Why did the Sino-Soviet split occur? A forthright explanation of a world-changing event.


Caleb Maupin

Dispatch dateline: Jul 3, 2019

An informal chat with Caleb Maupin as your guide to the multitude of news, lies, distortions, rumors, idiocies, hypocrisies, and ideologies that shape our world.

Why did the Sino-Soviet split occur?

PRECIS: Basically, Soviet Premier N. Kruschev, who also betrayed Stalin (“Khrushchev's Secret Speech, 'On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences,' Delivered at the Twentieth Party Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,” February 25, 1956), started this fandango by trying desperately to appease the US bloc via "peaceful coexistence" and the abandonment of support for Third World revolutionaries.  This move had been in turn precipitated by decades long acute hostility toward the Soviet Union by the capitalist world, led by the US. The Soviet posture in time detonated an over-reaction in China, which accused the Soviets of being "social imperialists". Subsequently, Beijing, deepening the split, welcomed Nixon in 1972, marking the start of a sordid period of collaboration with the western imperialists against the SU across the globe, from Chile (where they did not criticize Pinochet), to Afghanistan, where they sided with the US and Pakistan aiding the reactionary mujahedin), to Angola (where they armed and supported vicious CIA puppet Jonas Savimbi, thereby prolonging the agony of that nation). Eventually China came to its senses and rectified its schizoid policies, becoming once again a progressive factor in global affairs. Today, fortunately for humanity, Beijing and Moscow are once again close strategic partners. 

Caleb Maupin has worked as a journalist and political analyst for the last five years. He has reported from across the United States, as well as from Iran, the Gulf of Aden and Venezuela. He has been a featured speaker at many Universities, and at international conferences held in Tehran, Quito, and Brasilia. His writings have been translated and published in many languages including Farsi, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, and Portuguese. He is originally from Ohio. As a reporter with RT.com, Maupin's focus has been the United States. He has had many intense interactions with US State Department spokespeople including John Kirby, Mark Toner, and Heather Nauert confronting them about diverse issues like Syria, Russia, and the existence of Israeli nuclear weapons. Maupin was the primary US correspondent for RT’s international broadcasts during the 2016 Presidential elections. He reported from both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, and also directly from the riots in Oakland, California, during the aftermath of the vote.  


Rev. 11.11.20

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