Breaking—Live—Evo Morales arrives in Mexico

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Ex President Evo Morales seeks and receives asylum in Mexico.
Edited by Patrice Greanville

Momentarily escapes the claws of the imperialist jackals, determined to kill him under any pretext, but he is still not safe, as Mexico crawls with American agents and their assets.

[dropcap]U[/dropcap]pon his arrival on Mexican soil, President Morales expressed his gratitude to Mexico for its gesture (Mexico sent one of its air force planes to exfiltrate him from Bolivia, as any other aircraft could have been shot down by the Americans and their vassals in the region) and briefly explained the situation precipitated by the coup plotters, obviously acting in accord with US agencies and numerous assets in the region. Evo Morales overthrow is a more or less a classical US-style coup, as Americans always seek to have some publicity cover for their naked actions, in this case as in all the more recent "color revolutions," saturation hybrid war and unrelenting violent demostrations, clearly following a template, providing the excuse for the targeted leader's removal.

Last words while still in Bolivia

The last sentence of Evo Morales before flying to Mexico, addressing the Bolivian military: “Do not stain your hands with the blood of the people” "Stop this massacre," the former Bolivian president said in an audio. The beginning of his message reiterated his statements that he had been subjected to a coup d'etat, to deprive him of his fourth consecutive electoral victory at the polls on October 20.

Morales's press service broadcast an audio in which he said goodbye to his country from the Tropic of Cochabamba, in central Bolivia, before flying to Mexico.

"Stop this massacre," he said, noting that during his more than thirteen years of government he never asked the Armed Forces to "go out and repress the people." The Bolivian army patrols from the streets tonight, in response to a request for support by the Police supposedly overwhelmed "by the violence of armed groups."  [The last statement, added by the Spanish news service EFE obviously not especially fond of Morales (EFE was founded by Franco's brother in law, Ramón Serrano Súñer), is of dubious veracity, and simply provides an excuse for the deployment of the army in Bolivia's streets and anti-coup regions.]

“I have never asked for a curfew,” he added, “to go out to repress,” although a state of exception is not formally declared in Bolivia.

"Soon I will come back with force, with more energy," he repeated at the beginning of the audio, as he had written shortly before on Twitter, hurt by having to "give up for political reasons." "Thank you very much for supporting me," he reiterated in his parting words. The Mexican military plane sent to pick up Evo Morales had already taken off for Mexico, said the country's foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard. “According to current international conventions, it is under the protection of Mexico. His life and integrity are safe, ”Ebrard wrote on Twitter."

"Soon I will come back with force, with more energy," he repeated at the beginning of the audio, as he had written shortly before on Twitter, hurt by having to "give up for political reasons." "Thank you very much for joining me," he reiterated in his parting words. The Mexican military plane sent to pick up Evo Morales has already taken off for Mexico, said the country's foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard. “According to current international conventions, it is under the protection of Mexico. His life and integrity are safe, ”Ebrard wrote on Twitter."

Above: Evo onboard Mexican rescue plane, displaying the Mexican flag, in recognition.
Below: On the tarmac, being received by Mexican officials, and giving short address to good wishers and press at airport.


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