Jimmy Dore: Bernie’s absurd conciliatory strategy will sink us all

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And we entirely agree. Bernie Sanders, always ready to placate instead of confront his enemies is already using the obviously wrong strategy with the DNC/Deep State cynical mob working double time to obliterate his candidacy.  Jimmy Dore clearly has had it, and so have we, even though we were never and still are not Sanders followers, although we support his bid in 2020 despite significant reservations.  In a long time when this has not been true, this year Sanders is really the lesser evil.  So here is Jimmy and his ferocious denunciation of Sanders' cave-ins, betrayals and across the board cowardice and inexplicable strategic blindness certain to assure Trump's victory in November.

Bernie Needs New Strategy For Biden His “Good Friend”

And this bonus vid...

featuring an exposé of what the notorious James Carville, former Clinton adviser and well known "political consultant" (spinmaster scum) has been doing to throw slime at Sanders. Readers may recall that in his filthy resume Carville (married to rightwing firebrand Mary Matalin) includes well paid outings to assist the fascistic Bolivian bourgeoisie in 2002, a sordid tale reported (much too politely) even by the New York Times in 2006, and the subject of an impressive documentary. (See below)

Beware of US political exports: Wherever America and its mainstream culture go, bad things happen.
  • Feb. 26, 2006

BOGOTÁ, Colombia - THE candidate running for president in Bolivia has a problem. He is seen as arrogant and aloof, a multimillionaire who has little in common with his countrymen. To top it off, he speaks with a strong American accent, a big strike against him in a country where people are suspicious of foreigners.

But Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, better known as Goni, also has American political consultants, including James Carville, to guide his political fortunes. Using focus groups and polls, employing a simple message and beginning what one adviser unabashedly calls "a dirty war" against opponents, the strategists-for-hire slowly awaken a moribund campaign.

The tale is not make-believe but rather a new documentary -- "Our Brand Is Crisis" -- that opens on Wednesday at the Film Forum and shortly after in 15 cities nationwide. Like "The War Room," a 1993 film about Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign, "Our Brand Is Crisis" takes viewers behind the scenes where strategists, ad men, pollsters and press advisers breath life into a faltering campaign.

While "The War Room" celebrated the Clinton campaign staff, however, "Our Brand Is Crisis" asks a more probing question: Whether Mr. Carville and company, in selling a pro-globalization, pro-American candidate, can export American-style campaigning and values to a country so fundamentally different from the United States.


This post is part of our Orphaned Truths series with leading cultural and political analysts.

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