China Demonisations: The differences between Texas and Taiwan

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Metallic Man

The fundamental fact:
One of the big (intentionally fabricated) misunderstandings within America today is that Taiwan is an “independent” nation. It is not independent. It is a province of China. And has been so for some time, around fifty years.

But the drumbeat for war against China continues, and the idea that it is “independent” is one that must be drilled over and over in the heads of Americans. 

It’s necessary, don’t you see? How else can America justify a war? The argument must be hammered over and over again to make Americans believe that American marines must land on Taiwan to “save it”! Just like American had to invade Kuwait, Panama, Yemen, and Syria.

US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo gave a radio interview to Hugh Hewitt and said, 'Taiwan is not a part of China'." Mike Pompeo's Taiwan remarks

But, we know that this is all just part of the CIA “fire hose of disinformation”. It’s the usual build of of anti-nation propaganda that always proceeds an American invasion force. 

And Taiwan…?

Taiwan is very much like Texas. It is, in that it has subverted its independence to become part of something bigger. Texas, which was once fully independent, became a member state of the United States, and now operates as a semi-autonomous member of the union.

This is exactly the case of Taiwan. And here, we are going to discuss the similarities and the differences between Texas and Taiwan.

This is a just a quick post that I threw together. I tire of trying to explain what the fuck is going on in China to people who have never been there, and just simply regurgitate the "fire hose of disinformation" that Mike Pompeo has established regarding China. Bottom line, American ignorance in matters outside America is astounding. Just friggin' out-of-this-world insane. Thus this post.


It serves the interests of the oligarchy-run American government to keep the American citizenry ill-informed, and ignorant. That is why the government controls 99% of the American media. This means all of the alternative media sources, not just the mainstream media. But also the government controls both the alt-Left and the alt-Right media. In effect, they have created three separate “echo chambers” that they control.

  • Alt-Left echo chamber.
  • Mainsteam “news” echo chamber.
  • Alt-Right echo chamber.

And the Trump / Neocon cabal has been yearning for a hot war with China to [1] “make America great again”, and [2] unify the nation, while at the same time [3] generate the reelection of Trump in 2020 as a “war President”. 

And to this end, they have unleashed a torrent of anti-China propaganda that is astounding in its depth, quantity, persistence, and just sheer mendacity. It’s just (chuckle) fucking amazing.

Because people are a lot more likely to click, read and share information which validates their pre-existing opinions and follow people who do the same, social media is notorious for the way it creates tightly insulated echo chambers which masturbate our confirmation bias and hide any information which might cause us cognitive dissonance by contradicting it. -This Is Your Brain On Echo Chambers: Right Calls Biden A Xi Puppet As He Packs His Cabinet With China Hawks

One of the big lies is that Taiwan is a tiny isolated nation that is under the shadow of nearby China. And that it is too fearful to do anything. It needs American military support to defend it! It needs protection! For liberty TM! And for democracy TM!

It’s all bullshit.

Here we are gonna compare Texas with Taiwan. Hopefully this simple comparison will help the reader understand Taiwan better than any of the voluminous bullshit out [there] planted by  the American media.

Ties to the “parent nation”

Texas stopped being an independent nation (independent Republic of Texas) and became a United States client state on December 29, 1845 by Annexation. It is the 28th State of the United States. 

Taiwan stopped being an independent nation, and became a Chinese client state in 1972 by [1] The Shanghai Communiqué and the 1982 [2] Joint Communiqué and [3] the August 17 Communiqué. It’s the 23rd province of China. 

All of this his was codified and made permanent on October 1971, when the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 2758, which recognized the government of the People’s Republic of China as the only legitimate representative of China at the United Nations and established the One-China Principle.

From the ice-breaking visit to the normalization of relations and to the establishment of diplomatic ties, leaders and statesmen of the elder generation in China and the U.S., Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping on the Chinese side, and Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and Henry Kissinger on the American side, acted in the fundamental interests of the two peoples and made the political decision of historic significance with their exceptional strategic vision and political courage to rise above the differences in ideology and social systems. The Shanghai Communiqué, the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, and the 1982 Joint Communiqué that focused on addressing the question of U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, something left over from history, identified the One China principle and established the principles of mutual respect, equality and seeking common ground while putting aside differences as the guiding principles in conducting China-U.S. relations. -Full text: Yang Jiechi's signed article on China-U.S. relations


The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 was passed in response to the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1668 that required any change in China's representation in the UN be determined by a two-thirds vote referring to Article 18 of the UN Charter. The resolution, passed on 25 October 1971, recognized the People's Republic of China (PRC) as "the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations" and... ...removed the collective representatives of Chiang Kai-shek (Taiwan) from the United Nations. -United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758

Links on Taiwan, China and USA agreements

The USA and the Taiwan issue

But facts don’t matter to the brutish and the idiots that follow them. That is why people die in wars. The UN doesn’t matter to the American Alt-Right political machinery. Nor does any Chinese agreements, or Taiwan agreements. Agreements are meaningless to Trump and his cabal of neocons.

Don’t scream at me. I don’t make the rules. I’m only reporting on it.

The UN and treaties are meaningless unless they benefit America. Other than that, you can ignore them.

Falsehoods, repeatedly and endlessly repeated, create a narrative and a justification for action. And smart people, and sincere people, and real true believers in ideals and truth follow these false narratives…and historically the results are always painful.

Gott mit uns is a phrase commonly used in heraldry in Prussia and later by the German military during the periods spanning the German Empire, the Third Reich, and the early years of West Germany. It was also commonly used by Sweden in most of its wars and especially as a war cry during the Thirty Years‘ War.

So whose side was God on? The Nazi Germans or the Proud Patriotic Americans? When you are led by a madman, or a crazed sociopath, you don’t know what is real or what is a lie. Even though, yourself, you might be pure and innocent of the true state of affairs. 

Speaking recently about the Trump administration’s policy toward China, United States Vice President Mike Pence accused China of pressuring three Latin American nations to sever ties with Taipei and to recognize Beijing. He condemned these alleged actions, which he said “threaten the stability of the Taiwan Strait.” His claim reveals his ignorance of history. Put simply, there is only one China, and Taiwan is an integral part of China’s territory. This has been widely accepted since October 1971, when the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 2758, which recognized the government of the People’s Republic of China as the only legitimate representative of China at the United Nations and established the One-China Principle. El Salvador became the 177th country this year (2020) to adopt Resolution 2758 when President Salvador Sánchez Cerén recognized that the government of the People’s Republic of China is the only legitimate representative of China, and that Taiwan is an integral part of China’s territory. Decades ago, when the United States established formal ties with China, they recognized the One-China Principle. The three joint communiqués that established formal China-U.S. relations, namely the Shanghai Communiqué, the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations and the August 17 Communiqué, all affirmed the One-China Principle. American adherence to the three joint communiqués and the One-China Principle, and its cooperation with China on restraining Taiwan independence forces, are part of the political foundations of healthy China-U.S. relations. From time to time, some voices in the United States call on the government there to abandon the promises it made all those years ago. And some go so far as to call for the government to interfere in China’s domestic affairs in relation to Taiwan. Mike Pence, an avowed Christian, would be well aware of the Bible’s admonishment: Do to others as you would have them do to you. -When it comes to Taiwan, America should reflect on its own history...

With all that being said, let’s compare Texas with Taiwan and see how they “stack up” comparatively.

stack up against, to

To compare the worth or power of something. This term comes from poker and alludes to how one player’s chips, representing money, compare to another’s. The higher the stack in front of a player, the more money he or she has. 


Texas has its own military. It uses United States supplied weapons and training. And the forces are all United States trained. They are under the control of the United States. 

Taiwan has its own military. It uses United States supplied weapons and training. And the forces are all Taiwan trained. They are under the control of the local Taiwan government.


In Texas, the schools teach in English and in the local Spanish.All official government dealings is in English, while on the very local regional level, Spanish is often used. Most residents of Texas can speak English fluently, and most can speak some Spanish.

In Taiwan, the schools teach in Chinese and in the local Taiwan language. All official government dealings are in Chinese, while on the very local regional level, Taiwan language is often used. Most residents of Taiwan can speak Chinese fluently, and most can speak some local Taiwan dialect.

Passports and Travel

In Texas, the people use United States passports to travel internationally. They do not need personal papers to travel in the United States. 

In Taiwan, the people have both Taiwan and Chinese passports. They can use either to travel internationally. Travel to China is simple, all they do is show their Chinese passports.

Culture / Society

The people of Texas celebrate United States holidays. They speak the local language at home. They obey the local religions. They participate in United States (typical) hobbies, watch United States sports, and listen / read United States news. 

The people of Taiwan celebrate Chinese holidays. They speak the local language at home. They obey the local religions. They participate in Chinese (typical) hobbies, watch Chinese sports, and listen / read Chinese news.


Texas trades with the United States. Texans own factories that operate within the United States, and people in Texas buy products that are made in the USA and vice versa. 

Taiwan trades with China. The Taiwanese own factories that operate within China, and people in Taiwan buy products that are made in China and vice versa.


Texans enjoy American food, however personally they also enjoy Mexican food. Thus creating their own style of food known as Tex-Mex

Taiwanese enjoy Chinese food, however personally they also enjoy local food. Thus creating their own style of food known as Taipei Cuisine.

What about International Intervention?

Texas cannot invite the Chinese military without repercussions. In Texas, if the local Texas Congress invited the Chinese military to come in, train, equip and set up a base on Texas soil, the United States Federal government would consider it an invasion and would respond militarily.

Taiwan cannot invite the United States military without repercussions. In Taiwan, if the local Taiwan Congress invited the American military to come in, train, equip and set up a base on Taiwan soil, the Chinese would consider it an invasion and would respond militarily.


There is an American narrative (actually alt-Right) that has really been heavily promoted during the four years of the Donald Trump Presidency, that America must “DO SOMETHING” about Taiwan.

The over all strategy is to establish American military bases and a presence on the island, and then, eventually use it as a staging location for a military confrontation and invasion of mainland China. 

It’s a crazy, no it’s an INSANE, pipe-dream. 

American cities would all be smoldering radioactive ruins were that to be attempted. China does not play. 

Hopefully, this post explains why. 

One last point…

You know, it is in China’s interests for America to supply Taiwan with its latest technology, ships and aircraft. This is because inside Taiwan, there is a small “cottage industry” that gets the parts, reverse engineers them and sends the data to the engineers and designers inside China. It’s a great system. Very mature. Well perfected. 

This is precisely why China’s Navy is peer capable with America’s.

Or, perhaps you think that 60 years of technical innovation just happened in a span of ten years? Of that China was able to match and duplicate American electronics and sensing systems alone without feedback? They are either geniuses, or able to copy extremely well. [Or both, as copying more advanced industrial designs was also done once upon a time by a young USA, Japan, and other nations. Human inventions actually belong to all of humanity, not just one nation.—Ed]

You decide. China is using the American Alt-Right to provide them with the technical expertise and technology it needs to build up its military. Great work Mike Pompeo! Great work Mike Pence! Great work Donald Trump! 

Here is an excerpt from “The Unconquered”…

"Deng opened the doors for the great Land of the Orient to do business with America and the rest of the world. It was however not without risks. The West led by the U.S. wrote the modern rules of the game—rules such as Bretton Woods, Plaza Accord, Washington Consensus, WTO, Petrodollar, World Bank, IMF, the Fed, LIBOR, SWIFT, et cetera, et cetera. These are cold and calculated capitalist rules. As the rule-maker, the West can also change the rules, ignore the rules, or unilaterally abrogate the rules if they so wish. Rules are made for the weak.

The West had all the game pieces while China had none. Those pieces weren’t free. China must pay to play. The West on the other hand could, when necessary, conjure up any number of game pieces out of thin air.  Furthermore, the West has a favorite move known as All Options Are on the Table, which would cause weaker players to concede right away, considering the alternative would be at least a black eye, a bloody nose, and several dislodged teeth accompanied by the loss of face.

For the impertinent and recalcitrant, it could be much worse. It’s a game the West does not play to lose.  Put yourself in Deng’s shoes. What choices did he have? Deng might have been a communist but he was also a realist. China had very little resources except a billion penurious people, most of whom half-literate peasants. In order to survive in the world, China must play the only game in town. As a big country, China could endure the usual insults, even absorb a punch now and then, but it could also learn to play the game, and over time improve the lives of its people. That’s the ultimate goal of the Chinese government—whose motto is “Serve the People”—in fact, of any government that purports to serve its constituents. Who cares what color cats others may think the Chinese are keeping as long as they catch mice? As quantum physicists well know, Schrödinger’s cats are simultaneously black and white, especially when no one is watching." ... “The impossible becomes reality because the Chinese Communist never gives up,” David told Victoria while the two stood among the throng that listened to Chairman Mao’s declaration of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China at Tiananmen Square. “China’s independence and its right of self-determination are not gained by rabid barking nor through a master’s largesse, but by blood and sacrifice, lest anyone forgets.” 


Metallic Man purports to be an American "boomer" living in China: "I am an American. I have been an American expat for some time now. I live in communist China (of all places). I’ve been living here for some time, ever since my retirement from MAJestic." The author does not like John McCain, or warmongers in general (and neither do we):

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