Zakharova on Mueller Report: Western Journalists Are “Riff-Raff” Totally to Blame For Russia Hoax!

Another important dispatch from The Greanville Post. Be sure to share it widely.

Maria Zakharova properly calls them "politicians" and "propagandists" pretending to be journalists.

The entire shameful Western media corral has nothing quite like Maria Zakharova, which shows it is cultures that produce certain kinds of people, not genetic accidents.

A reader on the Saker Blog puts it well: " Zakharova told it as it is. I just love listening to this lady. She is beautiful, intelligent, articulate and highly competent, creating an air of sincerity around her. She and Lavrov make a great team. Both increase Russia’s prestige." —B.F. on March 28, 2019  ·  at 5:30 pm

Other readers express sentiments we can totally subscribe to:

  1. Thirteen minutes of momma bear ripping some buttheads a new one.

    Zakharova is awesome.

    This video is a keeper and should be distributed widely.

    It provides great insight into the Russian official, media and public state of mind over the US hegemony, sanctions, fake news, and idiotic government officials.

    Supremely confident is an understatement. They know their adversary, the USA, is a clown show.

  2. Why is Russia’s spokesperson is so much more effective and believable as a communicator than her opposite numbers in the west? We don’t have people like Maria at the top of our governments.

    And here's a treat for Zakharova fans everywhere: Zakharoba dancing Kalinka.
    In this dance she seems to represent the beautiful vitality and unconquerable qualities of Russia, a country continually tormented by the west for well over 20 years.

    VIRAL: Hot Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman rocks to Kalinka

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