Eric Schechter: Hurry Revolution (with clarifications about the nature of private property).

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Eric Schechter

Editor's Note—Our colleague Eric Schechter, a retired (and distinguished) professor of mathematics, is a tireless radical activist and political educator. Hurry Revolution is his latest filing. Good and patient as Eric is, no one can tackle these enormous topics, whose understanding has been (and continues to be) deliberately muddied up by the reigning plutocracy, without leaving something unexplained or a bit misunderstood, In Eric's case I feel his call "to eliminate private property" will (besides sending chills down their spines) immediately shut down the ears and minds of many people who desperately need to hear his discourse.  That's because "private property" and "class", too, is one of those categories used by Marxian revolutionaries in a precise, technical sense which do not correspond quite snugly with their vernacular meaning. Sensing that this is liable to happen, we have attached to this post a highly accessible essay on private property which clearly separates the question of "personal property" or personal possessions from "private property" in the social sense meant by Marx, such as all those huge enterprises and assets owned by the big capitalists, from mines and natural resources of every conceivable kind, to industrial firms, hospitals, insurance companies, banks, and real estate trusts controlling hundreds if not thousands of units housing families, small businesses and other forms of tenancy. Yea, it IS confusing, so here we hope you'll find the necessary clarification. —PG

The page is now a Virtual University selection. 

About the author(s)
In his own words: "I took the name “LeftyMathProf” in my email and web pages because I’m a retired mathematics professor, and politically I’m a leftist, and because for many people apparently it is impossible to spell or pronounce my real name (Eric Schechter, pronounced erik shektur)." Eric Schechter's political mobilization materials can be found on his dedicated page, Eric's Rants.  


By Storpip

Oct 5, 2018 · 7 min read

La propriété, c’est le vol!

Why your possessions are less safe under capitalism

The great myth of capitalism is that it protects your ‘property’ or rather, your possessions, as in this context property refers to cars, furniture and so on. Hopefully I have dispelled the idea that communism intends to scrap your car and let anyone share your toothbrush. However now I hope to illustrate why your possessions may in fact be a lot safer under socialism/communism than it ever could be under capitalism.

Before the 2008 economic crisis, people across the UK, USA and Europe assumed they owned their homes, TVs, cars and so on. Perhaps they had money deducted every month to pay their mortgage, sent their cheques to Argos to keep up with their X-box instalments, but if asked they’d say it was their home in the same way we think our mobile phones are ours, even if we have to pay for broadband as well as the contract.


Repossession of homes in the US caused supply to outstrip demand, contributing to the housing crash


But those houses they needed to provide them shelter weren’t theirs. They belonged to the bank, just like how the ovens a restaurant needed to make pizza with weren’t really the chefs, but part owned by who-ever provided the loan for them. They had a contract, with a small print. After paying out several times the value of the house/X-box/sofa etc. for a period of time, then they would be the owners. Likewise how many people own their cars? Ninety percent of new cars are purchased on finance, yet nine out of tendon’t understand the terms of their finance agreement. The real owner is an auto dealership or a manufacturers own finance arm.

Under capitalism personal property is extremely precarious. A home is a human right, as is access to water, heat and food, yet countless people are forced to plunge themselves into debt, be it credit card loans, unpaid bills or mortgages, to acquire these rights. However even if you are lucky enough to buy things outright and not worry about falling behind on bills, all it takes is an unfortunate burglary, sudden illness or an economic recession resulting in you getting your hours cut, job seekers allowance taken away or insurance premiums raised facing you with the decision of selling off your possessions (assuming there’s someone willing to buy your grandmas necklace during a financial crisis)to afford nursery fees and ensure you’ll be able to eat tomorrow, or hope the bank will offer you an even bigger loan.

Luckily for us in the UK we have socialised healthcare and something resembling a social security net, but even so these are the first things to take a hit during austerity and are always soft targets for the government, which helped (or at least didn’t prevent) the mess in the first place. All that capitalism protects is the ‘right’ to get extremely rich through the ownership of capital, demonstrated by the government in the 2008 crisis, when despite the privatisation of gain, they nationalised the pain caused by banks through a bail-out fuelled by taxpayer money.

In times of recession the illusion that capitalism protects personal property and socialism takes it away, wears thin.

You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property. But in your existing society private property is already done away with for nine-tenths of the population; its existence for the few is solely due to its non-existence in the hands of those nine-tenths. You reproach us, therefore, with intending to do away with a form of property, the necessary condition for whose existence is the non-existence of any property for the immense majority of society.

In one word, you reproach us with intending to do away with your property. Precisely so: that is just what we intend.

Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto

Y.S 5/10/18

While using Marxian methods of historical analysis, and working toward a non-capitalist future, The Greanville Post does not endorse Trotkyism or any other specific faction. Thus we republish only those views we regard as useful and largely free of sectarian distortions. In a world in which truth and the correct path to social change, equality and peace are increasingly difficult to discern due to the proliferation of ideologies, information and disinformation sources, and the confusing imperfections and contradictions of many progressive voices, we try hard to give our audience the most reliable roadmap to effective struggle. 

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