The Pandemic May Cause A Global Depression – We Need Demand Side Measures To Counter It

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This article is part of an ongoing series of dispatches from Moon of Alabama

Last week's post on Boeing ended with this line:

The pandemic, and the global depression it will cause, now make it certain that Boeing will have to ask for a gigantic government bailout or go into bankruptcy.

With most flights grounded due to the pandemic Boeing is now thinking about cutting its production and laying off workers.

In the quoted sentence I used the words "the global depression it will cause" with care. I do indeed believe that a sustained, long-term downturn in economic activity in many countries will be one of the results of this pandemic.

The airline industry is just one of many that will be hit hard. About 70% of the U.S. GDP is generated by the service industry. Travel, entertainment, gyms, restaurants and bars, hotels, education will all be hit extremely hard by the finally coming shutdown. The U.S. will, like Germany did today, soon shutdown churches, brothels and other entertainment outlets.  Only a few service industries, like healthcare, online gaming and gun sales, will continue to strive.

The pandemic will be with us as a major danger for probably two or three years during which it will race around the globe in several large waves. Each wave will require another shutdown. To develop a vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus is likely to take over a year but may take much longer. We may be more lucky with a new medication that can reduce the symptoms of the Covis-19 disease the virus is causing.

Restrictions on major parts of the service industry are therefore likely to be with us much longer than the one or two months that are currently anticipated. After the restrictions are over many people will have have changed their habits. The travel industry will not come back for a long time. The cruise industry will probably die. That is personal to me as the place where I learned to work metal depends on it.

There will also be lots of layoffs caused by this crisis which guarantees that demand will fall further off the cliff.

On Sunday the Fed cut its interest rates to zero. That was a push on a string. Today the stock markets tanked another 10%. Crude is now below $30 per barrel and may well go down to $20/bl. The Fed move was likely demanded by Trump who last week remarked that he has the power to fire Fed chair Powell. The Fed should take care that the credit markets stay liquid as many companies will need additional resources. A credit crunch right now would increase the general damage. But Trump and the Fed should stop pushing supply side measures like interest rate cuts and tax relief. There is no lack of investment or supplies but a lack of demand and that will continue for at least the rest of the year.

Last week the House passed a bill with some emergency help. It was mostly fake. House leader Nancy Pelosi sold it as covering way more than it actually does:

The legislation secures paid emergency leave with two weeks of paid sick leave and up to three months of paid family and medical leave, according to Pelosi. It also enhances unemployment insurance. The legislation also increases federal funds for Medicaid, and bolsters funding for food assistance programs.

Those were a number of lies and even the neoliberal editors of the New York Times called her out:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday night celebrated the coronavirus legislation that passed early Saturday as providing paid sick leave to American workers affected by the pandemic.

She neglected to mention the fine print.

In fact, the bill guarantees sick leave only to about 20 percent of workers. Big employers like McDonald’s and Amazon are not required to provide any paid sick leave, while companies with fewer than 50 employees can seek hardship exemptions from the Trump administration.

“If you are sick, stay home,” Vice President Mike Pence said at a news conference on Saturday afternoon. “You’re not going to miss a pay check.”

But that’s simply not true. Sick workers should stay home, but there is no guarantee in the emergency legislation that most of them will get paid.

When even rightwing Republican Senators think that the Democratic leader of the House is not socialist enough something has changed:

Tom Cotton @SenTomCotton - 12:21 UTC · Mar 16, 2020

The House relief bill doesn’t go far enough & fast enough.

We’re going to do everything we can to get cash into the hands of affected workers & families as quickly as possible so we can all get through this pandemic together.

There are way more measures needed than Pelosi's bill allows for. The government must cover all costs for virus testing and Covid-19 care. It must pay sick leave to everyone who has to stay home independent of their job status. Not providing such will prolong the crisis as infected people who need to work because they lack money will otherwise continue to spread the virus.

The U.S. and other economies will also need a fiscal injection on the demand side. Send a $5.000 check to every household which makes less than $100,000 per year and include the homeless in it. The money can be taken from the defense budget. A 355 ship navy will never stop a pandemic.

The last global social and economic shock of this size came after 9/11. The fall of the towers changed the world. It became the justification for militarized policies and large defense budgets. The pandemic will cause changes of a comparable size.

Public demands and political priorities will change. Health crisis preparedness and response will become a new priority issue. Globalization will become more restrained while global cooperation on health issues will likely increase.

This crisis is not the end of the world but it will be the impetus for significant changes.

Posted by b on March 16, 2020 at 18:34 UTC | Permalink

Comments Sampler

True enough. But that wouldn't be the case if our response to the virus wasn't fundamentally tyrannical. If we merely voluntarily isolated the at risk populations in sterile facilities and let the virus run it's course through the healthy population the magnitude of the problem would be a lot lower. But noooo. Let's cancel school, shut down factories, the hospitality industry, etc., etc., etc. Hysterical overreaction in my view.

Posted by: Paul Bogdanich | Mar 16 2020 18:41 utc | 1

Demand-side won't work because production is stopped during a lockdown/mass quarantine.

See this: It was the virus that did it

Posted by: vk | Mar 16 2020 18:42 utc | 2

True, but first is human life (at least for the moment)

UK will make a very interesting experiment, we will see how behaves a herd-immunity without a good part of the population without antibodies and without vaccines for this virus, we will see how the health care system cope with this, may be is a eugenic experiment for the old & poor, because I am sure the rich will have always access to first class and exclusive ICU's even if the experiment fails

We can call "The Etonian Experiment of the Survival of the Richest"

Posted by: DFC | Mar 16 2020 18:47 utc | 3

Wolfgang Wodarg says:
The corona hype is not based on any extraordinary public health danger. However, it causes considerable damage to our freedom and personal rights through frivolous and unjustified quarantine measures and restrictions. The images in the media are frightening and the traffic in China's cities seems to be regulated by the clinical thermometer.
Evidence-based epidemiological assessment is drowning in the mainstream of fear mongers in labs, media, and ministries.

Here is the webpage of Wolfgang Wodarg:
These are the producers of the video:

Posted by: Yarrow | Mar 16 2020 18:54 utc | 4

If America were able to control exclusive rights to a coronavirus vaccine, as Trump apparently tried to secure from the German CureVac biotech firm, it could use this vaccine as a weapon of extortion against other nations.

Just when you thought the United States of America couldn't became any more depraved....

'Depraved': Trump Reportedly Offered German Firm 'Large Sum' for Exclusive Rights to Coronavirus Vaccine

Posted by: ak74 | Mar 16 2020 19:02 utc | 5

The Saker has a good article - How to treat Coronavirus infection COVID-19 - by an international recognized virologist, Dr Chuchalain. Contrary to what I have read in other articles, he says the virus does cause runny nose and sore throat along with mild fever. The best way to deal with this is salt water gargling and nasal rinses with the same. A method to reduce getting infected is to wear gloves when out. Handwashing is more effective than masks. If you are infected masks do help you not infecting others. It is when the virus bypasses your immune system and infects the lower lungs that danger appears. Then other opportunist pathogens - pneumonia causing bacteria and fungi take up residence in the lower lungs often leading to death or lasting damage by fibrosis. Obviously it is much better to stop it before this with then no lasting effects. If dry cough and shortness of breath appear seek medical help immediately.

Posted by: gepay | Mar 16 2020 19:03 utc | 6

@ Posted by: Paul Bogdanich | Mar 16 2020 18:41 utc | 1

If we merely voluntarily isolated the at risk populations in sterile facilities and let the virus run it's course through the healthy population the magnitude of the problem would be a lot lower.

And then you woke up.


@ Posted by: Yarrow | Mar 16 2020 18:54 utc | 4; Posted by: DFC | Mar 16 2020 18:47 utc | 3

It's easy for the rich and the upper middle class to preach for the laissez-faire route: they can stay in their second houses in isolation without losing a penny.

But they lose money if production stops (because mass quarantine has the same practical effect of a general strike) - that's why they want the wheel to keep spinning.

But here's a surprise: poor people want to surivive too. So pardon the USD 80 billion loss at Wall Street, I want to enhance my chances of survival.

Posted by: vk | Mar 16 2020 19:06 utc | 7


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"b" is Moon of Alabama's founding (and chief) editor.  This site's purpose is to discuss politics, economics, philosophy and blogger Billmon's Whiskey Bar writings. Moon Of Alabama was opened as an independent, open forum for members of the Whiskey Bar community.  Bernhard )"b") started and still runs the site. Once in a while you will also find posts and art from regular commentators. You can reach the current administrator of this site by emailing Bernhard at

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