Unmasking pseudo left attacks on genuine anti-imperialists


Caleb Maupin

Dispatch dateline | 19 Jul 2020 

Caleb's chats are the ideal tool for those who wish to acquire a solid understanding of contemporary history in an easy, accessible manner.

British Communist Joti Brar

In this issue: While the right has convinced a substantive number of working class people that their enemy is black/brown people, especially immigrants, the ruling class continues on its path of constant pillage of nature and humanity. The duty of Marxists is to clarify who the real enemy is, and how to oppose it. Meantime, the fake left, ensconced in the Democratic Party, throws its own sneaky obstacles on the road to global salvation. Their specialty is to malign anti-imperialists.

In our modern Western Western society your badge of "progressivism" is affirmed not by your participation in "old fashioned" antiwar or anti-imperialist struggles, but by the way you support outlier issues, i.e., gay rights, and none is more radical in this field than support for transgender rights, if for no other reason than if "gay rights" concerns a minority of the population, transgender rights concerns an even smaller minority. That said, true leftists, as Caleb Maupin affirms in this post, support gay rights to the fullest, seeing them as an integral subset of human rights. It follows that by definition they also support the right of all "trannies" to live their lives undisturbed by bigotry and any form of discrimination. This, however, is much too general a standard for the identity politics warriors, who, as Maupin explains, have apparently (to the benefit of the ecocidal and highly oppressive imperial status quo) have decided to pick a fight with the Marxian/ anti-imperialist left. The issue is complex by deliberate intent, so I will just let Caleb sort it out in his usual fashion. 


An informal chat with Caleb Maupin as guide to the multitude of news, lies, distortions, rumors, idiocies, hypocrisies, and ideologies that shape our world.

Caleb Maupin has worked as a journalist and political analyst for the last five years. He has reported from across the United States, as well as from Iran, the Gulf of Aden and Venezuela. He has been a featured speaker at many Universities, and at international conferences held in Tehran, Quito, and Brasilia. His writings have been translated and published in many languages including Farsi, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, and Portuguese. He is originally from Ohio.


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