Fiery Iconoclast George Galloway launches new ‘Workers Party of Britain’

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Editor's Note—A few days back we heard about George Galloway's new initiative to form a new and genuine workers' party upon the ashes of a crippled and highly corrupted Labour. Galloway, well known for calling a spade a spade, has long been derided by the establishment media and politicians, their approach in this case being that of what we might call "soft demonisation"—that is, concentrate on mocking him as "not serious", a joke, a compulsive liar and publicity hog, a reckless anti-semite and so on. Many of the adjectives hurled at Galloway were hurled at Corbyn throughout his latest campaign, too. And it worked. The Big Lie and groundless smears create their own credibility via unchallenged repetition, and the sham corporate mass media, to their eternal damnation, are very good at it. At the end of the day, the key to evaluating the promise presented by a man like Galloway is to listen to what HE says and not to what they say about him. Make up your own mind. The Daily Mail filed this rather comprehensive report on Galloway's new venture. While it shares with the rest of the corporate media a general and non-too-subtle condescending tone toward Galloway, it is among the best accounts of this development. So here it is, and again, judge for yourself. Incidentally Galloway is also clearly being attacked on his pocketbook, as a way of silencing him. As the Mail reports rather gleefully, "In June Galloway was sacked as a TalkRADIO pundit after being accused of 'blatant anti-Semitism' in a tweet about Spurs' defeat in the Champions League final in which he praised Liverpool's 2-0 win against Tottenham Hotspur as it meant there were 'no Israel flags on the Cup!'"—PG

George Galloway launches new 'Workers Party of Britain' - which then brands anti-Semitism claims against Jeremy Corbyn 'a work of Goebbelsian fiction'

  • George Galloway launched new political party just days after general election
  • Party website described the Labour anti-Semitism as a 'disgraceful campaign' 
  • It said it was 'fiction' and compared it to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels
  • The site claims Jeremy Corbyn 'capitulated' and gave up long-held principles
  • Party accused Labour of  'undemocratic manoeuvres' and trying to stop Brexit

Just days after the former Labour MP and hard-left firebrand only got a few hundred votes in the general election, he launched the Workers Party for Britain with a recorded video message posted on social media.

The series four Celebrity Big Brother contestant was standing in West Bromwich East as an independent MP on Thursday night, but only managed to get 489 votes.

But by Saturday evening, the 65-year-old's new socialist party had 'gone live', calling for an end to 'free-market fundamentalism' in the UK.

Galloway's new party website branded the Labour party a 'faithful servant of British imperialism' and said the anti-Semitism row that engulfed Jeremy Corbyn and his recent election campaign was a work of 'fiction' and compared it to the work of Nazi propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels.

In the party's online introduction it also accused the Labour party of 'capitulating' and said Corbyn had given up his long-held principles. 

George Galloway announces Workers Party of Britain. Click here to watch it. 

Over alleged anti-Semitism, the site described the deselection of Ken Livingstone and Chris Williamson, and the pressure on Corbyn to tackle the issue, as a work of 'Goebbelsian fiction'.

Both Livingstone and Williamson were kicked out of the party for alleged anti-Semitic statements.

Livingston left the party last year after a long-running row over comments he made about Hitler 'supporting Zionism' before he 'went mad and ended up killing six million Jews'.

Williamson was ejected after saying the party was being 'too apologetic' in response to criticism of its handling of alleged anti-Semitism.

Galloway's new party site says that after these two members were 'repeatedly and unconstitutionally deselected' there was 'no way back' for 'left-wingers like George Galloway'. 

It states: 'Under Corbyn, rather than a flourishing of left social democracy we are witnessing its final meltdown. 

'Ken Livingstone was forced to resign, Chris Williamson was repeatedly and unconstitutionally deselected, there was no way back for left-wingers like George Galloway, and even Mr Corbyn himself was harangued as an anti-Semite in a disgraceful campaign of Goebbelsian fiction. 

'Far from fighting for principles, Labour's most ''left-wing'' leader ever, capitulated. One U-turn would never be enough for the ruling class, and before much time had passed his long-held positions of principle on everything from Trident to NATO to EU membership had been given up.'

George with supporters.

The Workers Party of Britain then went on to call Labour's Brexit position 'undemocratic manoeuvres' and suggests it intends to 'overturn' Brexit.

It states: 'Millions of Labour voters are appalled at the undemocratic manoeuvres of the party as it attempts to overturn the democratic mandate of the 2016 Brexit referendum.' 

Galloway's latest political venture called for 'committed and well-intentioned socialists [who] are distraught and disillusioned' with the Labour Party to join.

In a recorded message posted on Twitter, Gallloway, who also has a talk show on Russia's RT TV network, stood in front of a Christmas tree, holding a mug and began by suggesting he 'appeared to have some people worried' as the planned live stream of the party launch failed to work. 

He added: 'The Workers Party of Britain is now live. We're a Brexit labour party, but real Brexit and real labour. If you support a socialist Britain, then join us and fight for it.'

According to the party's 'programme and rules', a part of which was posted online, the organisation said it stands for 'the public ownership of the commanding heights of the economy'.

The party website also states it wants to 'fight for higher wages, for workers' rights' and calls for 'public ownership of the railways and privatised utilities and for an end to imperialist wars'.

Galloway's new party also supports Brexit and slammed former Labour leaders Blair, Brown and Miliband.

In 2003 Galloway was booted from the Labour Party over comments he made about the Iraq war when he was MP for Glasgow Kelvin.  

After starting his own Respect party in 2005, he represented Bethnal Green and Bow, in east London, from 2005 until 2010. 

He then stood in Bradford West from 2012 to 2015, with Respect being dissolved a year later. 

After backing Jeremy Corbyn in his victorious 2015 Labour leadership contest, Galloway then supported Nigel Farage's newly formed Brexit Party in the European Parliament election in May. 

In June Galloway was sacked as a TalkRADIO pundit after being accused of 'blatant anti-Semitism' in a tweet about Spurs' defeat in the Champions League final in which he praised Liverpool's 2-0 win against Tottenham Hotspur as it meant there were 'no Israel flags on the Cup!'  

He then stood as an independent MP in the midlands on Thursday, but got less than the five per cent share of the vote needed to get his £500 deposit back. 


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