DNC Elites Commit Elder Abuse On Guy They Know Will Lose To Trump

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Carrie Lavender

[dropcap]J[/dropcap]oe Biden is the DNC’s anointed candidate despite his clear signs of cognitive decline. He slurs his words and struggles to string coherent thoughts together. Saagar Enjeti, of The Hill’s Rising, frequently declares, “He literally can’t speak!” DNC insiders know this.

During his campaign, we’ve seen many instances of it. Examples include Biden forgetting where he is, flubbing a line of the Declaration of Independence, blanking on Obama’s name, mixing up decades and politiciansnames, confusing his wife and sister, thinking he was Vice President during the Parkland shooting, telling creepy and untrue stories, announcing he’s running for US Senate, saying vote for the other Biden,” stopping mid-sentence before his time is up in a debate, nearly losing his teeth on stage, and making racist remarks.

Center for American Progress President & Twitter Troll: Neera Tanden

These are not just mild gaffes nor a stutter like corporate Dems on Twitter would have you believe. In Caitlin Johnstone’s article, Stop Calling It A “Stutter”: Here Are Dozens Of Examples Of Biden’s Dementia Symptoms, she contrasts the Mayo Clinic’s descriptions of a stutter versus dementia, and then compares videos of a highly coherent Biden from earlier in his career — as recent as 2016 — with a compilation of forty-one recent videos that display clear signs of his mental incompetence. (A work in progress, as of this writing, her compilation has 41 videos. She credits Twitter user @KoenSwinkels for gathering many of them.) In some videos, Biden looks disoriented, confused or embarrassed.

Mayo Clinic’s page on dementia lists agitation and inappropriate behavior as psychological changes, and Biden shows concerning hostility at town halls, calling people “fat” and “lying dog-faced pony soldier”, retorting “vote for someone elseon several occasions, touching people inappropriately, and arguing with a veteran.

Medical professionals on Twitter opine that Biden shows clear signs of cognitive decline. While only Biden’s personal physicians can provide a definitive diagnosis, if you take the time to view all forty-one above-mentioned videos in their entirety, it becomes clear that the US presidential campaign is an unhealthy undertaking for a person in his mental condition. In fact, it seems fair to say that Biden’s handlers are committing elder abuse by pushing this seventy-seven year-old man on a grueling itinerary that’s clearly aggravating his symptoms.

“Democratic insiders know Biden has cognitive decline issues. They joke about it. They don’t care,” Matt Stoller tweeted Thursday. DNC insiders are complicit in this elder abuse, including Biden’s family, DNC Chair Tom Perez, DNC cronies, and every sell-out partisan who endorses Biden, like pre-Super Tuesday dropouts, Buttigieg and Klobuchar. One can only imagine what sleazy backroom deals were made to get them to drop out on cue to disingenuously endorse a guy who cannot possibly beat Trump and needs medical intervention.


In South Carolina debate, he stopped mid-sentence before his time was up, and said: “Why am I stopping? No one else stops!

Here is Wikipedia’s definition of Elder Abuse:

Elder abuse . . . is ‘a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person’. . . . It includes harms by people the older person knows, or has a relationship with, such as a spouse, partner, or family member; a friend or neighbor; or people that the older person relies on for services. . . .

[A type of elder abuse]: Neglect: e.g. depriving a person of proper medical treatment, . . . comfort, essential medication, or depriving a person of needed services to force certain kinds of actions, financial and otherwise. . . . The deprivation may be intentional (active neglect) or happen out of lack of knowledge or resources (passive neglect). . . .

[A sign of elder abuse]: Changes in mental status . . .

[Health consequences of elder abuse]:

· Declining functional abilities

· Increased dependency, sense of helplessness, and stress

· Worsening psychological decline

· Premature mortality and morbidity

· Depression and dementia . . .

· Death (The risk of death for elder abuse victims are three times higher than for non-victims.)

The last place Biden belongs is on the campaign trail. It’s clearly taking its toll by hastening the progression of his mental decline. His neural misfires are increasing day by day, while YouTube and Twitter users swiftly document his cognitive degeneration in real time. Biden should be at home in a calm, stable environment receiving medical treatment.

His family and colleagues should do the right thing and stop pushing him to continue exposing himself to ridicule and stress. It is highly disturbing to witness his rapid mental decline being broadcast nationally. The DNC has openly rigged the race to elevate him as front-runner. Unless the DNC has a highly convincing Biden body double on hand, the establishment won’t be able to continue pretending it’s not a thing — now that the race is down to two candidates (not counting Tulsi who’s been sidelined).

Here are the Mayo Clinic’s recommended non-drug approaches for treating “dementia symptoms and behavior problems” in the initial stages (boldface mine):

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY. An occupational therapist can show you how to make your home safer and teach coping behaviors. The purpose is to prevent accidents, such as falls; manage behavior; and prepare you for the dementia progression.

MODIFYING THE ENVIRONMENT. Reducing clutter and noise can make it easier for someone with dementia to focus and function. You might need to hide objects that can threaten safety, such as knives and car keys. Monitoring systems can alert you if the person with dementia wanders.

SIMPLIFYING TASKS. Break tasks into easier steps and focus on success, not failure. Structure and routine also help reduce confusion in people with dementia.

Such interventions are not possible while he’s campaigning. In large venues, it’s not possible to “reduce clutter and noise” in order to help Biden “focus and function”. As discussed above, he lacks coping skills for responding to audience questions, even mild-mannered inquiries. The rigor of constant travel will eclipse any chance for the type of “structure and routine” that could reduce his confusion. There’s no way to simplify the tasks of running for the highest office in the land. The complex demands on him will ensure his repeated failure at public discourse. Proper care can only be provided back home.

Moderate Dems loudly demanded that Bernie release all of his medical records — after he had released all his medical records. Now that Joe’s the front-runner, it’s crickets from those same hypocrites regarding Biden’s medical records. The subject is treated as taboo by narrative managers, so don’t expect to hear such a request in upcoming debates.

Without publication of his updated medical records, there’s no way to know what medications he’s taking to grapple with his mental challenges during debates and campaign events. During the last debate, Johnstone tweeted: “Biden started strong but whatever they gave him to jog his neural connectivity is wearing off.” Adderall, for example, is not one of the Mayo Clinic’s recommended medications for dementia. A blood vessel in his eye exploded on camera during a CNN Town Hall, and one worries they may be pumping him with dangerous stimulants.

The DNC doesn’t care about Biden’s health. As for his wife and family, one can only wonder if they’re being blackmailed or cravenly driven by lust for even greater power and wealth. The DNC doesn’t care about defeating Trump either. They only care about beating Bernie. They prefer Trump over Bernie, as Krystal Ball of The Hill’s Rising explains,

They would rather lose with Joe than win with Bernie . . . because if you lose with Joe, and you’re in the opposition, and Trump gets another four years, you’ve still got your gig flow; you’ve still got your access; you still have your power channels preserved. If Bernie wins, he’s getting rid of all of you. Your day is over! So it’s existential, and they’re treating it like it.

Polls currently show a potential close contest between Biden and Trump, but in the general election, news of his mental struggles will spread like wildfire. Biden cannot possibly beat Trump short of continued massive election fraud or some unforeseen event. Trump’s already making fun of him, while Fox is broadcasting his signs of dementia as well as his links to Ukraine corruption.

Difficulties reasoning and problem-solving are symptoms of dementia, and Biden’s handlers are abusing his diminished judgment. In 1988, Joe dropped out of the presidential race after news spread that he’d plagiarized speeches and lied about his academic record. If he had his full mental faculties now, he’d certainly withdraw his candidacy. He wouldn’t allow them to parade him across the national stage, lest he become a laughingstock. It’s highly abusive to expose him to mockery.

His shameless handlers are precipitating his mental ruin. As his cognitive decline accelerates under the pressures and stress of the campaign, will this elder abuse continue, or will his condition force them to pull his candidacy?

During his campaign, Senator Cory Booker stated:

There are definitely moments where you listen to Joe Biden, and you just wonder. . . . I think that we are at a tough point right now because there are a lot people who are concerned about Joe Biden’s ability to carry the ball all the way across the end line without fumbling, and I think that [Julian] Castro has some really legitimate concerns about — can he be someone in a long, grueling campaign that can get the ball over the line, and [Castro] has every right to call that out.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. Biden is not mentally qualified for the job of President. One wonders what fiendish tricks the DNC has up its sleeve next. “Liberalmedia cannot hide his cognitive lapses for long. Will social media and YouTube crackdown on accounts that feature Biden’s dementia symptoms? Will the DNC replace him with a surprise villain nominee at the convention? Will Bernie challenge exit poll disparities to make a *comeback*? Will Berners revolt? Will people finally cancel their TV subscriptions? As the world turns, there’s only one thing for certain: things are going to keep getting weirder and crazier, as Caitlin Johnstone warned us. Fasten your seatbelts, my friends, or better yet, book your trip to Milwaukee.

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Carrie Lavender • Peace Activist, College Instructor, Intuitive Coach @ www.carrielavender.com & Teaching Artist/Performer @ www.cubanana.com


Caitoz & husband provide further observations on Joe Biden's deteriorating condition.

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