The Military Revolt Against Joe Biden: Is Foreign Policy Mag Sounding the Alarm Where There is No Fire?


The material below is an excerpt from a rather overwrought article in the Democrat/Deep State-controlled publication Foreign Policy (FP), which sees the world pretty much like the rest of the bipartisan "national security" mob, that is, through Neocon lens, albeit from a schizoid perch we could call liberal-fascist. In case you care, FP is an offshoot of the Washington Post's Graham dynasty. The folks who owned the WaPo for generations before Bezos. That is, Eastern Establishment bluebloods. Because of that, as you read, you will encounter the usual Orwellian, self-serving, standard US hegemonist view of reality upheld by those who support and apologise for the global imperialist project. From the first lines, calling the US matter-of-factly a "democracy", for example, we know we are in delusional territory. The picture is way out of focus. This explains why the author is not so much offended by the lunatic notion that Joe Biden of all people could be called a Marxist by a bunch of supposedly sober-minded members of the military caste of the United States (we know their minds have long been infected with rabid anticommunism and American exceptionalism, something that Trump aggravated by constant pandering), but by what the author perceives as an embryonic pronunciamiento by our senior uniformed chiefs. In fact calling Biden a Marxist is no less idiotic than when the Birchers and similarly paranoid forces of the right used to denounce the Rockefellers as communists, bent on some unspeakable form of treason to "the American Way of Life", and the sacred libertarian capitalism that serenely underwrites it. Odd indeed. What are we to make of this article, then? Was it set up to spark some sort of pre-emptive debate, even a Congressional investigation, on any crazy move by the US military, many of whom, of course, are probably disgusted with the "woke" imperialist / ultra-liberal identitarian farandula being rolled out by Biden & Co to snuff out the flames of social unrest before they acquire genuine conflagration levels? Or maybe the concern lies elsewhere. The letter raises, says Feaver, one of the by now untouchable issues to the forefront, the charge that the Dems stole the election. If authentic, this letter is therefore probably a continuation of the by now 4-year-old kerfuffle between two wings of the US ruling class over how to tackle the challenges menacing the survival of the hegemonist global oligarchy headquartered in Washington and London. This battle of course, compounded by the rise of Russia and China as credible competitors, has discombobulated the bureaucracies most intimately connected with the maintenance of the empire, i.e., the Pentagon and the CIA. That much is logical. And older, conservative guys are certainly not amused by the inroads made by the LGBTQ and multiculturalism crowd, and quite likely feeling betrayed that the White House itself should be propounding such notions. That the Democrats' "progressive" posture is a lie, a convenient cover for business as usual, or worse, does not seem to impress the admirals and generals who signed this missive. At the end of the day, however, both sides are fighting over how to best keep a colossal malignancy alive, and the proof of that is that they stubbornly insist on seeing the world upside down, the only way they can look in the mirror without retching. So get ready for some really weird reasoning.  
—The Editor, The Greanville Post
—The Editor, The Greanville Post

The Military Revolt Against Joe Biden

An open letter by former officers calling the president a “Marxist” dictator is a greater threat to U.S. democracy than the ouster of Liz Cheney.

U.S. President Joe Biden walks through Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, to honor fallen veterans of the Afghan conflict on April 14. BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES


The ouster of U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney from the Republican leadership on Wednesday for the sin of telling the truth about former President Donald Trump may not be the most depressing example of partisan folly this week. No less sad, in my view, was an open letter signed by more than 100 retired U.S. general and flag officers that accused President Joe Biden of installing “a Marxist form of tyrannical government.”

This piece of appalling partisan invective was newsworthy mainly because it was signed by retired military officers who, in so doing, violated the norms of their profession and contributed to the erosion of healthy civil-military relations in the United States.

Perhaps we should not be shocked to discover that, at a time when American society is reeling from extreme partisan polarization—when significant numbers of prominent politicians are openly promoting falsehoods such as the bogus claim that Trump’s resounding defeat at the ballot box was due to electoral fraud—some fraction of the retired military community has fallen prey to the same myths. If a problem exists in civilian society, one can expect to see it in the military assigned to protect that society as well. 

The letter’s content is not necessarily the issue. It is a dog’s breakfast of partisan hyperbole and misleading innuendo about the 2020 election of the kind that is ubiquitous in the darker corners of the internet and the worst fringes of the Republican Party.

What makes the letter so disturbing is that the 124 signatories are all retired members of a profession whose treasured principles demand that it be subject to civilian command and should remain separate from parochial partisan politics. This is a group of men—and it appears they are all men—who repeatedly pledged an oath of allegiance to the U.S. Constitution and are now doing their level best to undermine it and, in particular, the crucial principle of civilian control. 

In the letter, the group calling itself “Flag Officers 4 America” writes: “We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty.”

Though they do not clearly say they believe the 2020 election was illegitimate—as a majority of Republicans appear to believe—the signatories come close, and they question Biden’s “mental and physical condition.” They add: “Aside from the election, the Current Administration has launched a full-blown assault on our Constitutional rights in a dictatorial manner, bypassing the Congress, with more than 50 Executive Orders quickly signed, many reversing the previous Administration’s effective policies and regulations.”

This is the same group of retired officers who during the 2020 election declared that if Trump were defeated by Biden, “our historic way of life is at stake.”

One can find ample precedents for this sort of partisan behavior, especially by superannuated military retirees, throughout the years. Yet this instance is troubling because it comes at such a parlous time in American political history. With the embers of the Jan. 6 attempt to block the peaceful presidential transition still smoldering, this letter pours gasoline on the fire in a brazen attempt to ignite more unconstitutional challenges to the elected government.

Let’s be clear: The letter raises in passing some legitimate areas of policy debate, including ones on which senior military leaders, active and even retired, might offer some useful perspective. What risks should the United States undertake to manage Iran’s nuclear ambitions—are the risks entailed with reviving a too-weak 2015 nuclear deal worse than the risks of pursuing maximum sanctions that Iran will defy? Are there ways to provide security against another attack on the U.S. Capitol that impose less of a readiness burden on the military? 

These are all topics I and countless other national security specialists have debated and are on the table today. Many senior military officers—though few who signed this letter—have relevant experience that renders their opinions especially worthy.


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Since the overpaid corporate media whores will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality. After systematically corrupting the entire media, thereby hijacking the mainstream narrative, corporate power, led by the US, has practically killed democracy wherever it managed to survive, including in the US itself, easily one of the most heavily propagandised nations in history. The consequences of this disgraceful situation can be seen everywhere, and that's why the fight for the truth has never been so vital. We stand on the edge of an ecological abyss precipitated by a cancerous industrial system devoid of any moral restraints. Furthermore, dripping hypocrisy, the West has unilaterally declared war on China, Russia and Iran, which threatens a nuclear confrontation, plus other nations like Venezuela or Cuba that also dare to resist the tyrannical diktats emanating from Washington. It's clear that war, ceaseless propaganda, and the immiseration of labor is the chosen solution of the empire managers to the capitalist system's incurable crisis, a crisis rendered all the more intractable by the computer revolution which has only deepened capital's legendary "overproduction" contradiction. 

In this ridiculously uneven struggle between people's voices like Caitlin Johnstone, Jonathan Cook, Jimmy Dore, Lee Camp, Glenn Greenwald, Abby Martin, Jeff Brown, Godfree Roberts, the Grayzone team, the folks at Consortium News, and others of equally impressive merit, and the capitalist system's Orwellian media machine, our role must always be to help distribute far and wide what these journalists produce—to act as "influence multipliers". There's power in numbers, power that the enemy cannot hope to match. This is the primal power that the masses possess and which the oligarchs fear. Put it to use by becoming an influence multiplier. Repost this material anywhere you can. Send it to your friends and kin. Discuss it with your workmates. Liberation from this infernal and mendacious system is in your hands.

—The Editor, The Greanville Post
—The Editor, The Greanville Post

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