This is capitalism: The scourge of payday loans (and private finance)

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Editor's Note

Like many liberals, John Oliver is quite eloquent at describing the abuses and preternatural corruption of capitalism, in this case the "payday" loans industry. The problem is that while liberals are good at diagnosing a social cancer when they see it, they are lousy at recommending the proper therapy.  For cancer they recommend some quack remedy. Thus as a full-fledged member of the Democrat courtier media, Oliver is happy to expose and castigate many of the system's blatant crimes, thereby burnishing his liberal creds, but his comfortable allegiance to the Democratic party—a party that exists precisely to block and co-opt true social change by disarming real opponents of the imperial oligarchy— makes him often an accomplice of the same Democrats, rendering his reformist efforts a bit hypocritical and self-defeating. This is a classical contradiction of all liberals. Incidentally, the Democratic party, as a supporter of Wall Street and warmongering imperialism, is NOT a centrist party, but a rightwing party. Let's make that perfectly clear from the start. —PG

Predatory Lending: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Aug 11, 2014
Payday loans put a staggering amount of Americans in debt. They prey on the elderly and military service members. They’re awful, and nearly impossible to regulate. We’ve recruited Sarah Silverman to help spread the word about how to avoid falling into their clutches.

And this excellent bonus—

Nov 7, 2016 

[premium_newsticker id="211406"]

The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post

Guillaume Rochat

To the rest of the world the US is a problem child, unschooled, wayward, and dangerous in its clumsy [way of] oppression. Because oppression it is, by way of baksheesh, economic blackmail, pay-offs for performed duties and simple blindness. Alain Joxe, the eminent French political strategist describes it best in his ‘Empire of disorder’ which makes it clear that the ruling country is an empire of devastated regions, not an owner of territories. The US is not in strictest analysis a traditional empire, but it demands [obedience] and bullies the world into compliance. That this is coming to an end causes the disorder to come home to roost, and no country seems to be in the flux of contradictory streams like the US. The Biden effort to contain this divergence and ‘unite’ the country is from the start already displaced by his condemnation of the other side, the Trumpers, who as [Caleb] Maupin correctly calls it are the victims of Trump’s Maga promises, whereby they were lifted into relevance. Because they are the hoi polloi, severely indoctrinated and used by the ‘system’, these hordes, as Lenin said, unschooled and thus reactionary, asserted their presence by occupying the rare and forbidden territory of their own government. It shows the utter contradictions of American propaganda, that guarantees representation without power, equality without protection, while demanding a total belief in the spurious goodness of the US state. That they were cynically used in the Capitol riot by Trump and by his antagonists, results in that the country is slowly sinking into a full censorship [regime] and in an immediate return to the neo-liberal straitjacket. Exactly because its workers are no longer needed in a US economy that can use cheap labor elsewhere, these hordes as demonstrated in Trump’s rallies, show that he used their legitimate unrest as a cudgel against his bourgeois opponents (much what Mussolini did in Italy in the 1920/30’s). There is nothing [totally] new under the sun, populists are a common trend in the US political scene, and more of that kind will arise. 

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