Caleb Maupin’s thoughts on the 2020 election


Caleb Maupin

Dispatch dateline | Streamed live 16 hours ago.

Many celebrate Trump's defeat without realising they have not defeated the forces that made him possible. In fact they just voted them back into power.

Caleb's chats are the ideal tool for those who wish to acquire a solid understanding of contemporary history in an easy, accessible manner.  "This was a victory for the American establishment. Make no mistake about it." The country and the world suffer terribly because we lack the politics of a communist party. The country is in a crisis, and the only way out of this is through the class line, through the optimistic building of a socialist society. Caleb again sketches the class division in the US ruling class, something people should understand. With Biden, the older, more powerful wing of the establishment has regained full control. It represents the much bigger fortunes, the ultra rich and the new mega corporations of Silicon Valley and digital marketing. The "Managerial Wing" of the ruling class. Count here the Rockefellers, DuPonts, Carnegies, Jeff Bezos, the Big Tech billionaires, etc. Trump had the newer shorter-thinking capitalist mob only interested in short-term profits: The Home Dept, Hobby Lobby, Casino magnates, Blackwater, Amway, and so forth. Let' call them the "entrepreneurial wing". This clash remains unresolved, but for the time being the ruling class appears unified. Many ruling class elements supporting Trump simply switched to Biden. This election pitted practically the whole establishment against Donald Trump and Trump almost won. Clarifying a point of confusion: Socialist central planning is NOT capitalist planning. Under capitalism each firm plans for short-term profits, without regard (or coordination with the rest of the economy) nor for the common good. It's inherently chaotic production. In socialism, the state stands ABOVE the corporations, directing all economic activity for the benefit of society.  Central planning is about guiding production not for profits but for the benefit of all. The well being of each citizens comes first. Practice real democracy: the people should rule, in their own interest. Not the big corporations and big money. An interesting point: Who brought down the Soviet Union? It wasn't the US rightwing, the military-industrial complex, or Ronald Reagan's incantations or the arms race, the arms profiteers (although they made a dent in the USSR's overall standard of living, development rate, etc. while maintaining a mentality of constant crisis). The USSR was brought down by soft power manipulations, by the machinations of liberals, the Eastern establishment, the Rockefellers, Soros, color revolutions, etc., in sum, the more effective evil. They went over there and compromised a huge section of the Soviet communist party. Then Gorbachev happened. 

An informal chat with Caleb Maupin as guide to the multitude of news, lies, distortions, rumors, idiocies, hypocrisies, and ideologies that shape our world.

Caleb Maupin has worked as a journalist and political analyst for the last five years. He has reported from across the United States, as well as from Iran, the Gulf of Aden and Venezuela. He has been a featured speaker at many Universities, and at international conferences held in Tehran, Quito, and Brasilia. His writings have been translated and published in many languages including Farsi, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, and Portuguese. He is originally from Ohio.


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