Speaking of stolen elections

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As the Trumpist crowd screams bloody murder over an election supposedly stolen right under their noses by the equally dishonest and treacherous Democrats, opinions continue to run hot, and Trump's impeachment may only add fuel to what soon could become a raging obsession for tens of millions of Americans across the land. In this context, and with the noise machine of both factions of the ruling class turned up to almost deafening levels, we need honest, non-partisan, sensible voices more than ever. In any case, at the end of the day, while ballot "irregularities" are legion in every US election, the whole thing is actually a non-issue, a distraction from the sorry fact that with all presidential candidates thoroughly vetted by the oligarchic establishment, all elections are "fixed", by definition, or, as some fancy talkers might say, "ab initio". America has not had a true democratic election in generations, maybe never. Incidentally, the author of this brief opinion piece, a friend of The Greanville Post, and a person held in high regard by the editor, filed this comment some time ago. We think it deserves a much wider audience, so here it is, as a formal entry in our archives.—PG

We've been told over and over how Trump was a shoo-in because of the great economy up until Covid. Maybe so, but the millions of poorly paid Walmart, Amazon, Uber, etc gig workers barely scraping by, saddled with student debt, the rotten health care system, etc, all of which spawned the Occupy Wall Street, plus mounting rage by Blacks against the System, would they vote for a Trump?  Every election 40% boycott...err abstain from....the whole fraudulent charade.

Greg Palast has shown conclusively that 6.1 million ex-felons who would vote Democratic, and 16.7 million regular voters were deliberately suppressed using a variety of underhanded tactics BY REPUBLICANS, not to mention that the Election Day obstruction of voting in minority areas with broken machines, too few machines, etc.,  reduced the presumed Democratic Party voter base by almost 23 million votes! That doesn't count the Bernie leaning districts that would have voted against the Establishment Democrats. Many refused to vote for Biden. Had the Dems offered a real program of medicare for all, end the wars, cancel student debt, a massive WPA style infrastructure program, they would have won easily. It would have been a clear and undeniable landslide. But being the greedy gangsters they are, they offered the losing [and limp] 'Not Trump'. 

What we have here is massive voter suppression, mainly by Republicans, counter-acted with some voter fraud and machine rigging --possible but not conclusively proven. At the end of the day, the Democrats cheated and won, fair and square. We could call them "Secular disciples of 'we lied, cheated stole' Pompeo."

None of THAT is given the light of day by many of the Trump leaning sites like The Saker and other 'anti establishment' sites. Why? Not even in otherwise excellent reports. Max Parry does a great job, for example, exposing the narrow issue of dead voters and dodgy voting software in a credible way. However, the mere fact of using 911-Accessory-after-the fact-collaborator Rudy Giuliani, an arch crook himself to defend the serial grifter Trump shows what really amounts to the serial nihilism of the whole rotten System.

It's two mafia (maybe more) factions in a war of all against all with us little people serially screwed, sitting on the sidelines, mystified and confused over what the hell is going on. It's democracy for the oligarchs, who get to fight it out with all the dirty tricks at their disposal. The voting machine and dead voters are the strategy of one faction, but that hardly lets Trump and his faction off the hook.

We've got the Christian fascist/Christian Taliban faction, the Jewish Zionist faction, the old money faction of Duponts, Rockefellers, the new money Silicon Valley faction, the Death Star military contractor faction, who probably fight amongst themselves for contracts, and probably more that we don't even know about all vying for power with a lot more money than my $5 bucks a month donation to this and various other worthy outlets, or in rare cases, candidates like Ventura or the coopted Tulsi Gabbard.

It's Game of Thrones USA style, a country born in war and murder, karma finally catching up to it in myriad forms. Just as in China throughout the centuries, dynasties rose and fell as their inherent flaws played themselves out. That's basically what's at play here. Unfortunately, with the largest stash of WMD of various kinds, and a broken health care system, the various nihilist factions could bring the whole planet down. 

Subhuti is the nom de guerre of an American expat currently residing in the Far East.