The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is China’s shield against imperialism’s aggressions, and a war deterrent

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By Morgan

In a recent parade China has revealed its new weapons, many of which cannot be easily neutralized by the sociopathic hegemonist West. Too bad that in a world still dominated by thugs, bullies, and sociopaths, healthy nations need to prepare for all-out war—MAD standoffs— in order to maintain the peace, and their own hard-won sovereignty. The videos below are eloquent in this regard. China will exact a price for any attack on her people or territory. Western impunity is thankfully history. 

China's new strategic Dongfeng-41 missile: the star of the show

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Jimmy Lai Chee-ying

#CIA/NED sponsored traitors and #terrorists who have been destroying Hong Kong to task. The peaceful citizens of Hong Kong welcome China to bring stability and peace back to HK. Good job. ????????????

Almost all countries have their own National Security Act/Internal Security Act. US even have NSA/CIA/FBI to spy on its own citizens and foreign countries. US and other Western countries should abolish their own national security laws first before criticising HK's long overdue National Security law.

The US has a long list of such laws itself - including but not limited to the Homeland Security Act, The Patriot Act and the FISA Court. The list goes on.

Shameless Western hypocrisy.

It is clear that the US-led West only wants chaos and anarchy in HK for its proxy war with China.

This is clear from the narrative on the earlier Hong Kong riots on Western MSM. Nothing but double standards, shameless blatant hypocrisy and outright misrepresentation and lies.

Do not buy into the swill and lies of Western mainstream media and their stooges. They are clamouring for war and civil unrest in Hong Kong.

US and her allies are trying to ferment regime change again. War is good for Uncle Sam. The Military Industrial Complex demands it. They need another Iraq, Syria, Libya...etc.

Fortune Magazine shedding croc tears for "Hong Kong" freedom, as if they cared. The Western media—staffed by whores of the empire—helped to lionise the anti-China agitators, many of whom identify with Anglo-American culture and imperialist memes.

Where are Iraq's WMDs? A sovereign nation was invaded and destroyed by US and her allies under false pretext and had her oil fields and wealth seized by Uncle Sam. If you recall, there was also worldwide media ops by all Western MSM spinning lies about Iraq's WMDs at that time. Every major Western media outlets from BBC to NYTimes to Bloomberg to CNN to Reuters to Forbes to WSJ...etc were spinning daily swill and lies on Iraq's WMDs.

A global concerted media attack on Iraq to justify the war for OIL.

The grand daddy of #FakeNews.

US and her allies should be dragged before the Hague and tried and sentenced for crimes against humanity.

Countries worldwide should also pass bills to sanction the US for its horrific school/public mass shootings, oppressive human rights infringements, police brutality against blacks and minorities, genocide against Native Americans and also for Uncle Sam's war crimes in Middle East for oil.

Their target is China now.

"Freedom & Democracy", "Human Rights", "Freedom of Speech" and "Oppression of XXXX" are just libel weapons of choice used by the West to vilify their opponents of the day - be it Iraq, Russia, Syria or China...etc. Pick one.

Real journalists reporting truths were locked up under false charges and tortured. Just look at what happened to #Assange, #Snowden and #Manning. And what about the heinous crimes of the US which they exposed? Nuff said.

The height of ignorance and imbecility: protesters proclaim that China took Hong Kong from Britain!

Meanwhile the Empire's propagandists and media shills masquerading as journalists and academics are paid handsomely to churn out fake news to smear and demonize nations and governments regarded as rivals while covering up the West's crimes against humanity.

The West (especially the US government together with UK, NZ, Australia and Canada - the Anglo "Five Eyes" intelligence alliance) are extremely proficient at fabricating such deceptions and lies via their enormous global media networks and shills. Lying to their own citizens and people worldwide is their central mission.

Another "Color Revolution" - this time using Hong Kong in their proxy war against China. To provoke China.

Look at the attached videos: HK rioters throwing petrol bombs.

Petrol bombs - enough to classify them as domestic terrorists under the laws of most western countries. If they did that in the US - the police would fire to kill. Yet the biased media incessantly harped on the "police brutality" by HK police when the HK police are literal angels and have shown extraordinary restraint compared to what their western counterparts routinely do and would have done.

And the biased media is still portraying the rioters as innocent "peaceful democratic protesters". Bullshit - biased, lopsided irresponsible reporting.

Imagine if the same group of people did the same in the US - blocked roads, lynched members of the public, destroyed private and public properties, threw petrol bombs at police and forcefully occupied, destroyed and paralysed the main train stations, rail tracks and JFK International Airport. The police or national guard would come in hard against them - even using lethal force.

Unless you have been living in a hole, you will know that the police in the US have killed many of her own citizens for much lesser offenses.

Those Hongkies rioters should try doing the same to cops in US and see what they get.

Meanwhile during the same period in France:


50+ weeks of protests
76 seriously injured
2500 injured
23 lost an eye
5 lost a hand
thousands arrested
NO mainstream media coverage and ZERO condemnation by the major Western powers

Whilst we're at it - where are the daily incessant coverage and outrage by Western MSM and politicians against the Spanish government against the Catalan Independence Movement?

Why no talks of sanctions against the French and Spanish government?

Shameless Western media hypocrisy, deception and double standards at its best.

One might also say racist Sinophobia.

Video 1: HK police officer got beaten up and had two petrol bombs thrown on him by rioters. They also tried to seize his gun. Yet he didn't fire on any of his attackers. Imagine what would happen if this was to happen to a cop in the US.

Video 2: Mob of young Hong Kong rioters ganging up and lynching an old man for having different political views.

Video 3: Nathan Rich explaining US's dirty hand behind the Hong Kong riots. Proving beyond reasonable doubt that the US is behind the Hong Kong riot - trying to create regime change again.

Article - See how violent Hong Kong rioters dosed a man with gasoline and set him on fire for having different views. The man suffered multiple burn injuries and was rushed to the hospital for further treatment. HK police classified the case as assault causing bodily harm.…/hong-kong-police-investigati…

Video 4: Hong Kong rioters violently lynched a poor truck driver who was only trying to carry on with his livelihood by removing the road barriers which the rioters used to block traffic.…

Video 5: Video showing series of violent attacks by Hong Kong rioters against anyone (including fellow citizens) who even dared to question their actions and views. The video of the man being dosed with gasoline by rioters and set on fire is here too.

Video 6: More videos showing rioters attacking members of the public and police and setting people on fire.…

Video 7: Something to watch and bear in mind in the midst of all the chaos surrounding HK:

"China expert, Dr. Martin Jacques (University of Cambridge) explained that Hong Kong's success is owed to China. He also highlighted the British hypocrisy - the Brits only mention democracy after the 1997 handover and 155 years of colonial domination and exploitation; they never gave any semblance of democracy to HK when it was under their colonial dominance."



Nuke first, ask questions later! Top military officers reveal Moscow could respond to ANY rocket attack with a nuclear strike

As reported on

Good to be firm and clear like the Russians in this era of Yankee madness and warmongering delinquency. ????????

"Fire any ballistic missile at Russia, and Moscow might respond with a nuclear warhead. That's according to the Russian Defense Ministry, which has publicly disclosed its conditions for launching a nuclear strike.

“Any attacking missile will be treated as a nuclear-equipped missile. Information about the launch of an automatic missile will be communicated to the country's top leadership, which, depending on the situation, will determine the scale of the nuclear forces’ response,” wrote Andrey Sterlin, a member of Russia's General Staff and Alexander Khryapin, a top military scientist, in the Defense Ministry's newspaper Red Star.

The pair explained that the Russian missile attack warning system cannot determine whether a launched missile is nuclear or non-nuclear and will, therefore, be treated as a worst-case scenario. Especially given the short response time available to a nuclear attack.

The New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) nuclear arms reduction agreement between the US and Russia is due to expire on February 5, 2021, with US President Donald Trump refusing to extend the end date, believing it is favorable to Moscow. The treaty limits the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads, and allows both countries to monitor each other, both remotely and on-site.

Sterlin and Khryapin believe that the expiry of the treaty would enable the US to limitlessly build up their stock of weapons and once again leave the planet “teetering on the brink of a global nuclear catastrophe.”

Morgan Kerensky is a loyal reader of The Greanville Post and excellent topical scout and commentator. 


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