Stephen Colbert has become a certifiable anus-licking corporate-imperial whore, and here’s the proof.

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Patrice Greanville

For those who thought we were being unfair to Steven Colbert, here's irrefutable proof of his astonishing degeneracy as a public figure with any integrity. Repugnantly unctuous, literally servile, Colbert, the onetime —for a brief moment—ostensibly fearless comedian is now a corporate slime ball of the most glaring kind, and perhaps just as bad, he's not even funny. The moment he was bought for all those millions of dollars and the coveted chair of a previous comic icon (who kept his franchise until his retirement by simply playing the political eunuch), Colbert quickly became a fierce activist neolib, and a full-time apologist for Democratic Party honchos. Colbert is too smart not to know what he's doing. It does NOT get much more revolting than that. So here's the footage, take it away, and pass it on. There's a lesson here somewhere. Maybe that everybody has a price in this criminal system? If so, they chose a terrific example to drive the point home.

Patrice Greanville is editor in chief of The Greanville Post, with he founded in 2002.

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