FRENCH (with topical translations):
Gilets jaunes acte 18 :
Published on 18 Mar 2019
Cet Acte 18 des gilets jaunes à Paris résonne comme un énorme avertissement. Le nombre de manifestants dans tout Paris et l'ambiance générale sont impressionnant. (This act 18 of the yellow vests in Paris thunders like a huge warning. The number of demonstrators throughout Paris and the general atmosphere are impressive.)
See this video in "People's Cinemascope"! Allez! It's a different experience. .
BELOW: The quintessential Frenchman, the "Man of the party with no party" explains in his own inmitable ways and gestures what's really going on with his beloved Gilets Jaunes (he's one of them, too, of course).
ABOVE: Paris - l'Acte 18 des Gilets jaunes, une banque est incendié black blocs (16/03/19) (On Act 18 by Gilets Jaunes a bank is burned down by the Black Bloc)