King of hypocrisy: Obama says no one is above the law. Condones torture.

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Jimmy Dore

Jimmy Dore exposes the transparent hypocrisy in Obama's smooth rhetoric at the dems' convention, assuring everyone that "no one is above the law", while conveniently forgetting he and his ilk are prima facie examples of that. Obama, says Jimmy, "is the supreme, gaslighting, bullshitting  Manchurian candidate of all time."

Here's Obama claiming that Joe Biden (and "Kamala") care deeply "about all Americans."  It's hard to keep his face straight. He also claims that in the wake of 9/11 "we did a lot of things right.." Obama, says Jimmy, has done more war crimes than Trump! And so have Nancy Pelosi, George Bush, Colin Powell and Dick Cheney.  (Ton name just a few.)  All literally above the law. And Jimmy also calls Obama out on his pious admonition that "Presidents should not enrich themselves..."  Yea, of course. Let's hear some more platitudes.  This from a guy who now owns, among other properties, a 30-acre Martha Vineyard's estate.  Doing the bidding of his ultra rich patrons pays handsomely indeed. That's why millions in Syria, Libya, the Ukraine, Honduras and other places had to die and suffer, so guys like Obama could make a career selling such crimes to the eternally bamboozled American public. But who can convince the legions of hardcore imbeciles who still believe Obama is their champion? (See below)

Obama's new mansion on Martha's Vineyard.
The wages of sin. 

This notice, appearing on the Vineyard Gazette on 4 Decemeber 2019, explained: "Former President Obama and his family are now permanent homeowners on Martha’s Vineyard, after completing the purchase this week of a large home situated on nearly 30 acres in the coastal perimeter of Edgartown. The purchase price, recorded at 3:31 p.m. Wednesday with the Dukes County Registry of Deeds, is listed at $11.75 million. The buyer is a nominee trust representing the former First Family. The sellers are Wycliffe Grousbeck and Corinne Basler Grousbeck. Mr. Grousbeck is a private equity investor and owner of the Boston Celtics basketball team. The sprawling 6,892-square-foot house sits on 29.3 secluded acres fronting the Edgartown Great Pond between Slough Cove and Turkeyland Cove, with views of a barrier beach and the ocean beyond..."

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