The Grayzone panel demolishes US imperialist lies on Syria, China, Russia and other targets

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Help us break the corporate media monopoly before it kills us all. The global oligarchy depends on its disinformation machine to maintain its power. Now the malicious fog of Western propaganda has created an ocean of confusion in which even independent minds can drown. Please push back against this colossal apparatus of deception. Consider a donation today!

Max Blumenthal • Ben Norton • Aaron Maté • Ajit Singh

As longstanding supporters of The Grayzone, just about one  of the few consistently reliable antiwar/anti-imperialist outfits in what remains of the Western left, we are delighted to see their work making headway and headlines, especially among our common enemies. Contrary to all the noise, there is absolutely zero reason for the constant hysterical hostility, and even less for the talk of war, against Russia, China, Iran and other nations singled out by the empire for imaginary crimes fully manufactured by the West's engines of disinformation. The world and especially Washington and Britain face no threat whatsoever from the currently designated  "rogue nations", except the threats they themselves create.  Meanwhile, via a transparent regimen of suffocating mendacity, Washington, London and their imperialist accomplices seek to demonise their opponents by any means necessary. This is serious. We all know from painful experience with the Big Hegemon's playbook that character assassination usually precedes actual execution. In this context, the current effort to re-establish full narrative control "under freedom"—a grotesque oxymoron— the kind of thought control the Westerm elites grew accustomed to enjoying but have momentarily lost in the age of the Internet, is nothing if not clumsily obvious but it signals danger. The fly in the ointment for the warmongering oligarchy is that some people—brave, decent and intelligent people—correctly see in the capitalist democracies self-flatering exceptionalist rhetoric an opportunity to actually practice freedom of speech. Such "malcontents" throw all that glorious talk about freedom back to the power elites and tell them to eat it. A response from the precincts of illegitimate power was to be expected and it has come. As the mounting attacks on The Grayzone, Jimmy Dore, Caleb Maupin, Caitlin Johnstone, and this publication among others suggest, the deep state is working hard through its legions of social media bots, trolls and presstitutes to paint all dissidents from the latest manufactured Cold War as "foreign agents", or, as the previous McCarthyite era meme had it, outright "dupes" of some conspiracy bent on world domination. But, folks, as we all know in these pages, the real threat to freedom and democracy is not really emanating from Moscow, Beijing, Havana or Tehran, who want nothing but to be left alone to mind their own business, but sitting right here at home, at the helm of power in Washington, London, Tel Aviv, and other complicit EU capitals. At this point all we can say is that their cynical and massive disinformation campaigns, literally Orwellian in character, will have a hard time neutralising the central truths of our time. —PG
—The Editor
—The Editor

LIVE: US mass murder in Syria; China, Uighurs, and new cold war; Ukraine crisis 

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