Pelosi Is No Hero/Red Flag Watch

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[dropcap]E[/dropcap]veryone is talking about Nancy Pelosi walking out of a meeting regarding the events going on in Syria. Many neoliberals are calling her a hero, as if she accomplished something.

Now tell me. What did she accomplish? What has she stood up for?

The meeting was regarding the potential loss of lives in another country in a conflict which should not involve US forces at all. I have pointed out many times that US presence in Syria is against international law. So, maintaining an illegal presence in another country is what she defends? That’s your hero?

There are conflicting reports about what led up to Pelosi walking out. However, even her own account indicates she got her feelings hurt by abusive language from an abusive man-child. Yet, when making a choice in which she alleges that she is standing up for human rights and safety, her feelings took precedence over those lives.

I’ve covered the fact for days that keeping US forces in the region is not only illegal but threatens to intensify the conflict in the area, costing many more lives than ending the conflict.

Major thing to note is that the corporate media is reporting on CONgress passing a bill to keep US troops in the area as if this were a good thing. They are covering Pelosi walking out of the meeting as if this were a good thing. What they are NOT covering is the fact that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has joined with the Syrian Defense Force (SDF) in northern Syria and they have already pushed to the Turkish border. In the process, confrontations are ending. Many Turkish forces have withdrawn, not wanting to directly confront the Syrian military, as the Syrian and Turkish governments have had peace talks and do not want conflict with each other.

The SDF has been noted to exchange members frequently with the other two Kurdish militias, the PKK and subsidiary YPG, both of which are listed as terrorist organizations by the US State Department. Considering the forces at play, if the SAA can control the SDF and related entities by treaty in the face of certain destruction by Turkey, fine. Nothing the US has done or intends to do will accomplish that control.

What Pelosi was truly standing up for was unending war in foreign sovereign nations. Partly to benefit her war machine “donors” and partly to continue to expand the US Empire. If she had been truly brave and standing up for anything at all, she would have remained in that room.

No matter what, one should notice that Pelosi has not made a single suggestion for ending the conflict. Not this conflict, not any conflict. No mention of peace talks, no suggestion of an arms embargo against Turkey. The actions being taken by she and CONgress only serve to exacerbate and extend conflicts, cost more lives and create more profits for weapons manufacturers.

This is not the first time Pelosi has stomped out of a meeting like an offended pubescent debutante. She has quite a history of it. She never stands her ground when the lives and welfare of others are at stake.

I have not seen any credits for the image being shared widely but tend to highly question how any image was released which came from what was supposed to be a closed-door meeting. Allegedly Trump released the image. The entire thing appears staged. There is no blur anywhere in the image, as though every person there was completely still, waiting for the camera.

One thing Pelosi said was, “All roads lead to Putin.” Really? So, bringing US troops home and ending a conflict without causing millions of deaths is Putin’s idea? I guess so because it sure as HELL isn’t an American idea. Know what other ideas and issues were Putin’s? Questioning anything about Hillary, Black Lives Matter, universal healthcare, increasing wages, increasing taxes on the rich, decreasing military spending and investing in anfrastructure in our own country. That’s according to the DNC. Funny that they never mentioned giving the rich a massive tax break was Putin’s idea. Basically, what they are literally claiming is that anything that brings peace and prosperity to anyone but the ultra-rich must be the idea of an adversarial government. Know what? They may be right because it doesn’t sound like our government at all.

What is clear Pelosi absolutely opposes is any peace process happening between Syria, the Kurds, Turkey, Russia and Iran.

What happens next in Syria? I am literally expecting a red flag event. Probably using chemical weapons. Of course, there has been no time to prepare for it this time. Syrian forces are already in northern Syria. If the Syrian military were going to use chemical weapons at an inopportune time, wouldn’t right now be optimal? We have not yet heard of “intelligence” that a chemical attack was going to happen. No threats about “crossing a red line”. So, if a red flag even happens, this time there will be errors. This time victims would likely involve US and/or Turkish forces, not just civilians. This time, Turkey, a NATO member, will be calling for an OPCW investigation or will join with Syria and Russia to conduct their own. No Americans allowed. Or no investigation will be necessary because there will be witnesses from multiple forces who are not on board. Turkey is not going to engage in any false presentation, knowing how fickle the US government has been toward them. They know they could be next on the chopping block with a false flag.

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