Eagle released after rehabbing—breathtaking

Another important dispatch from The Greanville Post. Be sure to share it widely.

This post is part of a series on humans' destruction of the natural world.

A victim of lead poisoning, an eagle is rescued and rehabbed.  Now she is being returned to the wild. 
But why did she get sick in the first place? The short answer is she is an indirect victim of "recreational hunting".
Lead poisoning can occur from the ingestion of lead slug or bullet fragments found in the systems and carcasses of deceased and live prey. Millions of birds are affected annually. ... Eagles frequently scavenge carcasses of deer, pheasants and other wildlife that may harbor lead or lead fragments.

Still, there are humans who try to repair what others have broken. They always seem to be in the minority. But they are compelled to do it. After all, we are surrounded by beauty we often take for granted.  7865

About the Author
Patrice Greanville is founding editor of The Greanville Post.  



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