COUP D’ETAT: Russia Captures CIA Assassination Team Plotting May 9th Color Revolution

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Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko outside his residence in Minsk carrying assault rifle (above center) on 18 April 2021 after FSB smashes CIA color revolution assassination coup plot against him.

Source –

  • “….The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, together with the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus, as a result of a special operation, suppressed the illegal activities of Yuri Leonidovich Zyankovich, who has dual citizenship of the United States and the Republic of Belarus, and Alexander Iosifovich Feduta, a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, who were planning to carry out a military coup in Belarus according to a worked-out scenario of “color revolutions” with the involvement of local and Ukrainian nationalists, as well as the physical elimination of President A. LukashenkoIt is noteworthy that the oppositionists have chosen the day of the Victory Parade in Minsk on May 9th this year as the date of the military coup

Russia & Belarus Say US-Backed “Assassination” & “Coup” Attempt Against Lukashenko Thwarted

Russian and Belarusian state sources are alleging that a major assassination and “coup” attempt of Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko has been thwarted by security services, which has further been dubbed in state media as an “armed insurrection” attempt which may have had the backing of the United States.

However, details surrounding the alleged ‘plot’ remain murky and it doesn’t appear that anything actually close to an ‘insurrection’ ever got off the ground. Instead, multiple Belarussian officials were reportedly arrested on vague suspicions of treasonous plotting. Russia’s FSB is also widely reported to have detained two conspirators in Moscow for their association with the plot.

“Several people, including two in Russia, have been arrested for allegedly plotting an armed insurrection against the Belarusian president,” RT describes of the Belarusian media reports. “He claims that the US may have sanctioned the assassination attempt.”Via Reuters

It comes after prior months of growing protests against the longtime autocrat, and after pro-democracy opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya from exile urged for more opposition to Lukashenko’s rule in the streets after a security services crackdown of the past months.

Europe’s “last dictator” – as Lukashenko sometimes calls himself, recently claimed victory and was sworn in for a sixth term last September after already being 24 years in power, which set off the widespread protests.

Here’s more of RT’s description of the alleged anti-Lukashenko coup plotting:

The existence of an alleged plot to kill Lukashenko, other top Belarusian officials, and even their family members was revealed on Saturday. In Minsk, the national broadcaster ONT ran a story naming suspected conspirators and exposing their plans. The report offered as evidence several clips of what appears to be Zoom meetings between them.

And some of the details discussed among the officials were said to be captured by a hidden recording

The plan discussed at the meeting, as described by the FSB, involved killing “almost the entire leadership” of Belarus, a military coup, and a power blackout of the entire country. “It was suggested that the active phase would be launched by some armed groups (‘partisans’), who are currently stationed at ‘secret bases’,” the FSB reported. The action was reportedly scheduled for May 9, when Belarus holds a military parade dedicated to the victory over Nazi Germany in 1945.

Hidden camera footage of what appeared to be the meeting in Moscow was aired by the ONT in its expose. In it, Zenkovich and Feduta detailed their suggestions on how to conduct a successful armed coup. They said Lukashenko needs to be “disposed of” and at least 30 in Minsk – presumably top officials – need to be “interned literally within the first hour.”

In a subsequent televised address, the Belarusian leaders explained: “we detained the group [of coup plotters], they showed us how they had planned everything, I remained silent.” He then accused the US of assisting in the plot: “Then we discovered the work of clearly foreign intelligence services, most likely the FBI, the CIA.”

At the height of the contested reelection protests last August, Lukashenko and other top officials said that NATO had built up forces along Belarus’ Western border. He warned at the time that his military would immediately ‘react’ with force to any NATO provocation. 

However, the crisis has since died down after a severe crackdown by police and security services, which involved stationing armed vehicles and tanks surrounding the presidential palace complex in Minsk.


Russia Captures CIA Assassination Team Plotting May 9th Color Revolution

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting that Ukraine’s Charge D’Affaires Ad Interim Vasily Pokotilo has been informed about the decision to expel Ukrainian Consul in St. Petersburg Alexander Sosonyuk from the Russian Federation after the Federal Security Service (FSBcaught him red-handed attempting to buy from an undercover FSB female counterintelligence officer an archived KGB video recording showing a drunken US Senator Joe Biden urinating on a prostitute at a Moscow hotel when he visited the Soviet Union 1979, says following this expulsion notification the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry issued a notice stating: “A senior diplomat of the Russian Embassy in Kiev must leave Ukraine within 72 hours, starting 19 April…We strongly protest against the unlawful detention of an employee of Ukraine’s Consulate General in St. Petersburg on 16 April and against ordering him to leave Russia…We totally exclude the charges pressed against the consular officer…Those actions of the Russian authorities grossly violate the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963 and again prove the policy of further aggravation with Ukraine chosen by Russia”.

A defiant Ukrainian reaction coming 48-hours after Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden abruptly ordered US Navy warships not to enter the Black Sea and threaten Russia—an abrupt turnabout preceded by President Putin accepting an unscheduled phone call from Biden—during this call saw President Putin not only warning Biden that any US warships entering the Black Sea would be in grave danger of being destroyed by Russian naval forces and should “stay away for their own good”—then saw President Putin further warning Biden to “tread carefully” as the FSB knew exactly what the CIA was plotting.

A warning not heeded by socialist leader Biden, as evidenced by him persuading his British ally to announce that warships from the UK Royal Navy will sail for the Black Sea in May in solidarity with Ukraine—that caused President Putin to retaliate by authorizing the FSB to begin the immediate arrest of known CIA operatives and release the restricted press announcement “THE FSB OF RUSSIA TOGETHER WITH THE KGB OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS SUPPRESSED THE ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES OF CITIZENS OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS ZYANKOVICH YURI LEONIDOVICH AND FEDUTA ALEXANDER IOSIFOVICH, WHO WERE PLANNING A MILITARY COUP IN BELARUS” [English]—wherein it beyond shockingly reveals: 

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, together with the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus, as a result of a special operation, suppressed the illegal activities of Yuri Leonidovich Zyankovich, who has dual citizenship of the United States and the Republic of Belarus, and Alexander Iosifovich Feduta, a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, who were planning to carry out a military coup in Belarus according to a worked-out scenario of “color revolutions” with the involvement of local and Ukrainian nationalists, as well as the physical elimination of President A. Lukashenko.

According to the preemptive information received from the Belarusian partners, in the private chats of one of the Internet messengers, the ideologues of the Belarusian radical opposition Zyankovich Y. and Feduta A. organized a discussion of the plan for an armed insurrection in Belarus and decided to hold a personal meeting in Moscow using the measures of secrecy available to them with opposition-minded generals of the Armed Forces of the Republic.

Upon Ziankovich’s arrival in Moscow, after consultations in the United States and Poland, the scheduled meeting took place in a separate office of one of the capital’s restaurants. 

During the meeting, the conspirators told the “Belarusian generals” that for the successful implementation of their plan, it was necessary to physically eliminate practically the entire top leadership of the republic.

They detailed the plan for a military coup, in particular, including the seizure of radio and television centers to broadcast their appeal to the people, blocking the internal troops and riot police units loyal to the current government in the capital of the republic.  A complete shutdown of the power system of Belarus was being prepared to hinder the actions of power and law enforcement agencies.  It was assumed that some armed formations (“partisans”) located on the so-called “Hidden bases”.

The ultimate goal was to change the constitutional order with the abolition of the presidency and the imposition of the country’s leadership on the “Committee of National Reconciliation”.  At the same time, Zyankovich planned to become the “curator” of the country’s parliament and the legal system, while Feduta wanted to engage in political reform and ideological work.

It is noteworthy that the oppositionists have chosen the day of the Victory Parade in Minsk on May 9th this year as the date of the military coup.

After documenting the meeting, the conspirators were detained by the Russian security forces and handed over to their Belarusian partners.

In relation to Zyankovich and Feduta, the investigative bodies of Belarus are investigating a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Article 357 (conspiracy or other actions committed with the aim of seizing state power) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

With shocking articles like “US-Backed Coup Plot Involving Assassination Of Belarusian President, Other Officials Foiled By Minsk & Moscow” flooding the world at this hour, not being under the constraints imposed on Security Council Members by strict Russian secrecy laws involving highly-classified operations such as this, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko was able to inform his nation’s citizens that this demonic colour revolution assassination plot to murder top officials and all of their family members was “definitely the work of foreign intelligence…most likely the CIA or the FBI”—then saw him further stating

Agents flew from the United States, operative Zenkovich.

We were trailing and watching them.

They were scared to come here after we detained several groups that had brought arms here and hidden them in caches.

They left for Moscow.  And who else?  It was ours, Feduta.

Then we started to look around, Kostusev appeared there but to a less extent.  He was not in Moscow, we found him here along with others.

Another thing that surprises me is why Americans behave like this.  Remember that no one except the top political leadership can set the task of getting rid of a president. Only them, not the special services.

I’ll tell you more. I am grateful to Putin.

When he was talking with Biden, he asked him this question.  Biden just gurgled and gave no answer.

Putin called me and told me about this when I arrived from Azerbaijan.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

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Our main image motif: Painted by famed Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, Glorious Victory is a critical and condemnatory view of the 1954 CIA coup of Guatemala’s democratically elected president Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán. The United States removed Árbenz from power and replaced him with a dictatorial military commander because Árbenz threatened the landholdings of the United Fruit Company with his agrarian reform laws.

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