The CIA’s Jack Ryan Series Is ‘Regime-Change’ Propaganda Aimed At Venezuela (Video & Text)

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by Alan Macleod

Who do they think they are kidding? Just 90% of the people, that's who. 

Krasinski as Jack Ryan

It's a good bet that at least 90% of the people who watch this trash, the Jack Ryan series, never heard (or understand) the meaning of hybrid war, nor do they begin to comprehend the criminality of imperialism, especially aimed at a poor country that "our heroes",  like the ludicrously mythological Jack Ryan, are trying to overthrow. It takes real moral imbecility and ignoramuses like John Krasinski—a great example of a Hollywood bootlicker—to fill such roles. Given the renewed attention of Trump and the Deep State on Venezuela, and the constant attempts at suffocating their revolution (even when some attempts such as those registered on 3 May are simply quasi-ridiculous) we thought this timely piece needed to be rerun.

THE SPIN WAR (First run on November 22nd, 2019)

Dr. Matthew Alford of the University of Bath told MintPress that the new Amazon product is a “disgrace of a series,” unfairly demonizing a nation at a time when the United States has its boot on the throat of Venezuelan society.

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About the Author
Alan MacLeod is a MintPress Staff Writer as well as an academic and writer for Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. His book, Bad News From Venezuela: Twenty Years of Fake News and Misreporting was published in April.

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