Unmasked Elites Served By Masked Servant Class w/Glenn Greenwald

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Unmasked Elites Served By Masked Servant Class w/Glenn Greenwald

Not so accidentally, the decadent "events" attended by the new aristocracy are resembling more and more the repugnant excesses of the French nobility, prior to its momentary downfall. 


Sept 18, 2021
Jimmy and Glenn Greenwald furnish the right spin on this latest "performance" by AOC and her coterie of faux leftists. Puke if you must, it's not only allowed, it's recommended. 

Few things are more painful than personal disappointments. For the record, I feel toward Chelsea as Jimmy and Glenn do; nothing she is doing can negate her heroic contributions to authentic democracy and justice in te broader anti-imperialist struggle. What has come over her to do what she is doing? We can't tell, but, if she's not silently caving into Deep State threats, which is perfectly understandable given what she's been through...then she may have become yet another victim of the (still seemingly incurable) Trump Derangement Syndrome. Or, perhaps, simply a victim of a common, often disabling ailment in the United States, fractured and inadequate knowledge about reality, a form of Grand Confusion. —PG

Chelsea Manning Attacks Her Most Staunch Defenders w/Glenn Greenwald

The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of  The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience. 

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The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post