Xinjiang is Chilling Out (Update)


Godfree Roberts

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e reached Peak Uyghur three years ago, when the killings stopped. Everything’s coming under control without anyone getting hurt. This is America’s last gasp in Xinjiang. After seventy years of mischief, the curtain is coming down on another geopolitical failure. Xinjiang is a replay of Tibet and Tibet was another defeat for the US, as US Ambassador Chas. H. Freeman, Director for Chinese Affairs at the U.S. Department of State from 1979-1981 said,

“I don’t see any reason why Tibet being part of China should be any more controversial than Wales being part of the United Kingdom. The periods when they were put into that position were about the same. I recall, as probably most people don’t, that the the Central Intelligence Agency, with assistance from some of China’s neighbors, put $30 million into the destabilization of Tibet and basically financed and trained the participants in the Khampa rebellion and ultimately sought to remove the Dalai Lama from Tibet–which they did. They escorted him out of Tibet to Dharamsala.

CIA-sponsored "Tibetan exiles" protesting in New Delshi in 2011. CNN along with the rest of the Western media—and a coterie of Hollywood celebities— loves them.

“The CIA programs in Tibet, which were very effective in destabilizing it, did not succeed in Xinjiang. There were similar efforts made with the Uyghurs during the Cold War that never really got off the ground. In both cases you had religion waved as a banner in support of a desire for independence or autonomy which is, of course, is anathema to any state. I do believe that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones applies here. I am part American Indian and those people are not here (in the US) in the numbers they once were because of severe genocidal policies on the part of the European majority”. 8/31/18

Tibetans are getting fatter and happier by the day, their culture is booming, millions of tourists think Tibetans are cool and they spend billions,. etc. The population has doubled, 95% of them are ethnic Tibetan and everyone has an income or a paying job and most own land (divvied up after the nobles fled with the country’s gold reserves). They grow winter veggies under micro-irrigated hoops so everyone has fresh veggies every day (along with the yak’s milk, of course).

The new, truer face of Tibet: celebrating serf-emancipation day.

I believe the Hero of Tibet moved to Xinjiang and adapted his techniques to local conditions. That’s why our media shriek about “Whole Families Imprisoned!” in re-education centers: Uyghurs move en famille or not at all. Separating them would be cruel and insulting.

The World Uyghur Congress sent twelve inspectors to Xinjiang and China passed with flying colors. Now half  the Fortune 500 companies are building facilities–because half the world’s Fortune 500 companies are Chinese. We have been outplayed again.

It’s all over bar the shouting, and shouting is all the West can do now.


About the Author
SPECIAL EDITOR for Asian Affairs Godfree Roberts (Ed.D. Education & Geopolitics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1973)), currently resides in Chiang Mai, Thailand. His expertise covers many areas, from history, politics and economics of Asian countries, chiefly China, to questions relating to technology and even retirement in Thailand, a topic of special interests for many would-be Western expats interested in relocating to places where a modest income can still assure a decent standard of living and medical care. 


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