Maduro Sniffs Out New Coup, Attempt to Murder Him and His Wife Planned By Guaido and US!

Another important dispatch from The Greanville Post. Be sure to share it widely.

Published on Jun 27, 2019

Subscribe to Vesti News The president of Venezuela has stated that he caught conspirators plotting against him. Nicolas Maduro reported several days ago that the government managed to prevent a coup.

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Closing words
Like vampires fearing light, capitalists elites have always been afraid of the socialist demonstration effect. A huge and constant effort is aimed at "showing" that socialism doesn't work, that it is tyrannical, inefficient, etc. Thus sabotaging and killing socialism wherever it may arise —Russia, China, Korea, Venezuela, Chile—by any means necessary, no matter how brutal and dishonest, is therefore standing policy. But socialist solutions work. And Medicare for All would show everyone in America, the key capitalist fortress, that many of our nightmares can easily vanish under socialism. For the capitalists and their hanger-ons it would be a Pandora's box.—P. Greanville

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