Progressive Initiatives Win While Dems Continue To Lose

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I am getting a bit stuffed from all that popcorn. But hey, they found another bag of 'mailed in' ballots.

Mark Niesse @markniesse - 9:20 UTC · 6 Nov 2020

Biden has taken the lead in Georgia for the first time. He is ahead of Trump by 917 votes after more results were reported in Clayton County.

This line in a Washington Post report, filed from Taipei, Taiwan, is the most condescending I have seen in a while. What evidence does the writer have to back up that claim?

As the United States tallied votes in a presidential election that appears headed for a court battle and fractious final phase, Chinese commentators and state mouthpieces this week lined up to portray the cross-Pacific superpower — viewed with awe and envy by generations of Chinese — as a politically crumbling edifice in 2020.

Scott Ritter is unfortunately right:

In the end, the future of the United States and, in many ways, the rest of the world, will be decided not by the American voter, but a much more nefarious form of life – the American lawyer.

Yves Smith diagnoses the Democrats' disease:

Democratic Party insiders are already deploying their blame cannons, and the progressive wing of the party is a big target. One of the big complaints of corporate Democrats who did or nearly lost their seats is that they were smeared as “socialists” in attack ads.
The Democrats need to quit running from socialism and start explaining that America already practices socialism for the rich (with examples) and maybe it’s time for socialism for ordinary people (with examples). But the problem is that the Dems are culpable of promoting socialism for the rich, as exemplified by the “no accountability” bank bailouts and the reluctance to address student debt and ever-rising health care costs.
At the same time, as readers know well, there are boatloads of “progressive” policies that are very popular with voters, like raising the minimum wage, strengthening Social Security, providing for more income support during lockdowns, getting rid of the ACA and replacing it with government-provided insurance, and cutting military spending. And if 2016 and 2020 demonstrated anything, it’s that the Democrats aren’t benefitting from being joined at the hip with big corporations and billionaires. Bloomberg spent $100 million on the party’s behalf, for instance, yet what difference did that make?

So the Democrats institutionally could break away from the grip of corporate big money, but too many pols and operatives are in their vise for that to happen. It will take at least another epic failure for them to be rooted out. And in the meantime, the scapegoating will continue.


The results in Florida seem to confirm that take:

@TravisMenard00 - 3:13 UTC · Nov 6, 2020

Bernie Sanders: "We need a federal minimum wage of at least $15/hr."

Joe Biden: "I beat the Socialist!"

Florida: *Votes for $15 statewide minimum wage, and *not* Joe Biden*


Posted by b at 10:45 UTC

Selected Comments

Inasmuch as Trump is losing, any headline about Dems losing is deceptive. Talking about progressive initiatives succeeding as some sort of critique of Dems when the Republic (NOT A DEMOCRACY!) Party is much more vehemently united against them than the disorganized mob of Dems is doubly deceptive. Arbitrarily citing a dubious anecdote to hint God Trump's loss is due to fraud is triply deceptive.

There hasn't been much play in the US media but negative comments about Trump's call not to count votes except where he think's he's winning are very strong evidence that Trumpery is widely regarded as unamerican in a Frank Capra sort of way.

Posted by: steven t johnson | Nov 6 2020 11:19 utc | 4

Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour is not socialism. It is an insurance policy, brought to you by capitalism. Bernie Sanders is not a socialist. He is a capitalist and a sheepdog for the Democrats. His only role is to corral the progressive vote for his party. He is a complete fraud and he will hand the baton of fraudster to Ocasio Cortez at some time in the future.

Posted by: Simon | Nov 6 2020 11:29 utc | 5

But hey, they found another bag of 'mailed in' ballots.


It's really sad that you have to resort to an outright LIE to vindicate your sense of frustration that you were wrong predicting Trump would win and how it bugs the hell out of you that he can't do the dirty work that makes you happy.

FYI, Georgia is a RED state whose Governor, Brian Kemp, a radical Republican, is accused of voter suppression and purging Democratic votes. If he's not screaming that votes were found and not 'mailed in' and neither are the Republican Attorney General for Georgia or the Republican Secretary of State demanding an investigation, then the votes being counted are legit and there's not a damn thing those goons can do about it.

The ballots must also have a USPS processing stamp to be county processed.

But then, you know all this, but since your goal is to fuel ignorant conspiracies, the same you ironically delete from the Covid threads, to sow more divisiveness and stoke resentment you will stoop to this level, Trump's level, with gutter disinformation.

You would destroy your own credibility for corrupt vermin like Trump, a loser on his way out the door!? WHY?

Posted by: Circe | Nov 6 2020 11:57 utc | 6

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