EXCELLENT COMMENTS: Peter Pavimentov on propaganda, “root of all our problems”


Peter Pavimentov commented on Caitlin Johnstone's 

Propaganda Is The Root Of All Our Problems

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hy does it have to be a foreigner who can analyze the state of obfuscation in the West (Johnstone is Australian so actually she lives in a part of the world that is equally included in Western mischief). But her reasoning about propaganda is much what I have believed for a long time, that the indoctrination is far more lethal than politics or bombs. The discomfort caused by conventional oppression is palpable in the US. But the problem remains what outlets are available and what emerges is social violence in the form of lateral hostility and killings. That this is not just a US phenomenon is proven by the dire events in Scandinavia and France. The human frustration about social oppression is relieved by violence instead of by collaterally seeking a better form of liberation. But the vital social contract remains steered by a small group of ruling class capitalists. The torture of dissidents is the same, not in the market square but in the plethora of prisons.

"...the indoctrination is far more lethal than politics or bombs."

One of the more absurd notions is that the ruling classes would be stupid and/or afraid. It is reading the situation entirely through a glass darkly as this already was demonstrated in the French Revolution to be wrong, where many heads were chopped off, but where the majority of the nobility and clergy remained in power as soon as the major revolutionary wave drained off and they re-established themselves during the Directorate and the Napoleonic empire and later by marrying into the rising industrial bourgeoisie. It was clear to the Bolsheviks that this should not be allowed, and they l earned from the French events on how to prevent it. There is literally no exit from the Feudal system as Capitalism in the West has become when all communication is filtered through the hands of the owning classes. But to apply this to the present one should be aware of the following:

So far, the ruling class has not made up its mind about Trump because he favors all their interests, but they keep him unbalanced by allowing the Democrat assaults on him, which have become in method beyond sanity. Wall street remains viable to the corporate sector but should the ruling class veer away from Trump it will be by manipulation in diminishing returns and a lower level of stock values. Since the whole economy is planned well beforehand though in a less strict manner than in China, the political follows the economical and though it may well be that the Democrat party chooses Joe Biden with as a possible sidekick vice-president Elisabeth Warren to console the more liberal parts of the party, the ruling class has a choice to promote them or Trump as after all they own the prime propaganda system of papers and the cable television stations.

For that matter the paternalism of its bureaucrats in this country is abnormally strong, something that they would not get away with in Europe. I see that Biden, a multi-millionaire is to appear as lead speaker in the Poor People's Forum, surely a hypocritical act in pure snake-oil manship that in no realist country would be tolerated. I am a 85 year old widower, having worked all my life with an annual social security income of $ 15,132 on which I of course cannot live, so I keep working as a self employed man, earning a net additional income of $ 10,823 last year. The government demands me now to pay self employment taxes of $ 1,645,35. No wonder I admire John Dillinger.....

There is indeed a sense of madness about anti-Russia politics. Russia has been the target of Western nations ever since 1917 and apparently it does not matter what kind of regime reigns in Russia. The lasting threat to Capitalism is apparently seen as too large to be ignored. The utter idiotic paranoia ignores the danger to humanity in the brinkmanship displayed by the Washington cabal. Is this a Freudian descent into [full-throttle] thanatos?

CodaUS style propaganda runs deep, has many layers and many components, all infernally interconnected at some level;  some visible, some untraceable (but still guessable). The creatures working on the mainstream media (which includes Hollywood, of course) are just the frontline disseminators of "reality spins"—agreed on official narratives— originating with a multitude of organisations and individuals working for academia, the Pentagon, private corporations, NGOs, religious groups, and so on, ad nauseam, all pushing, often in the name of American exceptionalism, pathetic lies and myths to advance the regime of grotesque privilege enjoyed by no more than 0.00001% of the population. Call it global capitalism, if you like, or the more polite "neoliberalism", a p.r. bow to the bad reputation of capitalism, acquired over centuries of ruthless exploitation and genocidal wars. Or call it neofeudalism, the reality we are beginning to inhabit now, as the concentration of unaccountable wealth and power reaches new heights of sociopathy on the backs of a pathetically ignorant, confused and largely passive public. The above graph depicts, for example, some of the dubious entities in charge of "advising" Facebook on the boundaries of permissible free speech. And this is just a small random biopsy of a completely rotten organism. —The Editor

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Hope you enjoy living in our newfangled corporate neofeudalism.