that genuine progressives everywhere cannot afford to lose. The true left has never been punier than now, at least in the US. Yet its task is enormous and critical. For one thing, it must clarify, expose and push back, against the lies and half-truths constantly pumped into the mainstream consciousness by the innumerable presstitutes in the service of the corporate status quo. But just as critical, it must neutralise the political effluvia emanating from the liberals’ message, the fake friends of the people, and their main vehicle, the Democrat party. It is an old story that due to their historical alliance with capital, and their risk-averse and treacherous temperament, liberals (the thinking ones, because their ranks now include millions of completely clueless Democrat bots) have always been something of a Fifth Column among the left, and their latter day romance with the organs of the Deep State, on account of Trump, we are told, makes their activities all the more menacing to the effort to salvage the tattered remnants of constitutional democracy in the US, a democracy that even at its height was never as robust and genuine as its apologists would have us believe.

So yea, we face extremely interesting and challenging times, and that’s not even computing the struggle to arrest and hopefully reverse the ecocide under way, the “murder of nature” as some have called it, doubtless the greatest and most cataclysmic crime in the history of this planet, by a system whose politicians drag their feet while either ignoring or worsening it, often acting at glacial speed when light speed would be more appropriate.

In this dismal framework truth is not just valuable it is imperative, it’s the only chance we have. What’s more, we need to use whatever freedom of speech we still have to transmit these facts and narratives before the window shuts down and it probably will if there is no organised push back.

In sum, if you care for an enduring peace grounded in social and ecoanimal justice; if you give a damn for a superior understanding of what causes and caused the current human and ecological predicament (so we do not repeat the same rotten script), consider a donation to The Greanville Post. We have a modest goal of only $5,000 this season to tide us over into the next year, basically to fill a gap, but donations are going very sluggishly. So just pitch in what you can. No matter how small, your help will keep this precious informational and mobilisational resource alive.   Don’t give our enemies an easy victory. Send your donation today!

For the editorial team,

Patrice Greanville
PS/ Incidentally, all donations are tax deductible.