The US media blackout on revolutionary uprisings and revolts is total.

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

"Meanwhile...let the sleeping American masses lie..."

The formidable Luciana Bohne, focusing on extremely important events in France, reminds us of the disgusting (but typical) quasi-complete blackout of such news on US media, which extends to Chile, Ecuador and other points where genuine anti-capitalist revolts are taking place. Meanwhile, the big media guns owned by the US billionaires and their pals in the global plutocracy, concentrate on the supposed "crimes" of Moscow, Beijing, Venezuela and Iran, and the US-induced and supported "heroic" protests in Hong Kong—a mix of rank imbecility, hooliganism and mass treason.  The term criminal hypocrisy certainly defines the US media's m.o.  Book'em, Dano.

"Has the Garbage-Stream Media informed you that momentous things are happening in France? That French workers have been on general strikes, occupation strikes, on nationwide strikes since 5 December, now shouting REVOLUTION? That millions of people have joined them in the street? That lately even firefighters have gone on strike? That Macron's police are beating even firefighters? NO? Well, isn't that typical? After all, these are not protests blessed by Pompeo, lauded by members of Congress, trained by CIA and paid for by NED and USAID and by "civil society" Soros NGOs. No, these are the real thing--not reality TV. So, no show."
—(Luciana Bohne)

Maybe the reason why Macron's police do not appreciate their brothers in the fire department...

In case you want to commit masochism—just ask these media whores why they don't cover or blatantly downplay these events.

CBS anchor Norah O'Donnell is an American actress impersonating a journalist.

Disinformer Chuck Todd: Officially serving as Chief White House Correspondent & Political Director at NBC News

His promo clip shows him almost as Captain America, jumping from one "conflict" zone to another, but, like most Americans who skate on the surface of events,  he understands nothing.

ABC World News tonight with David Muir

Brian Williams, NBC News anchor. Not above inflating his own resume with some high-handed misreporting of an Iraq incident. Suspended for 6 months, but back in the saddle. With a careerist corporatist media tasked with disinforming the public 24/7 why punish a guy for lying just to feather his nest? Bizarre.

This is just a small sample. Do your own research on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms. Check out CNN's, MSNBC's and Fox News' corrals. These mendacious overpaid critters are everywhere, celebrating themselves and being celebrated by millions of morons. Plant some lucid criticisms on their pages. See what happens. Do guerrilla work in this field. Push back against their mental fungus.

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The Russian Peace Threat examines Russophobia, American Exceptionalism and other urgent topics